Drug Test, Need help, anyone use synthetic urine?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
alright some of you know me around here, I need to be ready for a random drug test, has anyone used any of the synthetic urine products, would be great to hear from long timers here, and not newbies, so i know nobody is trying to advertise
I have a couple of brands I am interested in, we can post web links also
any help and advice, those cleanse things wont work for me, I am a big man and smoke everyday
I have a few vials of synthetic urine that worked for me in the past. Not sure where I got it from, but it was in 2007. Worked no problem when I had to use it then. I think they test for urea, creatinine, salinity, and some other stuff to see if it's "real".

I can tell you that synthetic urine is definitely the way to go over those tonics that say they clear out your system.
I'd also like to point out that a lot of people claim that they can check levels of testosterone and will compare it to your gender, age, etc... but this practice is illegal in a pre-employment screening (and basically all voluntary screenings) . If they're caught testing you for anything other than what you consented for (like if they also check to see if you're pregnant), they can get in serious serious trouble.
Don't have anyone that you know is clean? Even has station ones will work, the only difficult prt about this whole ging is if they are government and watch you pee
Yea i can clean myself in 48 hrs. But people get upset when i say that..i get drug tested all the time, last month i passed in ~48 the month before i did in ~40hrs after. smoke half a gram a few times a day lately, not too heavy of a smoker at all anymore
synthetic urine IE "qwik fix" only works for a panel test, not a gas analyst test. depends on the service they use

any company that sends the piss off to a lab will probably gas test it and it will come back "inconclusive"

I dont have much choice in the matter, synthetic urine, or I give my 2 week notice i guess? , Ill be damed if I am going to not smoke just to keep this low paying job, but I hate job hunting, and the job I have it is pretty darn easy, so there is that part,, lol
It doesnt take anywhere near 2 weeks. I get tested monthly so i do have lots of experience here.

Just get synthetic piss. Its easy and guaranteed to work. Just make sure its about 100° when you go to take it, it needs to be atleast 95 when you pour it in the cup.. too warm, pour from higjer distance, blow, wait, the cup will tell you if its good..
It doesnt take anywhere near 2 weeks. I get tested monthly so i do have lots of experience here.

Just get synthetic piss. Its easy and guaranteed to work. Just make sure its about 100° when you go to take it, it needs to be atleast 95 when you pour it in the cup.. too warm, pour from higjer distance, blow, wait, the cup will tell you if its good..
lol, what I meant by 2 weeks was to just quit the job knowing I would flunk the urine test,, lol,, ya man, I ordered some synthetic piss earlier today and a belt that velcors around my upper thigh with a pocket in it, I plan on testing with the heat and wearing it, and practice in the bathroom at home, and make sure I am as smooth as I can be, and just like you said, practice on keeping the temp in range right up to putting it in the cup, I think the practice and having the plan will cause me to relax somewhat, I am still curious about how to use human urine, and can I store it, and if so how long and just exactly how to store it, stuff like that also, then I have 2 choices and 2 paths to go down
Ive never personally used human urine but my girl has.
You can microwave it. You can freeze for long periods, fridge for a few days. The only difference is its hard to know how warm it is. Synthetic urine is just that. Its identical in every way and often used for scientific purposes. No need to be weary

Personally i shove it in my underwear or tall socks..if you happen to have a vagina, that works too.

They will often ask you to empty your pockets. Some will have you take off your shoes.. ive never had a pat down
Synthetic or real urine, either way. I always use real urine. Put it in a small bottle. I tuck it in my armpit. With practice you can use the arm. Just put it opposite of the arm you write with. Perfect temp every time.

I drop the bottle from armpit, pour urine in cup, pea in the toilet, throw bottle away wrapped in toilet paper.
Ive never personally used human urine but my girl has.
You can microwave it. You can freeze for long periods, fridge for a few days. The only difference is its hard to know how warm it is. Synthetic urine is just that. Its identical in every way and often used for scientific purposes. No need to be weary

Personally i shove it in my underwear or tall socks..if you happen to have a vagina, that works too.

They will often ask you to empty your pockets. Some will have you take off your shoes.. ive never had a pat down
thanks so much for your experience and insight, its a big help
I live in Oregon, we go LEGAL in 7 more days, but employers are not going along with the new freedom and making thier own rules, I guess until feds say its legal also?,, who knows, but I have been tested by this company before when I got the job, so i know they dont watch me, but they make me empty my pockets and they stand outside the door, and they wont let me flush the toilet,, I cant remember if they made me raise my arms at all,, I dont think they did, but I have the upper thigh strap coming with the pocket, now I have a couple of options,
Yea i can clean myself in 48 hrs. But people get upset when i say that..i get drug tested all the time, last month i passed in ~48 the month before i did in ~40hrs after. smoke half a gram a few times a day lately, not too heavy of a smoker at all anymore
Getting upset and just thinking it is BS are not the same thing. Ok, ok maybe if they send it down to "Freddie,s Labs R Us" but I personally would not be suggesting it here where the livelihoods of others are at stake. I will attempt to come up with the list, but the big labs test for a bunch of cheats and inconclusive means a retest. Bottom line is if you think you have actually detoxified in 48 hours having smoked daily, regardless of the daily amount, the "lab" is not the only one being fooled.
All you have to do is get below the limit..no cheats no inconclusive

I get tested mothly for my livelihood as well.. and not just usual tests, they test for everything as im around atypical prescription drugs.

Thc has a short half life, ive passed blood tests in less than 12hrs. All you have to do is slow metabolism the day of the test and speed clearance before that. Then dilute with water..
All you have to do is get below the limit..no cheats no inconclusive

I get tested mothly for my livelihood as well.. and not just usual tests, they test for everything as im around atypical prescription drugs.

Thc has a short half life, ive passed blood tests in less than 12hrs. All you have to do is slow metabolism the day of the test and speed clearance before that. Then dilute with water..
Of course, they are not testing for THC so its half-life is irrelevant.