Well-Known Member
Neither do you. That's painfully obvious.
Actually I do, I live it every day.

Neither do you. That's painfully obvious.
Yeah, people love working at McDonald's. They don't apply because they're broke .They take fucking pride in that shit. Kids dream of growing up one day to work there. It's completely voluntary, not at all because they're broke.How?
People volunteer to work there.
People pay to eat there.
Where is the hurt?
Because you don't know what aggregate demand is.Not sure how, but if that's true then sweet.
They don't. They lead to massive increases in employment. This is because, as you are aware but our mouthbreathing friends failed to learn in their business classes in college, aggregate demand is the primary market force fueling growth. As working class people have more money to spend, they spend it, this means merchants sell far more goods and services. As they sell more, suppliers rush to resupply them, leading to employment growth in every sector.
fucking hilarious that you think some dude at mcd's is worth that much money
Why put price tags on people?
Oh it's easy then, we're all set! What was I worrying about then? I guess it work as well as the stimulus plan Obama had then. When we all got cash it fixed everything immediately.
I agree, that's exactly what capitalism does.It's called capitalism, comrade
Really? Why not? McDonald's expects their workers to basically run their life around being an employee, I definitely think McDonald's can damn well pay a fair and living wage.
Again: WHY NOT? Do these people deserve less? Are they by definition stupid, and thus not worthy of getting a fair return on their investment of time? Where does it end?
Yeah, people love working at McDonald's. They don't apply because they're broke .They take fucking pride in that shit. Kids dream of growing up one day to work there. It's completely voluntary, not at all because they're broke.
Yeah, but that's not McDonald's job. They're not the employees mom. They exist to make fucking burgers, not to put a roof over little Jane's head, right? Why do people assume that it's the job of the employer to make a good life for the employee? That's silly. It's the job of the individual to live within their means and to do whatever they need to do to live the way they want to live, right?
So you would rather pay for foodstamps than for full time workers to have a living wage which would be amazing for the economy...No, they don't, they expect them to act like an employee WHILE THEY'RE ON THE CLOCK. No more, no less.
To the rest, in order.
Common sense. Yes. Yes. It's already MORE than fair. It ends in our wallets, where ALL Progressive lunacy ends.
Texas is doing well because the friendly cheap bizzness atmosphere.. also lots of people moving to Texas which creates new tax revenue.. also there is a pool of young educated workforce probably not were Ur from but more so in Austin Dallas and Houston. But understand this. In Texas especially small town outside big cities u can live on 13/15 an hour. But in most of America u can't..Total bullshit, there are more jobs than people willing or able to work, at least here in Texas. Where I live we have a labor shortage, no real unemployment.
During Obama's reign as King the job market has gone to hell compared to the Clinton and Bush years. Folks have given up looking for work, and why not? The incentive to work and better yourself must come from within and is usually a result of good parenting at home. That incentive to work has been eliminated by the socialist government. Same with savings.
Most can not pass a drug test and if they can, have no work ethic. They want a job, but don't want to work.
So you would rather pay for foodstamps than for full time workers to have a living wage which would be amazing for the economy...
You seem to have delusions of adequacy.
McDonald’s Denmark sees rise in profits
9:49 am June 7, 2014
McDonald’s Denmark has revealed that profits in the Scandinavian country have risen, and that the group is now considering opening new outlets in a number of different locations.
The chain witnessed revenue rise by 10 per cent in 2013, from 465m kroner in 2012 to 511m kroner. Meanwhile profits increased by 5.1 per cent to 85.4m kroner, having been at 81.2m kroner the previous year.
McDonald’s Denmark’s own restaurants generated 341m kroner and its franchises brought in a further 170m kroner in rental fees. McDonald’s Denmark owns 18 of the 88 outlets in the Scandinavian country. Combined, the 88 restaurants recorded sales of a little over 1.9bn kroner – a 10 per cent rise on 2012. Profits were up by five per cent.
So you would rather pay for foodstamps than for full time workers to have a living wage which would be amazing for the economy...
You seem to have delusions of adequacy.
Swell argument. You have thoroughly convinced the internet that aggregate demand doesn't exist.First off, I reject your entire premise.
Would you try to sell a product geared toward working class consumers in a region where working class people had no money to spare?
So as has been pointed out earlier in the thread, there is no need for hypothetical bullshit and speculation. Denmark has a minimum wage that is almost triple that of the US. Yet the products offered by mcd's in Denmark are only slightly more expensive.
What hasn't been pointed out is that McDonald's Denmark has seen a rise in profits.
It's only evidence though, keep spamming hypothetical bullshit and speculation with all that hyperbole and "yeah but you never owned a business". Don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
Swell argument. You have thoroughly convinced the internet that aggregate demand doesn't exist.