So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

If Johnny Burgerflipper wants a better paying jab, he should learn something that takes more skill that putting a burger on a bun. Back when I used to eat there, my order was wrong over half of the time. I think they should get paid less. But what the fuck do I care, I don't work there or eat there.

Viva, la Big Mac!
if that's what it takes for a full time worker to get by without using the social safety net, then yes.

works for other countries just fine.

Lol, ok. Fair enough. The brand new dude there now gets $15/hr. That's super fucked up then, because all the people who are already at that pay level lose complete sense of worth, right? What happens to them? Admins? Security guards? Secretaries? I don't know there's some good jobs that get that pay around here!! That's good. Eliminate schools too because people would have no reason to attain anything higher, they'd just lemming their way into a livable job. They'd be able to live perfectly because the job would pay them enough. No need to worry about anything at all. It's fucking whacky as hell to me.
1. Why? Since when do we 'have to' do it? Have you looked down that rabbit hole, brother? Please do... and beware, it's nasty.

2. Maybe this is because they make a business model out of hurting people?

People volunteer to work there.

People pay to eat there.

Where is the hurt?
That's super fucked up then, because all the people who are already at that pay level lose complete sense of worth, right? What happens to them?

ok, so we're moving on to this right wing talking point now? i guess that's what righties do, just spew one shitty talking point until it dies its certain death, and move on to the next one, repeat.

increasing the min wage puts upward pressure on other wages.

so what's the next talking point?
Safety and opinions come from two different natures BUT OK.

You guys ever see the movie Tomorrowland? In the movie, one of the actresses is in class and all of her teachers are preaching how the world is collapsing and it's so awful. She eagerly raises her hand multiple times, only to be vocally shunned or ignored. Eventually she gets the opportunity to ask a professor about what their solution was; he had no answer.

What's your solutions to getting us the ideal world, fellas?

Excellent question.

if that's what it takes for a full time worker to get by without using the social safety net, then yes.

works for other countries just fine.

Do you think there should be a maximum wage or amount a person can earn?
ok, so we're moving on to this right wing talking point now? i guess that's what righties do, just spew one shitty talking point until it dies its certain death, and move on to the next one, repeat.

increasing the min wage puts upward pressure on other wages.

so what's the next talking point?

Nah, I'm all done. It's relax and get out of the politics section for a while time. I don't agree and I think it's fucking hilarious that you think some dude at mcd's is worth that much money but hey, that's how it goes.
Nah, I'm all done. It's relax and get out of the politics section for a while time. I don't agree and I think it's fucking hilarious that you think some dude at mcd's is worth that much money but hey, that's how it goes.

that's OK, you don't have to agree, it's a fact that min wage increases put upward pressure on wages whether you believe it or not.
IMO, you shouldn't expect someone you pay less than a liveable wage to do any more than a shit job at working for you. People are productive when they are content, and constantly stressing about whether you can afford to live and eat isn't a happy place. I'm not saying the shitty workers at mcdonalds deserve 15 an hour, but I also expect at least half of my orders to be fucked up because I know that their work environment is setup to be a bunch of people that hate their jobs. I mean, flipping burgers at bk or McDs is the coin shittiest job anyone can think of.
I think if the wages go up to 15 for these employees, I expect to have awesome service, a correct order every time. And if they don't live up to that, I expect them to be fired on the spot. Which puts unemployment in a funny place for mcdonalds because, yeah you get a live able wage for working at mcdonalds, but job security would be hilariously terrible.

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I think if the wages go up to 15 for these employees, I expect to have awesome service, a correct order every time. And if they don't live up to that, I expect them to be fired on the spot. Which puts unemployment in a funny place for mcdonalds because, yeah you get a live able wage for working at mcdonalds, but job security would be hilariously terrible.

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Well as much as I don't like it I have to think that at some point those lousy fucks will be getting this $15 an hour. I wont hold my breath to see these retarded achievers get fired on the spot because they don't live up to mcdonalds lofty standards though. Instead I'll expect that the service will still be shitty as fuck and the food will suck just as much hairy cock as it does now.
I took a few business courses in college. Ideally everyone would have a job and be able to live the life they wanted to live, regardless of their cost of living. In reality, that's never taken place in our history.

The problem with raising minimum wage, to say $20 per hour, is that some businesses, mostly small, won't be able to hire as many employees as they could if the minimum wage were instead $10 per hour, due to financial constraints and limitations. This result is higher levels of unemployment IF all businesses, small and large, bear this financial crutch but not all of them do; McDonalds and Walmart bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars of profit every year and yet do hardly anything for those employees they hire.

Add in the fact that technology is replacing many old-school jobs (cashiering, bagging, security for examples) and you see why businesses are looking to cut back on the roster list.

I find it all very interesting nevertheless.
You're not taking into account the massive increase in aggregate demand in the economy that will be the result of the working class people having money to spend.
Ok, Buck, I'll hold your hand on this one and try to give you more than popular theories.
The cost of living in countries varies. States&country2=Denmark

After that, you need to read about the Law of Demand and Supply. You may get tripped up with this but I'll set ya straight.

Working class people having money is the number one factor in aggregate demand.
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good thing groceries are 10% cheaper then.

still haven't seen anything from you to support your notion that higher min wages lead to massive unemployment.
They don't. They lead to massive increases in employment. This is because, as you are aware but our mouthbreathing friends failed to learn in their business classes in college, aggregate demand is the primary market force fueling growth. As working class people have more money to spend, they spend it, this means merchants sell far more goods and services. As they sell more, suppliers rush to resupply them, leading to employment growth in every sector.
I haven't a clue. The point is you can't just make the little guy pay for the problems that the big guy has created. You need reform at the top, not at the little guys shop.

How many employees do you have Buck?
The small business owners stand to gain the most from increases in aggregate demand.

Would you try to sell a product geared toward working class consumers in a region where working class people had no money to spare?