How much are you worth per hour?

$60-$100 per hour.self employed flooring installer.decent money but I work for it and feel it!!
Seems one has to work hard for a living or spend absurd amounts of money on college?
My college was free..same with my ex wife (we went together) and many of my friends.
Put in the work while young and dont put in any work while older
Well that guy came in and really didn't bitch. I did only charge him $120 when I should've gotten $150. I feel like a cheap whore now. But atleast avoided a likely confrontation. Then went in the field and did an emergency pump replacement which more than likely will end up being charity work for a woman dying of Pancreatic Cancer. That felt good though.
After being a huge pain in my ass and making numerous design changes this lady had the nerve to bitch about the bill. Million dollar house with a million dollars worth of cars out front and you bitch about $16,000? People amaze me.View attachment 3443979
I don't believe you! I'll tell you why, that pic is from the future! It's dated December 15 2108
Very interesting thread Neo. I'm kind of in the opposite situation in a way. My white collar friends (who earn less than me) think that I hardly work. Harvests take hours to cut and I need to take time out to deal with it afterwards. My job is 'blue collar' as it were, although of course it's a skilled job that takes experience.

They don't think I should earn the amount I do in relation to the hours I put in. However this efficiency is put down to years of experience and practice.

I don't know what I earn per hour but I've had a harvest nearly every week until the recent summer heatwave. I don't really care what I earn either, as long as I can plan and foresee money I'm happy with my security.

What annoys me recently is how people who can't even grow, show up here and try to buy growers into projects. Their 'white collar' middle management mentality is taken over by greed and an opportunity to get into the industry. They think people are stupid and will accept an investment for a 50% share.
I grow weed for the vast majority of my income, so that comes out to about $150 per hour. That's only thanks to prohibition, so I guess I'm black collar. My music career pays about $100 per hour, which is really bullshit. Here's why: because we play classical music, people are willing to pay top dollar because of the prestige factor. When the jazz guys come in after us at weddings or corporate dinner parties, they make FAR less money. These guys are usually MUCH better musicians than we are (some are geniuses), but because it's jazz it doesn't have that bullshit prestige, so they make about a fifth of our money. I know that I'm lucky and I'm grateful, but that's just fucked up...
you just count pills and take an hour to do so and gimme a refil.
There really needs to be a different name for someone who went to college to count pills in a store for prescriptions and someone who understands the biology and chemistry involved in medicines, they're a little different.

After being a huge pain in my ass and making numerous design changes this lady had the nerve to bitch about the bill. Million dollar house with a million dollars worth of cars out front and you bitch about $16,000? People amaze me.View attachment 3443979
How do you think she got to have $2 million to spend on a house and cars ;P
depends on the work u hire me for

set up a computer network ....50 bucks a hour

build run and teach u moonshine .......100 bucks flat we are technically breaking federal laws along with state (anything bigger then a 50 gallon pot is extra 250 a hour) mass production look life if they mess up

grow a room..teach state 75 a hour illegal 100 a hour

programs movies and anything u could possible want from the internet and darknet .........depends on the time it takes me most of it just 6 pack of beer (tough ones takes 3 days 50 bucks) longest was a 129 days a movie from the 1965 guy in south america had a copy ( that got me a happy cry and sex so worth it)

get rid of a body ....easier then u think .....2 grand

help plan a crime .....5% of the take 10% if i need to build anything that is involved

my rate is variable on the job length and your over all requirements for the project
What instrument do you play @tyler.durden? Do you think tuba players make less than piano players? Is there an instrument that pays the most?

As a freelance art director I made about $20 per. That was back in the early 80s so I'd have to adjust for inflation. It was blood money.
Landscaping paid me about 40 for labor and 60 for design. It was my own biz so I made more than if it wasnt. Adjusted for inflation I probably made more as an AD. But bc I always did what I loved I never cared about that.
Growing buds paid well. Never sat down and calculated a per hour rate but the point I want to make is I'd rather make less doing something I love than more at something I hate.
I'd rather make 8 bucks flipping burgers and having fun than selling jaguars to ass holes and making 100x that.
depends on the work u hire me for

set up a computer network ....50 bucks a hour

build run and teach u moonshine .......100 bucks flat we are technically breaking federal laws along with state (anything bigger then a 50 gallon pot is extra 250 a hour) mass production look life if they mess up

grow a room..teach state 75 a hour illegal 100 a hour

programs movies and anything u could possible want from the internet and darknet .........depends on the time it takes me most of it just 6 pack of beer (tough ones takes 3 days 50 bucks) longest was a 129 days a movie from the 1965 guy in south america had a copy ( that got me a happy cry and sex so worth it)

get rid of a body ....easier then u think .....2 grand

help plan a crime .....5% of the take 10% if i need to build anything that is involved

my rate is variable on the job length and your over all requirements for the project
making ricin filled stabbing rings........... priceless
I used to charge decent money to trim tree's etc, but then the "wannabe" tree experts from massaholeits, and connigetit, come up to vermont with there moronic lazy ass ways and undercut most local bids.....luckily for me there idiocy makes them go under fast. 15-20 an hour. I enjoy hard work, ive never sat in a cubicle, desk, office period.
making ricin filled stabbing rings........... priceless
that is where u are wrong

stabbing implies injection .......just a scratch (pen with a sharp barb ) watch band.... ring
and ricin is a inhaled item one of the reason is so effective is the size of the grains vey light and easy to spread in the wind ....contct on the skin takes a much larger dose then if in hailed and again interjection is the russian method

i like classic royal tricks .........the reason butter knives are so is due to those ppl stabbing each other at the dinner room so they blunted and dulled the them a butter knife

i do not use neuro toxins ........what i like is a mix of 2 paralytics so the person dies slowly trapped in body there is time to talk before they kick about 2 mins before they black out ....and in effect of self dosing u have time to counter it with out needing a needle to the heart with chemical cocktails almost impossible to get hands on (point is not to get caught to use things at hand )
that is where u are wrong

stabbing implies injection .......just a scratch (pen with a sharp barb ) watch band.... ring
and ricin is a inhaled item one of the reason is so effective is the size of the grains vey light and easy to spread in the wind ....contct on the skin takes a much larger dose then if in hailed and again interjection is the russian method

i like classic royal tricks .........the reason butter knives are so is due to those ppl stabbing each other at the dinner room so they blunted and dulled the them a butter knife

i do not use neuro toxins ........what i like is a mix of 2 paralytics so the person dies slowly trapped in body there is time to talk before they kick about 2 mins before they black out ....and in effect of self dosing u have time to counter it with out needing a needle to the heart with chemical cocktails almost impossible to get hands on (point is not to get caught to use things at hand )
i'm not wrong. I was testing you