How much are you worth per hour?

getting rid of a body easily............
it is so simple it is scarey

remove hands and feet ....burn them implants are the next to go .......then the face all teeth are pulled out and had is smashed with 20 lb sledge hammer.....body is drained of blood for transport

get to water/river/lake t slit the body so the gas excape and u do not get a floater ....weight pockets push over

head to carwash place scrub inside with bleach ammonia ( simpler to leave it some place burning and report it stolen the next day just rem to break stearing lock so car can be started with screw driver and window was broken in with door shut)

as for where u were and who u are with that is covered at the time of cash i have to pay a few ppl off ....but that is covered
WTF happened to this thread?

ppl like to pick on me

i know alot of stuff i should not know and they think i am crazy or just a nutter so they like to push buttons and get a reaction out of me
but if they sat down and just thought about or learned a little history other then baseball stats/nascar times they would know this stuff too

history is sick if u really look at what was done and how
All my income atm us tax free. Legal or otherwise. I make 17$ doing demolition.full time. Even if I only work 3 hours that day I still get 8 hours pay for that day. I make 1500 or more every wholesale unit of bud I move.2k for every 16 of a bird of fish scale. And 5k for every 56 grams of raw China white after I hit it with the dormin and stretchit out. All you assholes making 200k a year wanna buy some coke lol
All my income atm us tax free. Legal or otherwise. I make 17$ doing demolition.full time. Even if I only work 3 hours that day I still get 8 hours pay for that day. I make 1500 or more every wholesale unit of bud I move.2k for every 16 of a bird of fish scale. And 5k for every 56 grams of raw China white after I hit it with the dormin and stretchit out. All you assholes making 200k a year wanna buy some coke lol there any decent coke out there anymore? Shitz so cut up now.
Shitz weak nowadays
It's decent when I get it . After I hit it with the b12 and Bolivian rock cut for flavor and shine and repress it it's still good. just smells hard like acetone lol
Shit is soooo stepped on nowadays, i'm alergic to it. Non stop sneezing. It bullshit.
Back in the 80's-90's, the normal was to get super potent shit. One little pinner line, and you couldn't even swallow your beer. We called it croke:-). Ahh the good ol' days.
Shit is soooo stepped on nowadays, i'm alergic to it. Non stop sneezing. It bullshit.
Back in the 80's-90's, the normal was to get super potent shit. One little pinner line, and you couldn't even swallow your beer. We called it croke:-). Ahh the good ol' days.
You know how much time you get for that Shit... Noones gonna do this for free. The price of yay is high almost as much as a brick of brown. And brown can be cut much harder and is more prophitable . But grey/yellow/off white dope can be stepped on the hardest
Oh I was just being silly.

I knew what you were talking about. Work hard - you are WORTH it!!!!

Hows your day dear? Beautiful here in the North of Canada! And I'm making weed butter!
Glad to hear it. It's nice here. Was supposed to be rainy but hasn't yet. Just playing guitar at home now. Meeting up with friends for dinner at 5; a really good/ hot Shezwan place in Philly. Great food and REALLY hot (the food is what I'm referring to here, lol).
Have a great rest of the day.