

Well-Known Member
I'm sure I've eaten a rooster or two, but I'm thinking you have alluded to the male genitalia. I do like mine allright, it has served me well, but I'll leave the love of other male genitalia to you, just don't be thinking about mine, thank you.
Uh med, you and CC are playing gotcha, and you are a first-rate word merchant. But, genitalia is the female gender of the word. Oh, and it is genital for one set and genitals for a stag party.


New Member
Uh med, you and CC are playing gotcha, and you are a first-rate word merchant. But, genitalia is the female gender of the word. Oh, and it is genital for one set and genitals for a stag party.
Uhh thanks, but I think he still got the message. I'll not get my genital in a bunch


New Member
Hey Med ... why no comment on your one-time candidate of choice, Edwards? Here I tried to make a believer of you ... but oh, no ... you didn't listen. Are you going to believe me about B. Hussien O'Bama now? I'm telling you ... the Democrat Party is rife with charlatans like Edwards. Al Gore is one, Bill Clinton too ... O'Bama is another. All liars and con men. Believe it, man ... I know it when I see it. :hump:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I didn't read the whole post...just read 10 chapters of Jane Eyre...but it's kinda like the Bill Clinton scandal....makes him a bad husband...not necessarily a bad candidate.It's something between him...and his wife.She needs to bitch slap him, and the media needs to find a better story.
So apart from all this, why was he in her room at 2AM? The story had died down, so I highly doubt it was to warn her that he was going public.

There's no way my wife would understand my going into a former girlfriend's hotel room in the middle of the night 3K miles from home. To see someone else's baby. Yeah, right.

If he was being "99%" honest before, I'd say he's only up to "99.2%" at this point.


New Member
Hey Med ... why no comment on your one-time candidate of choice, Edwards? Here I tried to make a believer of you ... but oh, no ... you didn't listen. Are you going to believe me about B. Hussien O'Bama now? I'm telling you ... the Democrat Party is rife with charlatans like Edwards. Al Gore is one, Bill Clinton too ... O'Bama is another. All liars and con men. Believe it, man ... I know it when I see it. :hump:

Every great man has his weaknesses. Him and Willie liked pussy, not a bad itch. Your guy likes murdering thousands. Give me the pussy hounds every time. I don't get it. It is so terrible to get caught bagging some snatch, but kill half a million people and, no problem. Man do you have your priorities fucked up.


New Member
I didn't read the whole post...just read 10 chapters of Jane Eyre...but it's kinda like the Bill Clinton scandal....makes him a bad husband...not necessarily a bad candidate.It's something between him...and his wife.She needs to bitch slap him, and the media needs to find a better story.
Med is a lost cause, so I'll answer your post instead, Stoney.

Its a matter of character. With Bill Clinton, the sex took place in the Oval Office, a place that was so revered by President Reagan that he wouldn't even take his coat off while in the office. But Clinton's impeachment and suspension of his law licence, wasn't about sex at all ... it was that he broke federal law by lying under oath. Its that character thing again.

With Edwards, think about it. Had he gained the presidential nomination, or had he been selected as O'Bama's running mate, and this came out now, or before the Democratic convention, his lack of character would have doomed the chances of a win for the Democrats. So, in that case, we would be talking about the disappointment of millions of people who had placed their faith in the guy. For what? For the fact that he can't keep his dick in his pants?

Its not about the sex ... its about lack of character. And, lack of character is not what we want in the job of leader of the free world.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
OK.But I don't understand how Bush has so much character?He's gotten us in a war with a country that didn't even make the initial 9/11 terrorist attack....He's stated on several occasions that it would be better to be a dictator...he's wiped his ass on the constituion, our personal freedoms and liberties,he began his office tweaking the noses of many of our allies...he's against a woman's right to choose what she can do with her own body,he'sstolen an election(I know you probably don't agree, so you don't need a rebuttal for that)He's interested in destroying the separation of church and state,he's made cuts to health care, education, etc....he's devalued the dollar, and he will not tap into the oil reserve to offset the cost of fuel....I could go on and on....I would say that just because he hasn't been caught screwing around...that's the least of our worries.This man who leads our country IS a character;he doesn't have any.And as for Reagan...he was an actor...he knew exactly how to deliver his lines...but does anyone remember trickle down economics?The deficit under him soared,he cut social spending,traded weapons and drugs with Nicaragua,He didn't even acknowledge AIDS until like 1987 when Elizabeth Taylor basically alerted him to it...he played a big hand in making the drug war the fiasco it is today...and didn't he try to suspend elections at one point?The problem this country has, is we as voters focus on such small bullshit...that we don't look at whats really important.So the candidate likes to screw around?Well, that's been found amongst republicans, democrats, liberals, whigs, tories,you name it...that's the nature of a man.And women, too...and it makes them a crappy spouse.But it doesn't mean that they can't efficiently run our country....it doesn't mean they don't have other priorities in order.What we need to do, is strip it back down to the constitution, as it was meant to be.Individual freedom.Right to bear arms.Right to assembly.Above all, separation of church and state.I have to quote Burt Reynold in the Best Little whorehouse in Texas"You can't legislate morality." Sorry about the rant, my mind wanders around a lot.
Med is a lost cause, so I'll answer your post instead, Stoney.

Its a matter of character. With Bill Clinton, the sex took place in the Oval Office, a place that was so revered by President Reagan that he wouldn't even take his coat off while in the office. But Clinton's impeachment and suspension of his law licence, wasn't about sex at all ... it was that he broke federal law by lying under oath. Its that character thing again.

With Edwards, think about it. Had he gained the presidential nomination, or had he been selected as O'Bama's running mate, and this came out now, or before the Democratic convention, his lack of character would have doomed the chances of a win for the Democrats. So, in that case, we would be talking about the disappointment of millions of people who had placed their faith in the guy. For what? For the fact that he can't keep his dick in his pants?

Its not about the sex ... its about lack of character. And, lack of character is not what we want in the job of leader of the free world.



New Member
Stoney ...

We are talking about Edwards' character here ... and the importance of selecting leaders who have good character. Bush has nothing to do with the discussion. Again ... Edwards deserves all the shame he gets from this debacle.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I understand your point...but using your own words,if selecting leaders with good character is so important, why choose Bush?Why should it matter to us who Edwards has screwed?It's a private matter between he and his wife, is my point.If you take Clinton as an example...bad husband.Good president.This, of course is my opinion.Many of our founding fathers had mistresses, slaves...our choice of president has really never been based on character, if it is defined so narrowly as a matter of marital fidelity.This is just a tactic by the religious right to try to get us to see their candidates as the better choice.But aren't most homosexual scandals some of the "Good, moral, and upstanding"right wingers?Let me show you an email I got, since we're talking about character.


have been accused of spousal abuse


have been arrested for fraud


have been accused of writing bad checks


have directly or indirectly
bankrupted at least 2 businesses


have done time for assault



71 cannot

get a credit card due to bad credit


have been arrested on drug-related charges


have been arrested for shoplifting



are defendants in lawsuits, and


have been arrested for drunk driving


the last year


you guess which organization this is?


up yet? . . Scroll down,


it's the 435
members of the
United StatesCongress


same group of Idiots that crank out
hundreds of new laws each year
designed to keep the rest of us in line.


gotta pass this one on!

Stoney ...

We are talking about Edwards' character here ... and the importance of selecting leaders who have good character. Bush has nothing to do with the discussion. Again ... Edwards deserves all the shame he gets from this debacle.


Granny Toker

Active Member
Could choosing our next president be as simple as character? And if so, why are American politicians seemingly so devoid of it? There was a time I would vote for a republican if I thought he was a better candidate. Even now, I will vote republican if I thought he is the best person for the job. (I have voted and will continue to vote for Lindsey Graham) Maybe character is what we vote for and not the party line. None of the politicians have sterling characters. George Bush lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to bait us into war with Iraqi. He also avoided his military responsibilities by not serving his time in the reserves. John McCain appears to be an upstanding guy on the surface but behind the scenes he is a loose, angry cannon. My brother-in-law has worked in the Pentagon for many years as a senior public servant. He has never said anything negative about any of the politicians (I was beginning to believe him to be a republican) until McCain. Now he is vehemently opposed to McCain because of how McCain treats people. Everyone has their faults and having to choose which fault I could deal with... I can't decide. But I know Bush never was a man of character. Just a spoiled rotten brat. It appears obvious that the way we choose our president is a tad skewed. Is it character or is it business as usual?


New Member
Ok ... I give up.

My, my, I never thought I'd hear that from you. How dissapointing, the bulldog of "right" winged politics takes a dive. Too many comparisons of other assholes that have been of less than stellar character in our illustrious government eh? From Hero to Zero. Yeah aint it the truth, politics breed larceny and debauchery. I just find it hard to believe that a guy gets impeached for lying about a blowjob (A very understandable reaction when one is married and the blowjob was from another woman) and another in the same position lies to take us to war, resulting in 300,000+ deaths, refuses to release documents pertaining to presidential wrongdoings, taps our phones unlawfully, spies on our internet, deletes Habias-corpus, politicizes the justice department and holds back witnesses and documentation under the bogus exucetive priveledge bullshit, and a lot more unseemly acts, and the congress does nothing. We, my friends, have been sold out.


New Member
My, my, I never thought I'd hear that from you. How dissapointing, the bulldog of "right" winged politics takes a dive.
I'm not taking a "dive" Med. Its just that arguing with blocks of cement is getting tiring.

I mean, WTF ... the subject was the character of Edwards and why it matters ... then the usual tactics of the Block-Heads appears with the same-o-same-o ... "Bush Lied" routine.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm certainly not a block head.I was just pointing out, rather politely, that if character is what were after, not many candidates would ever qualify.
I'm not taking a "dive" Med. Its just that arguing with blocks of cement is getting tiring.

I mean, WTF ... the subject was the character of Edwards and why it matters ... then the usual tactics of the Block-Heads appears with the same-o-same-o ... "Bush Lied" routine.



New Member
Here is a good take, Levin or Lewis, I can't remember which. All the media knew about the affair months ago, but did not uncover it; why? Could it be that they were/ARE in the tank for Obama, and Edwards was the Huckabee of the Dems, pulling votes from Clinton in every state, effectively handing the Oh so close win to Obama, much in the same way that McCain became the R nominee.