

Well-Known Member
So apart from all this, why was he in her room at 2AM? The story had died down, so I highly doubt it was to warn her that he was going public.

There's no way my wife would understand my going into a former girlfriend's hotel room in the middle of the night 3K miles from home. To see someone else's baby. Yeah, right.

If he was being "99%" honest before, I'd say he's only up to "99.2%" at this point.


New Member
Nah ... Edwards campagne slogan was "There are two Americas." He's right, of course. There is the America where husbands and wives hold to their marriage vows, then there is the other America occupied by shyster lawyers who bed down women other than their wives while their wives are dealing with terminal cancer issues. To think ... this guy had a fairly good chance at the presidential nomination ... and another good chance at the VP slot as well. Close call for America, I'd say.

I think, in spite of all of my warnings here on this site about Edwards, he was Med's man of choice for awhile. ~lol~

Hey Med ... did I have the SOB pegged, or what? :hump:



Well-Known Member
why is this such an important report that they have to spend 6+ hours straight on CNN talking about?

leave this man alone... he's human for god sakes! i really don't understand why this is such a big deal. he had an affair, yes while he was running for president, but seriously... who gives a flying fuck.

i'm just confused to why they have to report about this all damn day when Russia is bombing Georgia and the Olympics are going underway.


New Member
why is this such an important report that they have to spend 6+ hours straight on CNN talking about?

leave this man alone... he's human for god sakes! i really don't understand why this is such a big deal. he had an affair, yes while he was running for president, but seriously... who gives a flying fuck.

i'm just confused to why they have to report about this all damn day when Russia is bombing Georgia and the Olympics are going underway.
I agree that there are other important issues. BUT ... Edwards deserves every bit of what he's receiving now. The guy is a slimy, maniacal egoist and a hypocritical liar. He's a con man who had fooled all those in his party that supported him. His wife is dying from cancer. He has children who looked up to him. Now, he's been revealed for exactly what he is ... a phony piece of shit. Its a real pleasure to see him get kicked in the balls. In other times, he'd have a scarlet letter carved into his forehead.



Well-Known Member
Micro, you answered your own question. CNN's not going to talk much about the Olympics and promote NBC. As far Georgia, no network has correspondents there - no pix, no story.

Regarding who cares, well everybody gets to decide themselves. Most of the media has buried this story for the past month. Edwards wants to be AG; there are lots of elements to the story that may impact his qualifications to be head Prosecutor for the country.

Granny Toker

Active Member
I have no where else to bitch so I'm going to do it here. Some of the persons posting here don't understand what's the big deal and I can't describe why it is a big deal for others. I can only speak for myself. I saw John Edwards as a breath of fresh air. I actually believed his heart was in the right place. I thought John Edwards was fighting for "everyman". Little did I know he was just giving us all lip service. I'm so angry I could spit nails. Before all this hoopla, I heard the criticism regarding John Edwards. I knew there where many who understood John Edwards to be an ambulance chaser but I wasn't of that ilk. I saw John Edwards as a truly upstanding guy. I guess he recognized an angle. He had a spin which he hoped would propel him to the White House. I, on the other hand, was just another dumb fuck who believed the bullshit. I'm done. Policitcians suck. If you can't be faithful to the person you married, how can you be faithful to the people of the United States. I voted for John Edwards twice. I will not vote for the slimy scumbag again. I deserve everything you guys throw at me for being so gullible. Bring it on.


New Member
Better late than never, GT. Now you know....let a politicians record speak for them. Forget the promises and the enthusiasm unless it's validated by past actions. Since you are/were? :blsmoke: a Dem.....look on the bright side....he could have been your nominee.:mrgreen: (Damn, almost.....)


New Member
You've become too predictable Med. Although your vocabulary is steadily improving, the content is still the same ol same ol. Yeah, no big deal that the guy you liked, the guy preaching morality, gets caught cheating on his wife, who, just happens to have terminal cancer. I don't cast stones, I call it as it is. This guy is, and ALWAYS was, filth. The same filth that comprise what you call opinions, colored as facts.


New Member
You've become too predictable Med. Although your vocabulary is steadily improving, the content is still the same ol same ol. Yeah, no big deal that the guy you liked, the guy preaching morality, gets caught cheating on his wife, who, just happens to have terminal cancer. I don't cast stones, I call it as it is. This guy is, and ALWAYS was, filth. The same filth that comprise what you call opinions, colored as facts.
Yet you love Bush. The guy that has killed over 300,000 people, 4100++ americans and maimed over 25,000 americans and left over 3 million Iraqis displaced homeless and the ones still there dealing with terrorism and DU munitions everywhere. Fuck Edwards, he got caught having an affair, like Clinton got caught getting a blowjob, but on the atrocity level, they pale compared to your hero, Bush. Big fucking deal. In the scope of things, Edwards deal is just another distraction to get peoples minds off the real problems, your MSM at work


New Member
And you love cock.....
I'm sure I've eaten a rooster or two, but I'm thinking you have alluded to the male genitalia. I do like mine allright, it has served me well, but I'll leave the love of other male genitalia to you, just don't be thinking about mine, thank you.


New Member
I have no where else to bitch so I'm going to do it here. Some of the persons posting here don't understand what's the big deal and I can't describe why it is a big deal for others. I can only speak for myself. I saw John Edwards as a breath of fresh air. I actually believed his heart was in the right place. I thought John Edwards was fighting for "everyman". Little did I know he was just giving us all lip service. I'm so angry I could spit nails. Before all this hoopla, I heard the criticism regarding John Edwards. I knew there where many who understood John Edwards to be an ambulance chaser but I wasn't of that ilk. I saw John Edwards as a truly upstanding guy. I guess he recognized an angle. He had a spin which he hoped would propel him to the White House. I, on the other hand, was just another dumb fuck who believed the bullshit. I'm done. Policitcians suck. If you can't be faithful to the person you married, how can you be faithful to the people of the United States. I voted for John Edwards twice. I will not vote for the slimy scumbag again. I deserve everything you guys throw at me for being so gullible. Bring it on.
That was an excellent post, GT ... and it makes my point very well. The one's who supported Edwards are the one's most hurt. Now, take a look at the rest of the ultra-leftists and their candidates of choice. They, in effect, are conducting a Three Card Monte scam, sucking people in with words, only to reveal their true agenda at a later date. The Republicans foisted the same trick off onto the voters and that's why they are now out of power. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid ... and yes, O'Bama are next.
