Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Uhh.. and when they can't?

Duh, that's the issue

Save yourself the time of commenting "then they shouldn't"

Because that's not what is being asked, and you know it
When participants can't agree, the strongest ones should appoint themselves the "authorities" and threaten force to make the non agreeing person comply. Then they should break his legs and hand him some crutches they bought with money they took from another poor schmuck that wouldn't kiss their ass willingly. Then they should go kill people overseas.

How'm I doing?


Well-Known Member
When participants can't agree, the strongest ones should appoint themselves the "authorities" and threaten force to make the non agreeing person comply. Then they should break his legs and hand him some crutches they bought with money they took from another poor schmuck that wouldn't kiss their ass willingly. Then they should go kill people overseas.

How'm I doing?
Why can't you simply answer that honestly?


Well-Known Member
Nobody owns other people. You own yourself, but you don't own others. Groups of people cannot own other people by virtue of a majority. Honest enough?
Yeah, honest but that's not what was asked..

How does someone take ownership over your body if the place you reside requires kids who go to public school be vaccinated?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yeah, honest but that's not what was asked..

How does someone take ownership over your body if the place you reside requires kids who go to public school be vaccinated?
Ultimately with a gun, usually the gun remains holstered and the threat of it is sufficient. This is known as coercive government.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, honest but that's not what was asked..

How does someone take ownership over your body if the place you reside requires kids who go to public school be vaccinated?

What kind of fool would leave the population susceptible and vulnerable to carelessness of others ? You`ll find rob roy`s clan wandering around endlessly without direction,.....but free.


Well-Known Member
Godwins law has to kick in soon, unless I've done it already...

Reverse Godwin...Some people's treatment of gay people is worse than Hitler...


Well-Known Member
Godwins law has to kick in soon, unless I've done it already...

Reverse Godwin...Some people's treatment of gay people is worse than Hitler...
lmao, dude just made a comparison with "the brown shirts" of Nazi Germany in the last clip I posted

You called it