Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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Hey Yessica could you do me a favor ?? See i lost my phone number and was wondering culd i have yours :) See some people like to make mistakes me on my other hand like to make big fucking mistakes take last night for instance got all hammered up in front of my PC
Woke up this morning to see my wallet open and VISA card out now i wonder what drunk me bought sober me
But Jesus christ i want to know who this Jesus is i mean is he like batman, Spiderman , or one of the X man

Jesus is even more evil than this guy

Did somebody say george?

@yessica Lol, you almost got as many post as Uncle Buck.. But a whole lot more likes

Alright I am taking my ass to bed, see y'all ltr...
About 90% of UncleBuck's posts predated "likes" whereas Yessi has only posted in the last year - after likes we're instituted. Not taking away from her, just saying that you are comparing apples and fish dicks. Ooh,' Yessie has an anniversary coming up.
I'll fuck with you. These guys and their song reminds me of 'Raging Pussies' from South Park.

WTF just came to these boards and there's a drama and a guy threatens everyone.

Are you guys sure you're toking the right kind of bud :grin:
I'm extra punchy at the momento, but I'll possibly even out soon.

Me brain's a little on the...


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