By Calibuzz - 30 year grower
View attachment 1831939
Cured Clone - see new growth!
You have Spider Mites? YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!! Unless you are diligent and work hard, the problem will not go away, your crop is doomed as one by one they fail and die.
As a Native American, proud of our heritage and ways in keeping with the environment, I give to you a method that is naturally harmonious, and pure. The method is so benign, you may use this method even during flowering - without a single harm to your precious plants.
The best way is not the easiest by far; to do the perfect job takes comitment - so all you lazy bud heads who want a quick fix: "look elsewhere, or coat your precious medicine with chemicals and poison...and remind me not to smoke your herb."
Editor's note: One will find a bit of cross talk in this thread, and some rude posts. The Editor aplogizes that many have strayed off the central subject and prefer to haze each other. However, one will find many other concerned members with great suggestions and feedback. - calibuzz
"Now then, for all you fervent horticulturists..."
Spider mites are alive; you can make them dead. All life is fragile, but... "how do I kill the mites without hurting my crop?"
I will not use pesticides or harmful chemicals on my plants; thus, I have found an all-natural way to rid the infestations that sometimes occur. Curing your plants takes time and care, but you can rid your babies of the mini-spiders that suck your plant's life's blood.
Spiders have skin-like exoskeletons; the tissues are sensitive to change. Molecules soak though their pours, skin and orifices; thus, what may bother you - a giant living organism - might prove fatal to a spider the size of a pinhead. This is so when using a common group of proteins found in Nature. I will teach you how to naturally and inexpensively rid your plants of the dreaded spider mites.
The Habanera Pepper (sometimes pronounced Habenero) is the key ingredient in pepper spray. Once you make a batch of CALICLEAN you'll see why. One may buy habanera peppers in any vegetable section for about 6 dollars a pound. The peppers are light orange to dark red, and are about the size of a bic lighter when fully mature, most are half that size. Go buy a pound, now!!! If you have mites, time is of the essence.
NOTICE: The spray you make is not harmful to humans (hab peppers are an ingredient in all really good south of the border salsas), but irritating to mucus membranes and soft tissues, it will make you cough - as its like breathing chili powder, so use care.
If you have taken a powerful magnifying glass to the underside of your plant's leaves you will have seen the little off-yellow dots with a brown center that move about slowly over the plant leafs and veins - the mature mites. These big mites leave web-strands like other spiders. Web strands between leaf and stems (as they cross back and forth to new vulnerable leaves), and between leaf serrations are indications of a healthy infestation and big mites on your plants. You may also have seen almost too-hard-to-see little brown dots crawling slowly about. These are the baby mites that will grow into big suckers. You may also have seen groups of little white dots near the central leaf brachiation and the main leaf veins. These are clutches of mite eggs. They will soon hatch and produce up to 80 mites per clutch, per mature mite. You are screwed if you do nothing. But fret not, you can save your plants, and they will recover and thrive - with diligence.
Making the Calicleaner
1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.
HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly
Hi,I've currently used organocide, but that was during worked really good for the mites,but if used too heavy and during lights on it causes some damage from the light /heat of running lights. Also it smells like fish something horrible. The smell of the fish took almost 4 weeks after final use to completely go away so I'm very hesitant to use it now during flowering.I'd hate to have a bunch of fish smelling nugs.Also although the organacide did work wonders on the mites and kept them mite damage free for about 5 or 6 weeks i did notice that as soon as i used it i now started to notice fungus gnats and little fruit fly looking things i never before had! so I let 1500 ladybug loose in my room and they seemed to be doing their job for the most part picking up any surviving spider mites and also ridding me of the little flying pests,but they are mostly focused on the gnats! so now its 5 or 6 weeks later and I am starting to notice the mite damage is back on my lower leaves,so i treated with organacide again .within 3 days of treating with the organocide I now have the little fungus gnats again!!!Could the organocide be causing the fungus gnats?both times I've got in these fungus gnats were directly after using the organicide!!I'm only a few weeks into early flowering and the little pests are back again I don't want to use the organocide because I don't want my whole crop thinking like this and I'm also worried that I will get a worst case of fungus gnats,I have probably about 800 ladybugs in there but they seem more interested in the fungus gnats then the spider mites which is fine by me because I hate those little pests also,but I still need to do something about the Mites before the situation gets out of control again. I would like to use your habanero pepper spray,but I don't want to cause any harm to the lady bugs!although they are not helping completely they are still helping!And I'd like to get through my next 4 to possibly 8 weeks of flowering!!!(normally I know how much longer I have but these little pests seem to put my girls into stages of hibernation where they don't thrive at all for a few days at a time) again I would like to get through the rest of my flowering stage without harming my plants, ladybugs or Spraying anything in the room that will cause anymore fungus gnats. Any advice will be very helpful!!