I never understood when a grower has mites that he will try any witchcraft brew to get rid of them...
i find there is no time to waste the best mite killer i found is Bug B gone sold pretty much everywhere , I don't give shit if its chemical made as long as it kills them period ..
Now one must ask how did they get mites to begin with ???
and this starts at the very beginning of your grow clones usually purchased and infected
When ever dealing with clones YOU HAVE TO QUARANTINE THEM ad keep them away from your other plants ..
with that said treating precautions should of started right at the beginning of your grow
I am a firm believer of not spraying plants you just never get them all from having mites no matter what they will come back specially late in flower when your fucked ...
So forget about spraying plants..
With clones and smaller plants up to 5 gallon pots i found te best way to rid them mites 100 percent of the time is by dunking plants into a solution
Make a 50 gallon drum or a big pail of solution place your hand on your soil with stem inbetween your fingers carefully tip plant upside down and dunk it in solution moving it up n down right up to your hand then place plant in a different room with no lights repeat until all plants have been done ..
Now comes the fun part take down your lights with bleach wash everything walls floors ceilings , EVERYTHING
Now what i do is use a sprayer and spray outside of pots and top of soil bottom of pots and place back in room ..
repeat everything 4 days later and your mites are 100 percent dead if your plants are fairly big use a string to tie it up a bit before dunking remember tip plant over and dunk your hand is holding soil and stem
Remember to treat all plants / clones you recieve as contaminated mite infested plant
Keep your room clean at all times.. and do not have people or friends that grow come into your room they can have mites on there clothing