HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Had A few things to add on this one.........

Neem oil clogs stomata making it hard if not impossible to breathe through the leaves.

Cool little tip about spider mites is that they stop reproducing with less than 12 hours of light. they are extremely sensitive to light so it would serve you well to drop below 12 on - and tape every tiny little light in your room. with application of the above mentioned recipe- they should be doomed!

Thank you for that positive and correct information!

Stomata are the cellular areas under the leaf that are vital in CO2 and Oxygen exchange. Clog the cellular openings under-leaf and its like putting a gag on your plants - who then can not breath 100%.

Wise advice and pertinent, another reason to use wash away, non-clogging, caliclean solution.

you have made another one of our points in using all natural solutions. NICE!!

Peace be with you!

My Best,

How does that pepper work out during flowering? Have you tried it? Does it effect the trichomes in any way? Thanks in advance.

Yes. It works super! No harm at all ( though don't ever let your flowers soak too long without proper circulation - as mold results. But we all know that, right?)

Another great aspect of Caliclean is that it inhibits molds and bacterias - When was the last time you saw a mouldy rotten pepper? like almost never. :)

Thank you for your question.


i will make some to store, always good to be ready for war.

its good that you can use it whilst flowering with no adverse effects too.

thanks for the answers.
peace and respect.

The best of luck.

When we keep our rooms clean-as-a-whistle and check often, then the little buggers are halted before they can squat on our valuable crops.

Will be nice to have Caliclean on hand for all sorts of uses, like preventitive maintenence.



Yo del,

Sure neem is sheen, but I don' like the oil residue in my lungs. Pepper spray protien breaks down or half-lifes in a few hours and simply washes off with water, leaving your vital herb "...unmolested, and your lungs worken happy - like long time brother." Feel that love?

Peace bro!

My best,


neem breaks down under the lights so as long as you arent using to close to harvest you will be fine, you can also use to prevent attacks...ive used it 2 years on the run 3 sprays each year and the job was done......................if you really want to save your lungs give up smoking...or maybe you have?

hey i had to buy this at my local grocery store i went everywhere trying to get habaneros that were just plain and fresh will these work? Plz message back i have to rid these mites or else i cant pay rent
A spider is not a normal insect sir!

Get your entemology down before you post the wrong answer to a serious problem. Hanging pest strips do not induce clinging biting spiders to move. This is bad advice, and I would ask you to remove and edit your post as others will get the wrong idea. Please use your kind and thoughtful intellect before posting.

If you have other information, write it out. One minute posts are about as valuable as dead plants, which is what one will have if one relies on this method. Cheap, fast, and worthless. About as useful as fighting termites with tobacco smoke in the next room.

Thank you for your attempt at positive input. However: "bad and damaging information taints the community threads and confuses the audience seeking answers to their most immediate and serious problems."

Good day,

How is it a "wrong answer"? I get mites....I hang up a strip, they die, I put it away. I've done it dozen times now with success every time. Just because something is 100x easier than your method, but isn't "organic" doesn't make it the "wrong answer". Actually, the fact that it works so well without harming the plant during flowering and without ever harming me, my cat that comes in the room with me, my dog that stays in my bedroom with me (near my tent), or any of my clients, would be evidence of it being the "right answer". $8, 2 minutes of work, then 12 hours later and you are moving on with your life. Seems a WHOLE lot simpler than frying up some peppers with gloves and protective eyewear and the putting on what is basically a hazmat suit to spray it all over your plants. One plant a a time. Multiple applications per plant. When you can spend 2 minutes taking this out of its wrapper, hanging it in your room and forgetting about it til 12-24 hours is up, however long you want to leave them in there. There....I "wrote it out". But I stand firm that my original post was much more efficient. Instead of reading this book I just wrote, they can just look at the picture, go buy that, and move on with your life. Seems like possibly the best response in this thread so far, if you ask me. the point....successful solution to the problem......
neem breaks down under the lights so as long as you arent using to close to harvest you will be fine, you can also use to prevent attacks...ive used it 2 years on the run 3 sprays each year and the job was done......................if you really want to save your lungs give up smoking...or maybe you have?

Thank you very much for your valuable and experienced input. Neem is a viable alternative for some.

Yes. I have given up smoking cigs., also good advice. Long term Clinical Reseach appears to indicate there is no clinal evidence linking cannibus smoking to lung cancer, though smoking cannibus may exacerbate pre-existing emphizyma.

At HEMPCON Los Angeles this year, I got a swell recipe for cannibus oil that I'm now using. I'll post the recipe in another area. Yes, one can spoon thier medicine as well, and I still don't want reduced neem oil residue in my oral medication either. But each to their own. I do respect your option as a grower of medical cannibus to use any preventitive application you see fit for you and your co-op patients to consume - if they are told what's in their medication.

I honor my responsibilty to my consituents: "To fully disclose what my medicine cantains and how my cannibus is grown." I wish to help and cure, through utilizing pure reliable methods and additives which promote untarnished ingestion of Tetrahydrocannabinol and its ancillary benificail molecules - related to individual cannibus therapy.

Thanks for you advice and feedback,


How is it a "wrong answer"? I get mites....I hang up a strip, they die, I put it away. I've done it dozen times now with success every time. Just because something is 100x easier than your method, but isn't "organic" doesn't make it the "wrong answer". Actually, the fact that it works so well without harming the plant during flowering and without ever harming me, my cat that comes in the room with me, my dog that stays in my bedroom with me (near my tent), or any of my clients, would be evidence of it being the "right answer". $8, 2 minutes of work, then 12 hours later and you are moving on with your life. Seems a WHOLE lot simpler than frying up some peppers with gloves and protective eyewear and the putting on what is basically a hazmat suit to spray it all over your plants. One plant a a time. Multiple applications per plant. When you can spend 2 minutes taking this out of its wrapper, hanging it in your room and forgetting about it til 12-24 hours is up, however long you want to leave them in there. There....I "wrote it out". But I stand firm that my original post was much more efficient. Instead of reading this book I just wrote, they can just look at the picture, go buy that, and move on with your life. Seems like possibly the best response in this thread so far, if you ask me. the point....successful solution to the problem......

Dear V~

Again, thank you for your input. Each reader may make their own personal decison based upon the facts. What may work for you may not work for others.

In comment on your practices: I do not allow any animals or unclean individuals into my growing environment, vistors that may contaminate my stock. Catching a ride is how it all starts.

For Example: I was given a clone by a friend. Because I trusted this friend I did not put the plant into temporary quarentine prior to intoducing the little girl into the young clone nursery area. To my suprise and disdain - on a second investigation days later - I discovered the dreaded webs. It was too late. The mites had begun their march, and soon every plant had a few mites, that needed treatment - causing me to quarentine that entire nursery from the rest. A real pain!! Thus, I am ardent on technique and proving the veracity of claims - as you should be and are. Kudos.

I have no supporting evidence that proves that NO PEST STRIPS - relaint upon evaporative ariable chemical poisons - produce a run for the boarder in mites. Where do yours go to? Into the closet and into the spouces underwear (just kidding). They got to go some place.

Please respect this thread and allow others to post "All Natural" Questions and Answers. Should you be fervent about your technique, I would advocate that you start your own thread in the main forum, promuligating the benifits of your personal method.

Thanks for you understanding and respecting our fine community,

My Best,


You're spreading lies, no way Neem blocks breathing of anything on the plant. It's a very small Neem to Water solution, and goes away quick, along with the pests.

It is never my (though I believe you are suggesting another poster's comments) intention to spread lies or misinformation. Neem is often found in an oil form. Application is the question.

Layered applications that inhibit gas exchange may compromise the health of the cells producing energy for the plant as a whole. Another plant fact is that plants pull water and nutrients from the roots through the leaves vascular evaporaitive mechanismes - evaporative hydrostatic pressure; the water chain. By reducing the evaporative surface area with an oil - even temporarliy - the abilty of the plant to respire is reduced.

Is neem gonna kill one's plants? No, of course not. Individuls who know what they are doing will not suffer.

Thank you for the alternitive information and genuine concern keeping our posts truthful and honest.



It is never my (though I believe you are suggesting another poster's comments) intention to spread lies or misinformation. Neem is often found in an oil form. Application is the question.

Layered applications that inhibit gas exchange may compromise the health of the cells producing energy for the plant as a whole. Another plant fact is that plants pull water and nutrients from the roots through the leaves vascular evaporaitive mechanismes - evaporative hydrostatic pressure; the water chain. By reducing the evaporative surface area with an oil - even temporarliy - the abilty of the plant to respire is reduced.

Is neem gonna kill one's plants? No, of course not. Individuls who know what they are doing will not suffer.

Thank you for the alternitive information and genuine concern keeping our posts truthful and honest.




So since it comes in oil form, you think it's automatically going to be thick? You just gonna get a butter knife and spread it on your leaves?
It was too late. The mites had begun their march, and soon every plant had a few mites, that needed treatment - causing me to quarentine that entire nursery from the rest. A real pain!!

I have no supporting evidence that proves that NO PEST STRIPS - relaint upon evaporative ariable chemical poisons - produce a run for the boarder in mites. Where do yours go to? Into the closet and into the spouces underwear (just kidding). They got to go some place.

The first part of your post is WHY I'm giving an alternative solution. It's a real pain in the ass doing it your way. While I have never said your method didn't work, and for those who WANT to go the extra mile and be completely organic, then that's fine, you've provided a solution for them. But it's a real pain in the ass, and the non-organic users need to know there are easier ways of going about things. I tried to just post a picture and NOT hi-jack your thread. But you went and made a huge deal about it, and now instead of talking about your solution, you're talking about no pest strips. You're the original poster of this thread, not a moderator. Don't try to police your own thread, it won't work. Instead, use your responses to steer to conversation more toward your original topic. You will get better results.

As for the question of where did the mites run off to? I have a heaping mass of dead spider mites on top of my reservoir. That's where they went :twisted:
its real fucking odd someone can lay judgement on a product they've never even fucking heard of till this thread. Sounds like someones "Been to UCLA and have a few degrees under my belt"

Are we at war? Is this the purpose of our thread, to attack and discredit? to use rude language?

I do not understand what you are aledging. I was pre-med at UCLA, have a degree in criminal justice, a degree in green sustainable buiness management, am pre-law at pepperdine, and ran a landscaping company for 4 years. If one is talking about pest strips - I have used them for 40 yars in other applicatins - like on the porch to catch or repel flys. Burning sage does the same thing, so I use that now. we are entertaining alternatives, not bitch-slapping fellow cannibus users. Please.

I fail to see why you are so defensive.

Be happy man. Are we not all on the same team?


If you're wondering why 3-4 different people are attacking you in your own thread it's because A) your method is WAY too much work to rid your garden of spider mites. This is a simple problem with multiple, simple solutions. and B) you're trying to censor people on an internet chat board. It's preposterous.
So since it comes in oil form, you think it's automatically going to be thick? You just gonna get a butter knife and spread it on your leaves?


Load me up some neem and I'll put it on toast! :)

Brother, we are on the same page. If you don't want it, don't do it. If you have an investigating mind ( and you seem to have one) give it a try if you want. Its up to you.

I'm not pushing anything. I am offering information for your review.
If you're wondering why 3-4 different people are attacking you in your own thread it's because A) your method is WAY too much work to rid your garden of spider mites. This is a simple problem with multiple, simple solutions. and B) you're trying to censor people on an internet chat board. It's preposterous.

Completely the oppisite. That you have run on again and again, proving a certain amount of tolerence on my end for a stubborn instigator - whose purpose seems to be creating confusion and misinformation.

I would suggest reading all posts and note that others are not attacking, but posing questions and promoting alternitives.

I am afraid this is my last post to you on this subject, as you appear to be on a mission.

On another subject: I play the six string bass. Is that guitarre in your pic the cat's or yours? Who plays better?