Had A few things to add on this one.........
Neem oil clogs stomata making it hard if not impossible to breathe through the leaves.
Cool little tip about spider mites is that they stop reproducing with less than 12 hours of light. they are extremely sensitive to light so it would serve you well to drop below 12 on - and tape every tiny little light in your room. with application of the above mentioned recipe- they should be doomed!
Thank you for that positive and correct information!
Stomata are the cellular areas under the leaf that are vital in CO2 and Oxygen exchange. Clog the cellular openings under-leaf and its like putting a gag on your plants - who then can not breath 100%.
Wise advice and pertinent, another reason to use wash away, non-clogging, caliclean solution.
you have made another one of our points in using all natural solutions. NICE!!
Peace be with you!
My Best,