Well-Known Member
Bag of dumbshit info? Excuse me Ma'am but does it ever hurt being so fucking ignorant? I would like to ask what it is that you have been smoking, but I'm sure it prolly is named Tyrone.
No, asswipe, Clinton signed NAFTA into law, not Bush. Sorry to burst your bubble of ignorance and delusions of grandeur.
"On December 8, 1993, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed into law by U.S. President Bill Clinton. NAFTA removed many barriers to trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. For example, a company in Mexico could ship their products through the United States, and then sell them in Canada, without any taxes or restrictions from the U.S."
Signed into law in 1992? Wrong jackass
Signed into law by Bush? Retard much? Fear not, I'm quite sure you're well accustomed to being wrong, blatant ignorance must be blissful for you.
So the basis for my entire comment is incorrect? Fucktard. Your complete rebuttal, if that is what you choose to call it, is completely false, based on pure ignorance, and therefore completely irrelevant. The facts remain, NAFTA fucked the American worker, whether someone as below average as yourself agrees with it, or not is also irrrelevant, as your track record concerning even the most rudimentary information seems flawed at best.
Enjoy Tyrone.

I will let you simmer on your own stupidity for a while. Mmmkay?
P.S. Man, I got you butthurt in one fucking post. That might be a new record.
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