I really, really, really hate Republicans

Bag of dumbshit info? Excuse me Ma'am but does it ever hurt being so fucking ignorant? I would like to ask what it is that you have been smoking, but I'm sure it prolly is named Tyrone.

No, asswipe, Clinton signed NAFTA into law, not Bush. Sorry to burst your bubble of ignorance and delusions of grandeur.

"On December 8, 1993, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed into law by U.S. President Bill Clinton. NAFTA removed many barriers to trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. For example, a company in Mexico could ship their products through the United States, and then sell them in Canada, without any taxes or restrictions from the U.S."

Signed into law in 1992? Wrong jackass
Signed into law by Bush? Retard much? Fear not, I'm quite sure you're well accustomed to being wrong, blatant ignorance must be blissful for you.

So the basis for my entire comment is incorrect? Fucktard. Your complete rebuttal, if that is what you choose to call it, is completely false, based on pure ignorance, and therefore completely irrelevant. The facts remain, NAFTA fucked the American worker, whether someone as below average as yourself agrees with it, or not is also irrrelevant, as your track record concerning even the most rudimentary information seems flawed at best.

Enjoy Tyrone.



I will let you simmer on your own stupidity for a while. Mmmkay?

P.S. Man, I got you butthurt in one fucking post. That might be a new record.
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Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat.

North American Free Trade Agreement was between Canada, United States and Mexico. Last time I checked you don't have to travel overseas to get to any of those countries.

NAFTA was drafted up by President George H W Bush and an overwhelming majority Republican vote. Signed into law by Clinton in 1993 (as you stated).

Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?

UB already cleared that bullshit up for you.

Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.

Now you switched subjects. Sounds like you're just grumpy at everyone who isn't white and Republican huh?

So can I go ahead and chalk you up as butthurt, racist and dumb-dumb?
What, didn't like the taste of the truth I gave you to suck on?

was that "truth" when you falsely claimed that obama visited a nike sweatshop, instead of the nike factory in portland where starting wages were at $14 back when i applied there in 2007?


The only thing I can see that is making white people look bad is that morbidly obese, trailer trash slut you have as an avatar. I'm sure that for 5 bucks she'll suck on alot more than the truth.

@gunnar&carey , are you gonna let him say that about your woman?

Bag of dumbshit info? Excuse me Ma'am but does it ever hurt being so fucking ignorant? I would like to ask what it is that you have been smoking, but I'm sure it prolly is named Tyrone.

i was gonna say it earlier, it's just too obvious with you idiots at this point.
There is a picture of her areola literally right before your comment. And in no way are her areola, "too big". In fact, for the size of breasts she carries around, her areola are perfect sized.

Maybe you don't know what an areola is?

Didn't see that pic.

But it doesn't change the fact that those are just too big for anything useful.

Your a tool... You have no clue. A quick Google search would verify what I'm saying you dumb Fuck.. I herd they got this new brain injection that fixes stupidity...View attachment 3419152

Do you even reload, bro?
Didn't see that pic.

But it doesn't change the fact that those are just too big for anything useful.

Oh I totally disagree. I would fucking swim in those things. I'd let her ride me and knock me the fuck out slapping me in the face with those fun bags.
You are so fucking cool!!!!!!
Why do you want to limit magazine capacity liberal.... Sometimes six shots aren't enough... it's cuz of chodes like you I had to ship the drum mag to a buddy in Indiana and have him Ship it here. Felon or not. I exercise my right to bear arms. And this universal background check for private party firearms sales is ridiculous.
Why do you want to limit magazine capacity liberal.... Sometimes six shots aren't enough... it's cuz of chodes like you I had to ship the drum mag to a buddy in Indiana and have him Ship it here. Felon or not. I exercise my right to bear arms. And this universal background check for private party firearms sales is ridiculous.
Why do you think you need a hundred rounds? I have never seen a AR with only 6 rounds, but if 100 round drums are so necessary in this day in age, why doesn't every military soldier carry a 100 round drum on their AR's? I made you break the law? Also dumbass, he was asking if you make your own rounds, which is called reloading, dummy.
Why do you think you need a hundred rounds? I have never seen a AR with only 6 rounds, but if 100 round drums are so necessary in this day in age, why doesn't every military soldier carry a 100 round drum on their AR's? I made you break the law? Also dumbass, he was asking if you make your own rounds, which is called reloading, dummy.
No. I leave the shell casings and bodies for police to pick up.
Why do you want to limit magazine capacity liberal.... Sometimes six shots aren't enough... it's cuz of chodes like you I had to ship the drum mag to a buddy in Indiana and have him Ship it here. Felon or not. I exercise my right to bear arms. And this universal background check for private party firearms sales is ridiculous.

Liberals love guns too otherwise it would be illegal to even own one. Oh, and forget your 2nd Amendment rights, that one was written for the revolution, not for individuals to create their own war machine. Six shots my not be enough so use a semi-auto with 11 shots... plenty of fire power if you're a good or even a so-so shot.

Background checks are for crazies so what's so bad about that? You got to register your fucking car and get a license, why not the same for guns? Why aren't you bitching about MMJ users that can't own a gun legally? That's to blame on both sides of the isle of our greedy ass politicians, but especially blame it on Nixon.
Liberals love guns too otherwise it would be illegal to even own one. Oh, and forget your 2nd Amendment rights, that one was written for the revolution, not for individuals to create their own war machine. Six shots my not be enough so use a semi-auto with 11 shots... plenty of fire power if you're a good or even a so-so shot.

Background checks are for crazies so what's so bad about that? You got to register your fucking car and get a license, why not the same for guns? Why aren't you bitching about MMJ users that can't own a gun legally? That's to blame on both sides of the isle of our greedy ass politicians, but especially blame it on Nixon.
Do you think its fair that something I did a long time ago another person ago should follow me around the rest of my days alive and prevent me from legally owning firearms or getting loans or a good job?
Democrats and Republicans suck balls and libertarians just ain't right in the head. But without republicans they will take our guns make you go through a bunch of shit for a hunting rifle. I don't even vote nobody good to choose.
Why do you think you need a hundred rounds? I have never seen a AR with only 6 rounds, but if 100 round drums are so necessary in this day in age, why doesn't every military soldier carry a 100 round drum on their AR's? .
Well they are pretty fun.... But soldiers don't cause they suck their bulky, heavy and jam too easy they really ain't good for battle.