I really, really, really hate Republicans

You sound like one of the Fates in a Greek tragedy. Your destiny was determined at the beginning of time.......

You should re-read. Then respond. Maybe you won't look quite like the "ass" you are.
You could always ask what the comment was about if you don't understand.
You sound like one of the Fates in a Greek tragedy. Your destiny was determined at the beginning of time.

Never mind that other coutries have low unemployment, good growth, low crime, low corruption, healthcare for all, and a livable minimum wage. Nope, its impossible.
You mean country's like Norway that is small population and rich in natural resources? And don't try to save the fucking world
You should re-read. Then respond. Maybe you won't look quite like the "ass" you are.
You could always ask what the comment was about if you don't understand.
No, I read it. I understood it. Feet of clay, sir, you have feet of clay.
obama visited the nike factory in portland oregon, dumbass.

you're gonna be a fun little ball of anger to rile though.

No fucking shit smart guy. Why do you think he visited the Nike headquarters? It was to drum up support for the new TPP trade agreement. You know, why not visit the company that pays employees pennies, violates every employment law we have here, outsources nearly all their manufacturing, and devastates the environment of the "host countries". Then all he has to do is proclaim how wonderful this trade agreement is, and sell it to the American citizens.

See American people, I Barak obama claim that outsourcing American manufacturing jobs by paying kids in sweatshop conditions in Vietnam to produce shoes while making fifty cents an hour, 16 hours per day, is good for American workers. See it is now a race to the bottom. Now if all American manufactures paid American children 30 cents an hour the jobs would stay here domestically.

Of course choosing Nike had nothing to do with their 50 million dollar donation to Michelles fitness campaign.

This from a liberal organization;
"In a perverse way, the president going to Nike to promote trade emphasizes everything that is wrong about this trade agreement," said Lori Wallach of Public Citizen, a liberal group founded by activist Ralph Nader. "The firm, and its founder, created the model of low-cost, offshore production that has eviscerated the United States manufacturing base."

Never did I think I would agree with Sanders, but his statement is correct.

“If Nike can sell a pair of LeBron XII Elite iD shoes online for $320 in this country, it should be making these shoes and other products here, not in Vietnam or China,” he wrote. “It is no secret why Nike is supporting [the Trans-Pacific Partnership]. [It would] … increase the profits of Nike … but do nothing to encourage Nike to create one manufacturing job in this country.”

Yep, keep worshiping your savior, as he further hamstrings the American worker
so much fail.
Let Amtrak die, so a private company can take over and derail more trains at slower speeds. So instead of just cargo trains derailing everyday, you now want to have commuter trains derailing everyday also?
You are one of the dickwads OP is talking about FYI.

Can you find any evidence of your claims?

Trains derail EVERY DAY eh?

Why do you feel the need to make obvious lies in order to make a false point?
Oh yes we can and will blame the democrats. They created this hostile environment. They are the reason the city is shrinking and not growing. At least in NYC and la the population is growing. Therefore creating new tax money. I bring you the death of a global powerhouse city. And the beginning of the downgrading of a nation. The world's powerhouse

Beginning of downgrading? Shit, it started with Nixon and good old fuck face Ronnie Regan finished us all off.
Beginning of downgrading? Shit, it started with Nixon and good old fuck face Ronnie Regan finished us all off.
cities and counties didn't start going bankrupt until recently.. atleast not in this magnitude... I beleave the county of san Bernardino started it all.. followed by Detroit.... next up Chicago.. possibly the state of Illinois... and its not looking good for California to....
Beginning of downgrading? Shit, it started with Nixon and good old fuck face Ronnie Regan finished us all off.

I am not aware of any serious downgrading or potential default of any Municipal G.O. debt obligations under either Nixon or Reagan.
This is indeed a recent occurrence.

It is only the relatively recent egregious mismanagement which has precipitated this unfortunate reality for municipal governments.
They will cry, gnash their teeth and argue all week long, but in the end Amtrak will be voted out and more military spending in by both republican'ts and democant's.

Amtrak should have died 10 years ago, it hasn't turned an actual profit, ever.
Publicly funded for profit companies never do.

Let Amtrak die so that some industrious private company can start their own passenger train service.

2.5 million more bus rides each month.

That derailment probably had more to do with the train going a claimed 106MPH into a turn, twice as fast as its supposed to go, and not due to underlying infrastructure problems.

Trains derail all the time, literally every day. Most of them are at much lower speeds.

Your life is such a fail.

Can you find any evidence of your claims?

Trains derail EVERY DAY eh?

Why do you feel the need to make obvious lies in order to make a false point?
cities and counties didn't start going bankrupt until recently.. atleast not in this magnitude... I beleave the county of san Bernardino started it all.. followed by Detroit.... next up Chicago.. possibly the state of Illinois... and its not looking good for California to....

you forgot boise county, idaho.

that bastion of liberalism went bankrupt too.
Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat. Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?
Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.

Well aren't you just a bag of dumb-shit information.

NAFTA is a trilateral agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico. NAFTA was agreed upon and signed into law by George H W Bush, on Dec 17, 1992, it took effect in 1994.

So the basis for your entire comment is completely false.

Why again are you so fucking stupid?
Eh??? I have NEVER met a teacher that makes even a fraction of the money that Drs make. That's part of the problem in this country. We don't value education.
Lol@ education.. half the kids don't even graduate.. and we're one of the worst schoolsystems but teacher getting close to 100k Mark. And they really don't even fund there own pensions. Guess who does