I really, really, really hate Republicans

oh and BTW hyroot, you brought me into this thread, so once again, you are wrong, go ahead, deny that too, you are very good at DENIAL. and denial ain't a river.

reread the thread you and skunk douche were talking about me . That's why I came in here. You are officially on the ignored and blocked list.

again I never lied. Did you notice the date on the reposts and nice rewording of said posts too. Did your mommy teach that one?

again why are you so obsessed with me? Get a life for real!!!!!!
you're a funny guy buck. Tell you what, I'll get a new camera if you get some glasses and wipe hyroots jizz off your lip.

For someone who claims 20 yrs experience and a grow style that is suppose to be far superior to everyone else. suppose to bring out the "full potential' of a plant.Those last pictures are just OK, nothing special from someone who talks all that shit.
surely NOT the "full potential" of those plants.

I wouldn't even care that he is a mediocre grower, if he just didn't run around thinking his stuff is fire and making the claims he does. I NEVER made claims of having the best weed. Although my weed is clearly better than his.

your weed is not clearly better than his, you can't even photograph it.

and hyroot gave us the timeline behind his growing, it's not as cut and dry as you want it to be.
Guys! Guys! Please keep your bickering out of the politics section! This forum is supposed to be for polite politically discussions and how we can better ourselves and our country. Take your nonsense to TnT. We are quiet, gentle folk around here.

the bickering is triggering me..i don't know what i'll do next..<insert male fantasy here>.
.he buddies with Chuck Estevez. Need I say more..... Chuck was talking shit to me. And that lemming jumped in... You already know what a joke chuck is...
Someone conveniently deleted my posts, Here is where you, Hyroot invited me into this thread, I didn't even read it until this.
so AGAIN, YOU are a liar.
Someone conveniently deleted my posts, Here is where you, Hyroot invited me into this thread, I didn't even read it until this.
so AGAIN, YOU are a liar.

that looks like an explanation and recap of historical events rather than an invitation.

are you familiar with modern day colloquial american english?
not that you can tell anything from that pic, but i'm calling light starved and airy.
light starved, I use a gavita, best light on the market, Buck I have lost all respect for you. ANYONE who backs hyroot after that burning, must be blind, your opinion of my weed matters none, I didn't make any claims about my weed other than it was mite free and better than hyroots.
light starved, I use a gavita, best light on the market, Buck I have lost all respect for you. ANYONE who backs hyroot after that burning, must be blind, your opinion of my weed matters none, I didn't make any claims about my weed other than it was mite free and better than hyroots.

now if only you could provide photographic evidence for that.
as I predicted, HYROOT cried like a bitch and now MOST all my posts are gone, fuck this site. Fuckin cry babies, gets shut down, they delete it all. I am out, can't even troll good anymore, and buck, your tactics need a tune up, they are getting weak.
funny how ole uncle bucky can have some kids girl as his avatar, yet I can't have a hyroot quote as my sig, This site is going to shit, they may not have to ban me, they are doing a fine job of chasing people off.