Help me name my puppy!!

What a cutie! Just don't call it Lucky! My Mum had a black lab and the bastard neighbours poisoned it. Reminds me a bit about your poor chihuahua. Poor little thing. Hope you have moved away from them.

I find dog names ending in -ey help. My dog is called Monty. Short for Montgomery. :)
I had a Golden named Lucky...he lived for 15 years. He got hit by a car...Guess he wasn't very lucky after all...Guess who was driving the car??? haha
What a cutie! Just don't call it Lucky! My Mum had a black lab and the bastard neighbours poisoned it. Reminds me a bit about your poor chihuahua. Poor little thing. Hope you have moved away from them.

I find dog names ending in -ey help. My dog is called Monty. Short for Montgomery. :)
Actually he went to jail! Probably prison by now. He and his gf had a big fight, and he started hitting her, and she called 911, and when the police showed up he came running at them with an ax. So. He's serving time. I did move, though.
lol or Cracka

I had a little white Chihuahua mixed dog that I rescued, we named him blacky. My niece would constantly complain about his name when she would come over lol.

He kept getting out of the fence and then one day he never came back, not sure what happened to him. I tried to save him and the 3 other dogs some gutless piece of shit abandoned in our neighborhood. One got hit by a car before I got them tame and the other two ran away a few days after I got them tame, he was the last hold out.
My friend had a do named "Dee Oh Gee"

I asked him one day "how you spell that"

He says " D - O - G" I was like DAFUQ .

Maybe you should name her FELONY and then get a male dog and name him FELON