Help me name my puppy!!

I had the same dilemma at Xmas when we acquired a new hound by accident.

Popular suggestions from our peers included:

Pinworm (obviously)
Shitstain (lovely)
Gizmo (it looked like a mogwai)

We mostly called it 'Getunder' until it was re homed with a friend who called it Buttercup. O.o

My suggestions for you are Conan, Hobo or Syndrome. Gotta be careful with the last one in public....
What a cutie! Just don't call it Lucky! My Mum had a black lab and the bastard neighbours poisoned it. Reminds me a bit about your poor chihuahua. Poor little thing. Hope you have moved away from them.

I find dog names ending in -ey help. My dog is called Monty. Short for Montgomery. :)