Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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I have reading comprehension. First grow or not, sounds like you're not too bright if you let a light fry your plants. Just saying, that's like gardening 101.

guess you never tried new technology and had to adjust for it, what an idiot with that comment.
It would be fun if we could all get together and trade buds for smoke tests. I have a lot of trouble judging quality from pics. I've smoked stuff from pro growers that looked incredible, just covered in trichomes, and it really didn't get me all that high. Every picture I see of a cookie strain looks over nuted, but the strain smokes great. So it is very hard to judge from pics unless all you care about is bag appeal.
guess you never tried new technology and had to adjust for it, what an idiot with that comment.
New technology? Gavita has been out for decades mr. I screwed up my first round, and haven't posted any picts. I don't think I have seen one bit of pertinent information from you this entire exchange. You just sit and name call and put down other people. I expected more from you.

Ok capt.butthurt, you saved it because you're butthurt. And it was from a thread about how the gavita was too much at 1000 watts. but you keep playing that butthurt game.
No it wasn't. It was a thread about someones bud burning like shit and you came in running your mouth. Then I suckered a pic out of you. Anyone that's seen light bleaching knows that a light didn't fuck up your plants... you did.
New technology? Gavita has been out for decades mr. I screwed up my first round, and haven't posted any picts. I don't think I have seen one bit of pertinent information from you this entire exchange. You just sit and name call and put down other people. I expected more from you.

ok,lol another hyroot, always right, just mad because i proved you guys are full of your own bs
How Can I argue with your logic? it's retarded. I got a NEW gavita for the first time. I had to adjust it for MY room, fuckin idiot, and I was the one who figured out the OP was mistaken by his claim.
I would LOVE to get together with every bickering SOB on this thread and smoke their weed regardless of how it was grown.
that's why I like you Rrog, you re not full of your own smug. Like these dudes that would never smoke anything if it isn't organic, i mean, c'mon you have to see how smug they are.
ok,lol another hyroot, always right, just mad because i proved you guys are full of your own bs
How Can I argue with your logic? it's retarded. I got a NEW gavita for the first time. I had to adjust it for MY room, fuckin idiot, and I was the one who figured out the OP was mistaken by his claim.
Still name calling with nothing to back it up. Oh, but I got new lights and I didn't know how to use them. LMAO!!!

so let's see
claims made by organic guys
a cleaner high, FALSE, found out it was from outdoor grown weed
Full potential of plants, Looking at Hyroots garden, FALSE
tastes Better, Not by looking at Hyrrots plants, FALSE
healthier for you, Haven't seen proof of that except for hyroots claims, so FALSE
I would LOVE to get together with every bickering SOB on this thread and smoke their weed regardless of how it was grown.
so true, and there is a LOT of bickering going on... like four different arguments and totally different members..
I admit it's sorta entertaining... not in a good wholesome way, more of a "holy shit, look at the gut on that fat-guy" kinda way...
irresistible to not look....
can't remember seeing so much arguing on one thread.
so let's see
claims made by organic guys
a cleaner high, FALSE, found out it was from outdoor grown weed
Full potential of plants, Looking at Hyroots garden, FALSE
tastes Better, Not by looking at Hyrrots plants, FALSE
healthier for you, Haven't seen proof of that except for hyroots claims, so FALSE
Being able to convince others of your preferences and philosophies...... FALSE....
Couldn't resist...
Just leave it alone my brother...
leave it be.
It's preference... it's an internet forum... it's all good man.
Peace, love and umm recycle?
Being able to convince others of your preferences and philosophies...... FALSE....
Couldn't resist...
Just leave it alone my brother...
leave it be.
It's preference... it's an internet forum... it's all good man.
Peace, love and umm recycle?
but I am having such fun making these guys squirm. they are so pissed that I am here disputing their lifestyle. I would guess hy and patta both are from san francisco, so full of smug
you know what, you're right, I am only going to reply with this pic from now on, I really hope they feel good about their organic grow,warms my heart.

so lush, so green, so maxed to it's full potential and healthier to SMOKE than my synthetic grown.
I can find errors in everyone's grammar. But if you want to hold on to hyroots dick over an o, good 4 Ya.
Is there any need to act like that? You kinda are proving his point. I merely made a statement and look how you act. You could be the greatest grower in the world and I wouldn't want to learn from someone like you. A little argument and you can not control your emotions. Kids do that.
But for two guys that know it all; none of their work makes me say, "Wow, that's nice." More like the opposite. If you want to play weed professor, get your shit together first. Look at thump easy's posts that are 90% unreadable but his work is great. Grammar doesn't make a good gardener.



That may be true but if you want to teach you should learn to carry yourself better.
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