Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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Sorry, growing from seed in a greenhouse and not concerned with maximizing yield or cost basis. I care about quality and maintaining the 4 cubic yards of soil I lugged up a steep hill on my back, the equivalent height to a 4 story building. For me, organics is just a better fit with how I like to grow. I'm a hobbyist so I really don't need a better reason. If my weed is no better for being organic, that is okay. I still want to grow it that way.
Can't argue with that. Do what makes you happy!

I respect the hell out of organic growers....I think it's a cool way to grow and I have no problem giving credit where credit is due. I recognize that by and large, "organic" agriculture is ecologically more friendly and I can also see how an organically grown plant can better live up to its full genetic potential in the sense that it's growing how it would naturally without human intervention.

To say however, that a plant "living up to its full genetic potential" is somehow higher in quality, to me, makes the assumption that cannabis plants have evolved for thousands of years for the sole purpose of pleasing humans. Point being, it's possible for a synthetically grown plant to have a completely different terpene-cannabinoid profile but not necessarily an inferior one.

And the whole thing about synthetically grown pot burning your throat and this and that is just the lashing out of from a group of individuals too wrapped up in a particular ideology -- either that, or they just dried improperly -- one or the other. (:

Anyway, there's another opinion to throw on the pile.
there are hundreds of studies. There's articles and studies everywhere. Dating back to 2009 to last year. University , 3rd part etc. Just do a google search with .edu or oxford journals at the end. They will pop up.

if you wan to learn that's great. If you plan on continuing to be an asshole antagonizing everybody like chuck does with every post. That's your prerogative. I refuse to feed the fire. And have back and forth with some one who clearly isn't here for knowledge. But just to argue. So either be civil or be an asshole. Your choice. So good day!!!
Im always trying to learn.

If you hold the grail of case studies send it my way.

I realise I might come across as being condescending, but i am definately willing to change my stance on this if legitimate proof exists. From my experience of reading studies, there is "proof" that supports both sides of the debate.

Tell me what chemicals are found in every synthetic that the plant absorbs, that in turn is going to kill the smoker?

Things like dynagrow and heavy 16 are good examples of bad synthetics that use toxins to buffer a lack of grower skill. I dont think this is a good thing... however there are plenty of synthetics out there that do not contain anything more harmful than the carcinagens in the plant itself.

Its all about dialing in your plant with hydro, as excess anything will have a negative effect. Organics does it for you with the soil web.

I see how ppl think TLO is awesome, because it is.

I dont see how someone can think that just because they are using ancient methods, that product is automatically better than any hydro produce.

This is an aeration issue. I went through the same thing myself recently on the 3'rd round of recycled soil. Bagged soil uses very little compost/vermicompost which is very heavy, and can starve roots of oxygen when compared to the soils we are building.

Make sure to add 1/3 aeration bits to your base, and use stuff like pumice, perlite, lava rock, etc that won't degrade over time. To me this is one of the biggest challenges for someone making their own soil..... oxygen to the root zone.

Hydro is like juicing for plants. No energy expended "digesting". The grower has to fill the missing link of the microbes.

IMHO- The only things TLO has on hydro is the savings on fert and time.

But hydro gains some points back when looking at growth rate and dialing new strains

Im not here to swing my dick around, just to do the helicopter for a few minutes and get down to the facts
Lol ok?
Trust me kid, lots of scientific research behind soil, try thousands of years.

Btw those organic nuts you youre referring too, don't want to read your stupid biased one sided reports that are probably sponsored by groups who have investment in these types of studies outcome.
No shit people can't tell the difference between organics and synthetic grown food and herb, that's because most people like your self are desensitized from what's good and whats bad quality.

Don't understand me? Here let me dumb it down for you,
Your herb is like McDonald's,
Gross and cheap, probley on the dollar menu. My herb on the other hand, well hahaha, why bother? Your stuck in your McDonald's shit
If this is mcdonalds please show me your organic grass fed burger.

Its crazy... tastes like haze with a splash of lemon... no chemicals or anything

I could bring this to a dispensary and call it "organic" and no one would be the wiser. Screenshot_2015-03-06-02-14-12.png
003.JPG 002.JPG

There's talk of uncleben in here, I think he's got a lot of great advice and even if you don't use synthetics you can keep your plants green to harvest usually by keeping the soil healthy and not letting it get too dry. Mostly watching the plants and giving them what they need same way one would with synthetics just using organics sources.

Both can produce huge buds.

That plant was 14 inchs tall total 12/12 from seed in a 2 gallon pot. Some strains don't like my mix some do, it's kind of a pain in the ass to throw a GSC x into it and have it go crazy dark and curled and put something like this Fireballs in there and it just explodes with bud.
Hydro is like juicing for plants. No energy expended "digesting". The grower has to fill the missing link of the microbes.

IMHO- The only things TLO has on hydro is the savings on fert and time.

But hydro gains some points back when looking at growth rate and dialing new strains

Im not here to swing my dick around, just to do the helicopter for a few minutes and get down to the facts

I believe that plant health and pest resistance is better with organics. I'm convinced of that at this point.

I would never deny that hydro is the way to go if yield is your primary concern. You just can't replicate the amount of oxygen that gets to the root zone when using soil... Regardless of what you're feeding the plant.

Organic Blue Tara.
yeah but his attitude sucks he didn't read anything the led crowd gave him either he refuses to learn or by open to new stuff he'll just watch crappy youtube videos that aren't relevant then argue the same shit again
He has his stance on lighting it seems. Come on bro some of the led guys will rip you a new one if one says the wrong thing in there. And i don't mind that, I've been put in my place in those threads. This whole thread was about cleaner highs i think. Pretty sure that topics out the window. Bro I've smokes some bomb ass organic and I've also smoked some bomb ass hydro. Those who are saying "i wouldn't smoke that hydro" their on their high horse. 85 percent of this forums bud is better then bud in most cannabis clubs visually and id smoke every last one of them buds. Im jabbering now. You guys are great without a doubt. Even you know who your organic leader......
First of all i never came in here to bash anyone;s grow style i do grow organic and chem like i stated before
to each there own right ??
But it appears i hurt some peoples feelings in here truth hurts idunno???? and really i do not care..
It pretty much starts with that post organics is way better,, when the fact remains there is not enough tests side by sides to prove this theory there fore its a fucking guess at best.. Or cause you grow organics you just know its better..
Truth is there is allot of hype over organics,, Hell if you really break it down one step further its political.
Where Big business is already altering its out come ,, marketing what ever
does it grow of course it does and for some its ideal situation for others who break it down in a business perspective longer veg times , less yields less harvests per year x money from actual yields it might not be a good choice

There was a post up top here mentioning we let our soil sit ???
Well that is true if your making a hot soil recipe but in many cases you can make a soil where you can plant right away here are some recipes if your interested

This will make approximately 1 cubic foot of soil and water only from start to finish
3-gallons of peat moss
2- gallons rice hulls
2- gallons of worm casting/compost
1/2- cup oyster shell flour
1- cup gypsum
1/2- cup azomite
1/4- cup basalt rock dust
1/2- cup bentonite
1/2- cup crab shell meal
1/2- cup fish meal
1/2- cup High P bat guano
1/2- cup alfalfa meal
1/2- cup fish bone meal
1- cup kelp meal
1/4 cup granular humic acid
1/4 cup diatomaceous earth
1/2 gallon 3mm biochar
I would recommend pending on amount of watering to top dress as you get into flowering

another one you can plant right away
this is per 1 cubic foot of soil

1/2- cup gypsum
1/4- cup azomite
1/8- cup basalt
1/4- cup crab shells
1/4- cup fish meal
1/4- cup high p guano
1/4- cup alfalfa meal
1/4- cup fish bone meal
1/2- cup kelp meal
1/4- cup diatomaceous earth.

seed / clone starting ??? anyone

5- parts peat
1- part rice hulls
1- part compost
1- part worm castings
Per gallon of soil add the following
1-tablespoon of azomite
1- tablespoon of kelp meal
1- tablespoon of oyster shell flour
a pinch of powdered humic acid
I believe that plant health and pest resistance is better with organics. I'm convinced of that at this point.

I would never deny that hydro is the way to go if yield is your primary concern. You just can't replicate the amount of oxygen that gets to the root zone when using soil... Regardless of what you're feeding the plant.
But with hydro, pest deturrance shoukd be a moot issue as it is 100% possible to keep an absolutely sterile environment.

Soil brings things with it... which is why if i have any soil going it gets the symbiotic microbe treatment.

Also the synthetics in the medium dont stop you from foliar spraying bennies on the phylosphere

But i do agree, organics do play a part in pest deturrance which is also an attribute
But with hydro, pest deturrance shoukd be a moot issue as it is 100% possible to keep an absolutely sterile environment.

Soil brings things with it... which is why if i have any soil going it gets the symbiotic microbe treatment.

Also the synthetics in the medium dont stop you from foliar spraying bennies on the phylosphere

But i do agree, organics do play a part in pest deturrance which is also an attribute
Some day I'll build a nice clean hydro setup. I really like @StinkBud 's setup. clean, seems like easy maintenance. Dudes got shit dialed in.
I believe that plant health and pest resistance is better with organics. I'm convinced of that at this point.

I would never deny that hydro is the way to go if yield is your primary concern. You just can't replicate the amount of oxygen that gets to the root zone when using soil... Regardless of what you're feeding the plant.
Ps. I woukd argue that plant health is much more a derivative of conditions being dialed than the method itself.

Maybe its just me but i get the same exact dark green glossy leaves in hydro that I do in living soil.
Nice were finally seeing bud shots that;s what its all about here Purple train wreck x Pakistan critical Kush
and silver cookie seed run


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Ps. I woukd argue that plant health is much more a derivative of conditions being dialed than the method itself.

Maybe its just me but i get the same exact dark green glossy leaves in hydro that I do in living soil.

You put two plants from the same mother in a room, one in a DWC bucket, one in an organic soil that has been amended with neem seed meal and crab shell meal, and then introduce mites, I guarantee you that the mites will flock to the DWC plant. The SAR response for plants grown in an organic soil can't be matched.
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