can people of color be racist?


Well-Known Member
From my understanding, racism equals power, so if a group of people have no power in a racist society, how can they themselves be racist towards people of power (white people).

Yes I understand we have a black president, but last time I checked, he hasn't done much for the people. He still deporting people in high numbers (higher then last presidency,) and poor are still poor.

What do you guys think
I think that anytime a person is denigrated for being the member of a given race by ANYONE, regardless of their own race, they're experiencing racism.

In other words, saying you can't be racist because you're black is stupid, AND an excuse for racist behavior. As such it's insulting and just as unacceptable as the more expected kind.

What colors may be involved is irrelevant; racism is when someone is treated less than fairly because of their color as opposed to their character. That's the message of Dr. King and it resonates as universal, eternal truth. We either accept it as individuals, as groups, as a nation and as a planet- or it will be our undoing.
I think that anytime a person is denigrated for being the member of a given race by ANYONE, regardless of their own race, they're experiencing racism.

In other words, saying you can't be racist because you're black is stupid, AND an excuse for racist behavior. As such it's insulting and just as unacceptable as the more expected kind.

What colors may be involved is irrelevant; racism is when someone is treated less than fairly because of their color as opposed to their character. That's the message of Dr. King and it resonates as universal, eternal truth. We either accept it as individuals, as groups, as a nation and as a planet- or it will be our undoing.

So then, can you tell me where you got your definition definitionof racism, and maybe even put into contex.
Btw your statement about "saying you can't be racist because your black" is what I'm trying to prove my point about
about. If we define racism with white supremacy and whitte privledge, and power, how can people of color be racist when they don't have power?
Btw this is When we talk about the difference between prejudice and racism. Yes black people can be prejudice towards white people, but that's not racist, because they do not have power or privledge to enforce racism
And as for Dr king, obviously what he said is right on, but to critically analyze what he said, I think the problem is, we as people will never progress for as long as we never acknowledge the root of the problem. Racism, sexism and poverty need to be acknodedge before we move foward
From my understanding, racism equals power, so if a group of people have no power in a racist society, how can they themselves be racist towards people of power (white people).

Yes I understand we have a black president, but last time I checked, he hasn't done much for the people. He still deporting people in high numbers (higher then last presidency,) and poor are still poor.

What do you guys think
Great question.

My two cents: Prejudice is bias or a preconceived notion made before the fact. Racism is prejudice with the notion of superiority of one race of mankind over another (citation below). Racism is malignant when its coupled with power. I think that malignant racism is usually what people mean by the terms racist or racism.

My dad grew up in a white sharecropper family in Mississippi in the 1920's and 1930's. He most certainly was a racist but as far as I know, it was a concept that he never practiced. I never saw him be rude or treat any person differently based on his bias. It seemed as if the concept of race was one thing but each person he met he treated as a person. Later in life he recanted his racist beliefs to my mother. The problem with this kind of racist is that it's not visible in person but their actions show up in society in the form of support for systemic racism, like segregation or poor funding for schools in black neighborhoods. Democracy gives power to otherwise impotent racists. So, in a democracy, racism in a majority group is malignant.

one citation:
racism can come from either. End. The black panthers were racist A lot blacks hate whites. That racist. In the ghetto Mexicans and blacks hate each other. (at least in san Bernardino) All Asians hate Koreans. Vietnamese and Cambodians hate each other. Half of the middle east hates Americans but like Canadians lol. Any sort of bigotry is racist
racism can come from either. End. The black panthers were racist A lot blacks hate whites. That racist. In the ghetto Mexicans and blacks hate each other. (at least in san Bernardino) All Asians hate Koreans. Vietnamese and Cambodians hate each other. Half of the middle east hates Americans but like Canadians lol. Any sort of bigotry is racist
Did those crazy North Koreans manage to test their mega nuke and it was SO powahful that the Korean peninsula is no longer part of Asia?
racism can come from either. End. The black panthers were racist A lot blacks hate whites. That racist. In the ghetto Mexicans and blacks hate each other. (at least in san Bernardino) All Asians hate Koreans. Vietnamese and Cambodians hate each other. Half of the middle east hates Americans but like Canadians lol. Any sort of bigotry is racist
Problem with this kind of thinking is, it kind of makes people have this notion that it's in our nature to be oppressive towards others, Or social darwism, which is complete bullshit with no scientific academics too back it up.
I highly disagree because I only see these hate crime on the news, NOT in the hoods in which I grew up in.
But to each they own, not denying these sorts of situations of hate towards each of these groups you mentioned. And I agree, bigotry is part of racism. I just think here is a difference between racism and prejudicE, which both have oppressive bigotry .
I've said it before nd I'll say it again, power needs to be the back bone of racism, because with out it, it's prejudice (and maybe even less harmful? Lol)

And great point @Fogdog Will have to read your post a couple more times to better understand it and use it in conversation /debate.
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From my understanding, racism equals power, so if a group of people have no power in a racist society, how can they themselves be racist towards people of power (white people).

Yes I understand we have a black president, but last time I checked, he hasn't done much for the people. He still deporting people in high numbers (higher then last presidency,) and poor are still poor.

What do you guys think
Negros and other people like that cannot be racist.. Racism is a white mans thing. Mostly a middle aged, overweight, white guy thing.
Yes. "People of color" can be racist. Any action to another person that causes that person harm, profiled based on skin color, is racially motivated.

No CC Dobbs, racism is most certainly not a "white mans thing". Have you ever been to Japan? How about India? No. Ok, well you should watch or read some VICE. They have several exposes on rampant racism in those countries.
Problem with this kind of thinking is, it kind of makes people have this notion that it's in our nature to be oppressive towards others, Or social darwism, which is complete bullshit with no scientific academics too back it up.
I highly disagree because I only see these hate crime on the news, NOT in the hoods in which I grew up in.
But to each they own, not denying these sorts of situations of hate towards each of these groups you mentioned. And I agree, bigotry is part of racism. I just think here is a difference between racism and prejudicE, which both have oppressive bigotry .
I've said it before nd I'll say it again, power needs to be the back bone of racism, because with out it, it's prejudice (and maybe even less harmful? Lol)

And great point @Fogdog Will have to read your post a couple more times to better understand it and use it in conversation /debate.

its not a way of thinking. It is what it is. It goes back to the Korean war and Vietnam and ghetto thing. At least on san Bernardino which is literally like being in Africa with one of those cults that slaughters villages. the Mexicans there wont hesitate light up the blacks if they even come close to looking at them side ways. I used to live there. Living there made me racist. Robberies , hone invasions, and shootings , murders, even cops getting shot were everyday occurrence. you never go outside on foot at night there.
I think the notion that power is a defining factor is true. But in situations where the people of color are in power, then you most certainly can say they could be racist. Let's say a company owned by a black person, only hires black employees, you could make a case that they were racist against people who were not black.