Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

The newest season? I watched all the other seasons.
Yeah, they got leaked or some shit.

I get mine from eztv. Just google box "eztv" haha.

I don't know if they're still up. The first episode aired on Sunday, but somehow the first 4 got out there in the inter web.
You missed the first TROLL!

I thought it was mainliner, but everyone else thinks it was a girl.

Sunni fed us the proper rules, and now bum is allowed as long as you can't see the the back 9.

You can PM me your watch if you like...I'll give my honest opinion.
If anybody gets a full in the raw Dick pic off me it will be April.. ;)
I was pounded into the heavens last night. It was glorious.

Edit: I'm not sure what hubby is watching/reading, or maybe he just decided to actually pay attention BUT DAMN. He's like a completely different lover! It may be a couple months ago when he gave me a huge orgasm from behind... Maybe he finally got confidence and a reason to get into it for my pleasure.

Nothing hotter than him commenting each time I come.
commenting? He didn't want to taste it or anything? Did he at least lick your butthole?images (53).jpgfor some reason when I post a pic of the dirty bird I feel like I can ask anything.
THAT is one of my conundrums.

We have a fuck nard of condoms. But I dislike them. And I am totally not ready to have a baby at this juncture.

A lot of my friends that currently have babies, say they use the pull out method and it wasn't until they were actually "trying" to get pregnant that they did.

hahahaha - I'm probably a bad friend but I immediately thought of the sheer quantity of semen that would have been floating around their insides in order to get knocked up. hahaha

I'm gross.
I like to watch it drip out!images (53).jpg