giving defoliation during flower a try


hi guys sorry to interrupt but should mine look that skinny? there week 9 of flower! blue cheese! do u think they are nearly ready? im a complete newby this is my first grow! any advice would be really apreciated
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Well-Known Member
Hmm, wouldn't a 2 liter soda bottle with the top and bottom cut off, little holes drilled around the cylinder and placed in a aero tube (or similar) keep the roots from growing out sideways and tangling?
See my failed SWC experiment with 1 liter soda bottles as "root sleeves" (credit to Alaric for that term too) in my journal. That could work perhaps with eb and flow or perhaps even dwc with a shit load of stones but not for a recirculating constant flow. The sleeves stagnate the flow, and a large enough amount of holes to fix that will defeat the purpose of the sock. It's also a rather temporary fix, unless they are very long, and then the rez needs to be tall and I want to keep that small (and separate) to keep waste to a minimum. Or they all need their own supply lines (from the top), something I may just have to settled for eventually but rather avoid too.


Well-Known Member
hi guys sorry to interrupt but should mine look that skinny? there week 9 of flower! blue cheese! do u think they are nearly ready? im a complete newby this is my first grow! any advice would be really apreciated.
They look nearly ready yes (several threads about that, see @RM3 his signature). Not terrible for a first grow, but they look like they had a poor watering and nutrient regime. Skinny is relative, if you grown those behind a window or under CFL they are huge. ;)


they was under 2 600w hid lights! Ii stuck I watered them every other day! and fed them nutients once a week that's where I must of went wrong man!


Well-Known Member
Ahh I didn't even think about that. It would be easy to rig up a dwc system with "root sleeves" but nft and the likes would definitely pose a problem. Where there is a will there is a way!


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm not a cool kid either. Spent like an hour checking out the new house I'll be moving to earlier and now sitting on my ass again lol.

That is a unique idea about rolling the leaves up, but that will only lead to the same problem as over lapped leaves except much worse (notice the plants respiration problems with the drooping :(

I've been cutting my leaves in half on my flower plants (usually I remove the ones that have to go..In my opinion anyway. It hhelps but I'm still getting extreme moisture build up. Yes, I know the solution, put less plants in the space so each plant has more room.. But that would kill my yield as opposed to just doing some selective pruning.

You have to admit, my plants always look glorious ;) jk jk

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Man, I'm not a cool kid either. Spent like an hour checking out the new house I'll be moving to earlier and now sitting on my ass again lol.

That is a unique idea about rolling the leaves up, but that will only lead to the same problem as over lapped leaves except much worse (notice the plants respiration problems with the drooping :(

I've been cutting my leaves in half on my flower plants (usually I remove the ones that have to go..In my opinion anyway. It hhelps but I'm still getting extreme moisture build up. Yes, I know the solution, put less plants in the space so each plant has more room.. But that would kill my yield as opposed to just doing some selective pruning.

You have to admit, my plants always look glorious ;) jk jk
Your cutting your leafs in half while flowering?


Well-Known Member
Yes, lollipopin is removing tons of whole leaves and branches as opposed to leaving most of the leaf in tact. It is a great method to keep the leaf which can still continue photosynthetic processes


Well-Known Member
Here's the gear which I'm only cutting the leaves I "want to' cut off. In a perfect world I wouldn't, but indoor everyone's first goal should be yield, and since electric costs money as opposed to sun grown, there are certain training techniques people use to squeeze the most bang for the buck in the smallest area.



Well-Known Member
Here's the gear which I'm only cutting the leaves I "want to' cut off. In a perfect world I wouldn't, but indoor everyone's first goal should be yield, and since electric costs money as opposed to sun grown, there are certain training techniques people use to squeeze the most bang for the buck in the smallest area.

View attachment 3392656
It's the gnome who forces you to defoliate, isn't it? *shudder*