giving defoliation during flower a try


Well-Known Member
Meh... I don't see any dirt and no fungi, and not little critters. So white and boring.

Can't wait to get back to hydro. Haven't settled on the design yet, currently having an idea for a V25 floating around in my head.
lol, pool shock has been amazing to keep things clean and pathogen free. I'm actually going to have to convert to smart pots with rockwool croutons and do drain to waste for a little while. I'll still be using my ebb bucket system, but the flood & drain will have to be put on hold for a while :( Really nervous about it because I suck at growing if it's not straight hydro (even though rockwool is hydro kind of, I'm sure I'll mess something up :p )

What's v25? The name has me intrigued


Well-Known Member
lol, pool shock has been amazing to keep things clean and pathogen free. I'm actually going to have to convert to smart pots with rockwool croutons and do drain to waste for a little while. I'll still be using my ebb bucket system, but the flood & drain will have to be put on hold for a while :( Really nervous about it because I suck at growing if it's not straight hydro (even though rockwool is hydro kind of, I'm sure I'll mess something up :p )

What's v25? The name has me intrigued
Don't even trip bro. Easy shit!
And I'll be rite down the road whenever you need me. You know that!

But ummm.....can we please get back to the memes? You guys are boring the shit out of me:sleep:
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Well-Known Member
Sounds bad ass man! When you make it let me know, I wanna see it in action 8-) I love building hydro systems. That's the one thing I don't like about my flood tables design, once the plants are in there, you can't move them, the roots just grow into a massive pile

It's an imaginary 25-cylinder/spider leg tube setup. Just one of several crazy ideas to allow me to get back to a setup similar to what I used (mediumless tubes/nft) while still having the ability to move and remove plants without ripping roots apart or worse leave roots behind.


Well-Known Member
That's the one thing I don't like about my flood tables design, once the plants are in there, you can't move them, the roots just grow into a massive pile
Exactly, and since I want to start out with 25-36 plants sex them all yet end up flowering only 9 or so females... My tubes are imo the best for clones but I want to grow in at least a similar setup from seeds 'and' select. Not a small request especially considering some specific requirement I have but not trying to design the next hot hydro setup, just something that works for me.

Not sure yet if I'm going for the v25 or something completely different. Check out my hijack here for some thoughts on what Alaric so nicely put as "plant portability".


Well-Known Member
Exactly, and since I want to start out with 25-36 plants sex them all yet end up flowering only 9 or so females... My tubes are imo the best for clones but I want to grow in at least a similar setup from seeds 'and' select. Not a small request especially considering some specific requirement I have but not trying to design the next hot hydro setup, just something that works for me.

Not sure yet if I'm going for the v25 or something completely different. Check out my hijack here for some thoughts on what Alaric so nicely put as "plant portability".
Well damn, there's some good ideas on that thread. Now my thoughts are active on new designs. That tote system looks bad ass! Hmm, wouldn't a 2 liter soda bottle with the top and bottom cut off, little holes drilled around the cylinder and placed in a aero tube (or similar) keep the roots from growing out sideways and tangling? I've always hated tangled roots. I try to veg everything in the same dwc tub or flood table and I can only veg so long before I have to take them out or risk broken tangled roots.