Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
@Magic Mike , you should probably post another shirts off one, to get Laha up to speed...

Laha? What's the best way to shorten your name? LadyX was coming to mind.

I'm remarkably high for some reason right now - haha.


Well-Known Member
Or you text ppl you don't really know and say guess who it is and when that person can't figure it out in one or two of the most randomist hints,,you give it up with LH,,,,when really leaving your initials for that name should be LHXJ,,,I woulda known,,,:p
There ya go!! It was fun tricking you though!! :)

Ur one to talk...lol I wanna see ur lovely ass post a few teasers...
I'll dig deep and see what I can find! ;)