corrupt-a-wish game

Wishes are granted for all. You each get a dream-wagon


commence with beginning to enjoy your off-time, retirement, vocation and/or advocation more than you ever have in your life!

You all have special and regular powers like- moving things with your minds, occasionally being invisible, manifestations of important random items, easily keep your home tidy, your kitchen always fresh and nutrition filled, office paperwork is a breeze, your loved ones and animal companions are all loving life and safe, you begin helping strangers and friends more with your increased telepathy, your honesty is always well received, the ability to transport to anywhere in the universe w your mind and body, healthy bladder and intestine processes, sound strong graceful mind, humor and profanity are your friends, you're making a natural daily effort to be stress-free, physically fit and consistently communicate to yourself and others with love.

sushi becomes less radioactive.

loss of appetite for fast food, the unhealthy kind, unless it's only an seldom indulgence.

everyone's creative efforts go way the fuck better than expected, epiphany type shit, now that you recognize you are limitless

I'll be right back-
Wishes are granted for all. You each get a dream-wagon


commence with beginning to enjoy your off-time, retirement, vocation and/or advocation more than you ever have in your life!

You all have special and regular powers like- moving things with your minds, occasionally being invisible, manifestations of important random items, easily keep your home tidy, your kitchen always fresh and nutrition filled, office paperwork is a breeze, your loved ones and animal companions are all loving life and safe, you begin helping strangers and friends more with your increased telepathy, your honesty is always well received, the ability to transport to anywhere in the universe w your mind and body, healthy bladder and intestine processes, sound strong graceful mind, humor and profanity are your friends, you're making a natural daily effort to be stress-free, physically fit and consistently communicate to yourself and others with love.

sushi becomes less radioactive.

loss of appetite for fast food, the unhealthy kind, unless it's only an seldom indulgence.

everyone's creative efforts go way the fuck better than expected, epiphany type shit, now that you recognize you are limitless

I'll be right back-
You must be jelquing, bro.

I wish I was a better drummer.
Wish granted! But we become co-dependant lunatics and travel around the world murdering people and eating their brains...

I wish Groot from the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" was real...

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Wish granted but he hates you and spits on u every time he sees you.

i wish i wasent What you describe yours and pinworms relationship as sounds awesomehorny all the time.
On a side note I thought you were supposed to grant their wish and they say something bad happened.
Wish granted but he hates you and spits on u every time he sees you.

i wish i wasent What you describe yours and pinworms relationship as sounds awesomehorny all the time.
On a side note I thought you were supposed to grant their wish and they say something bad happened.
Wish granted? You aren't what me and yessica's relationship is described as? Wait......I don't get it.

I wish I didn't have such a huge wiener.
Wish granted? You aren't what me and yessica's relationship is described as? Wait......I don't get it.

I wish I didn't have such a huge wiener.
You had penis reduction surgery..but, it's still BIG!

I wish I didn't break my pool cleaner net thingy. You know that shit you attach to the end of the poll to take bugs and grass out of the's also used to take things like sticks, dirt, bottles, chanklas, candy wrappers...pretty much anything that floats, out of the pool..I wish I didn't break it.
You had penis reduction surgery..but, it's still BIG!

I wish I didn't break my pool cleaner net thingy. You know that shit you attach to the end of the poll to take bugs and grass out of the's also used to take things like sticks, dirt, bottles, chanklas, candy wrappers...pretty much anything that floats, out of the pool..I wish I didn't break it.
Wish granted. I am going to acquire myself a pair of daisy dukes, and walk around without a shirt, and be your pool boy slave. You will never have to worry about this stuff again!

I wish I was prettier than Beyoncé.
Wish granted. I am going to acquire myself a pair of daisy dukes, and walk around without a shirt, and be your pool boy slave. You will never have to worry about this stuff again!

I wish I was prettier than Beyoncé.
Wish granted! But then you get a stalker and it's flattering at first, but eventually you start to feel like you're being followed, and you hear footsteps that wake you up from your sleep and you think it's part of a dream....but maybe not? Then one day they cut off your face and wear it as a mask...


I wish for world peace.
Wish granted, and you go 200 years into the future and find out there's STILL NO FUCKING HOVERBOARDS!!!!!!

I wish I could fall asleep...
Wish granted but you wake up every 5 minutes and this is now your permanent state. You can no longer eat or use the potty. Because you were stuck falling asleep and waking up every five minutes for the rest of your life.
I wish I didn't fuck up that post so much that I confused the smartest person on this website pinworm
Wish granted but you wake up every 5 minutes and this is now your permanent state. You can no longer eat or use the potty. Because you were stuck falling asleep and waking up every five minutes for the rest of your life.
I wish I didn't fuck up that post so much that I confused the smartest person on this website pinworm
Lol. Wish granted! Your post never confused me. I wasn't a dummy, and never embarrassed myself by failing reading comprehension 101. My face melted off, and my wiener shrunk a whole 3 inches. I deserved it.

I wish I could throw a killer absinthe party at the fly honey warehouse.