Ways to fuck with your neighbor WITHOUT jail time.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, which besides the husband constantly being in his garage and within sight of me possibly smoking, I have no problem with. They wave occasionally.

To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. The husband is a pompous prick and cussed me out one day while I was on the porch with my 12 mo old. He didn't like a female asking him to stop cutting our lawn.

My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. As soon as we moved in, they were asking me to cut down an evergreen in our back yard. They didn't like it hanging some branches in their yard. They had already cut those branches and thrown them into my yard. The guy wanted me to call the city and have them cut down the tree. I don't like killing trees so I said no.

He also mentioned that the previous owner never cleaned up their dog poop and they were having issues with rats. (Now the lady had 2 days to vacate once we purchased the home. I doubt she picked up poop and I saw NO poop in the back yard) I hadn't seen any rats but I thanked them for the information.

They have yelled at me on numerous occasions about my older dog barking. I let her out 3 times a day. She chases the younger dog and barks. If she sees people walking behind the fence, she barks and I call her inside. She's old, I tell them. She has maybe two years left and she barks when she gets excited or when the wind blows. (literally)

This year, as soon as the snow melted, I got a ticket for dog poop and rat harboring. I have never seen any rats, my dogs would of killed one I'm sure. Nothing has been nibbling in my trash or leaving droppings in my garage.

So I think... Those assholes.. I remembered them earlier that day peering through their wooden fence into my yard. A couple of them.

Each year they throw barbeque trash in my yard, tree trimmings, and recently they have starting SPYING on me. They stand in their window and I shit you not, STARE into my yard.

My husband was so mad when he got the ticket. The snow had literally just finished melting and the ground was still super soggy.

So anyways, I would just like to entertain ideas of how to fuck with them. I probably will never do anything, but just knowing I COULD would make me smile.
fucking weekender,loud music in back yard ................ And push it till the law says not ...... Then push again .

push annoy push annoy push annoy ..... Then run
Salt their yard :p.

But honestly it's best to try to make peace if you are growing. Last thing you want is them messing with you more... Or calling the cops on YOU for bullshit.

If it was me I would grow more trees and shrubs along the fence line so they can't see in. I would fight the ticket in court. I would confront the people and made sure they knew to mind their own business. ...but I'm 225lbs of muscle so people tend to shrink away and leave me alone as soon as I loose my temper. Hulk smash lol... So join a gym, if nothing else it helps with anger and frustration, but that's my answer to everything soooo.... Lol
Sounds like a terrible idea. haha. I'd have to go to a payphone and the thought of someones kid getting taken away makes me cringe.

They have no kids. They are partiers I think.
I got the same situation,,,guy ,wife and two kids on one side,,wife and kids are great,,guys a complete lazy cheap fuck who asked my wife what she is doing with a roofer,,,guess he doesn't know I make twice as much as he does,,,other side is my Cubans,,great people,,him and I get each other work,,were allowed to use the pool anytime,,split on a new fence,,,great peeps,,,then in my back yard over the fence is a couple in there 40;s-50's,,no kids but with 2 german shepherds,,,I got a jack russell,,my jack and the older shepherd get along,,but for 2 years now the new male shepherd barks like a motha fucker,,it and my dog will run the fence line completely wanting at each other,,difference is when I call my dog it shuts up and stops,,or comes to me,,the shepherd will not listen to it's owners and carries on wanting through the fence,,they had the odassity to tell me I have to get my dog under control,,,now I just let her go until she is tired and walks away,,,I also don't smoke in the house so I go to my garage,,,a lot,,and everytime I do I quietly make noise to get the shepherd going,,anyway I'll be watching for good ideas on here,,Thxs.

Keep on Growin

Salt their yard :p.

But honestly it's best to try to make peace if you are growing. Last thing you want is them messing with you more... Or calling the cops on YOU for bullshit.

If it was me I would grow more trees and shrubs along the fence line so they can't see in. I would fight the ticket in court. I would confront the people and made sure they knew to mind their own business. ...but I'm 225lbs of muscle so people tend to shrink away and leave me alone as soon as I loose my temper. Hulk smash lol... So join a gym, if nothing else it helps with anger and frustration, but that's my answer to everything soooo.... Lol

I'll get right on that.

I had a neighbour like that once, I confronted him one evening when no one was around and had a nice man to man chat with him
turns out they didn't want to really be my neighbours after he got to know me after that brief chat and they sold there house that summer, new neighbours are great Tho
Do they have fires? If so, next time they do call the FD and say their cinders are blowing everywhere. FD will come, make a big scene, put it out, and leave them a big bill.

If no fires call the gas company and say it smells like gas.
Start growing a sacrificial plant, put it in a large smart pot. Then one night whens its night and tall, put the plant in their backyard and call the cops.

You of course will need to be free of anything grow related.
Or, somehow encourage them to hold a house party at their place. And a few days prior, take a dump into plastic wrap, then freeze it. The night of the party, slice the poop log into 1/8 inch "shit chips". While at their house party, casually toss these chips behind furniture and any place that is out of sight.

They will move within the month.