Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Does the quote "I'll knock your cum stained teeth down your motherfucking throat" ring any bells? Duh-Dave? I'd just as soon forget about the two of you, but I can play hard also. After all, this is the internet where 90lb weaklings become supermen, I'm sure you know what I'm saying. The main guy I fight (Argue)with on site is Vi. Actually our, (You two and I) political views are not that far apart, at least not far enough to warrant the attacks you and the seatrout have been pursuing. Actually prove to me that Jews (Rich people with Jewish surnames) don't basically run our government and therefore the world. That might be interesting. seems that this is what sets the Seanob off.

if you read this with a gay lisp it's even funnier.
Does the quote "I'll knock your cum stained teeth down your motherfucking throat" ring any bells? Duh-Dave? I'd just as soon forget about the two of you, but I can play hard also.

Water under the bridge! That was how long ago? Water under the bridge!

Actually prove to me that Jews (Rich people with Jewish surnames) don't basically run our government and therefore the world. That might be interesting. seems that this is what sets the Seanob off.

I wouldn't mind reading a debate on this. Does Dave feel up to the challenge?(For the record- I don't think the Zionist Jews own "the world", but I'm sure they own a good percent..:mrgreen:)

MM, I think you should differentiate the difference between Zionist Jews and Jews. Its like saying everyone that lives in Germany is a Nazi.

I'm just as much against Zionist Jews as I am Muslim extremists and Nazis. (FYI, I don't have anything against your regular Jew, Muslim, or German but rather these extremists that have the notion that they are better than everyone else and their race should rule the world) So, unless you want to look like a bigot, than I would recommend you say "Zionist Jews" just to make things clearer for the reader(I know your not a Nazi and I don't think you want ppl to think of you as one). There is a BIG difference between a Zionist Jew and your mundane placid Jew!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Actually, I should start ignoring the seabitch's caustic posts and just post my Ideas, She is so juvenile. You'd think she was 15 or something, heck maybe she is. Who knows, maybe Dave likes young girls.
Uhhh, the Rich jews then.
RIGHT! Glad you got that bit into the right thread, I was beginning to mistake you for, you know, a stoner... :lol:

Ok, so... let's see what we can come up with, shall we?

Let's start with Oprah Winfrey. Apparently, she's a BLACK Jew. One of the richest people on earth, has become a media mogul, building a media empire as it were, clearly, a Jew.

Bill Gates. He's a GEEK Jew. Built his own empire on the backs of poor software workers, completely unfair. He controls the world through Windows (I bet it's your operating system, because I bet you wouldn't know a Linux if it bit ya in the ass). Anyway, apparently he's one of the richest men on earth.

Lakshmi Mittal, Indian. INDIAN JEW, that is! Industrialist. Steel.

Warren Buffet, plain old white Jew. Stockholder, philanthropist (but we all know that can't be true because, well, because he's a Jew).

Ooo, you're gonna just LOVE Carlos Slim Helu', he's a MEXICAN Jew! Second richest man on earth who has built the world's largest telecommunications empire, and, the home of the best in telenovellas, TeleMundo. I can list his telecom companies, which are sizable considering, well, the size of Latin America. But, I think since he's half-Lebanese, he may be a special kind of Mexican Jew.

Shall I continue, med? I have more, and I've only just begun. A whole lot more.

And, this is fun. :) I want to see the bigot twist in the wind.
But ... But ... But ... Seamaiden, as any good anti-semitic bigot can tell you, they've all changed their names in an attempt at being stealthy. Ask Med, he'll tell you. If the truth were known, it would be Winfreyberg, Gatesinlevitt, Mittalstein, Buffetcohen and Helu'feld.

Isn't that right Med?? :mrgreen:

But ... But ... But ... Seamaiden, as any good anti-semitic bigot can tell you, they've all changed their names in an attempt at being stealthy. Ask Med, he'll tell you. If the truth were known, it would be Winfreyberg, Gatesinlevitt, Mittalstein, Buffetcohen and Helu'feld.

Isn't that right Med?? :mrgreen:

So, what we have here is the STEALTH Jew..? :lol:
But ... But ... But ... Seamaiden, as any good anti-semitic bigot can tell you, they've all changed their names in an attempt at being stealthy. Ask Med, he'll tell you. If the truth were known, it would be Winfreyberg, Gatesinlevitt, Mittalstein, Buffetcohen and Helu'feld.

Isn't that right Med?? :mrgreen:


Why dosen't med ever descibe his non-jew enemies as......those rich christians ect.................or does being christian not many christians are in powerful positions through the U.S and the world........................but med never descibes these people as rich christian, christbags bush, dick cheney.....why not blame the fact that they are christians..............why do rich powerful christians escape the blame for the worlds problems?
Or, how about the rich agnostics? ;)

Yes we have to expose these people to the sheeple, the truth will come out about these damm agnostics, and than we will celebrated as heroes:mrgreen: ......................maybe we should make a youtube video

I heard that they control Norway
Or, how about the rich agnostics? ;)
i think it's time to expose the international atheist conspiracy that i have been a part of for most of my adult life. we have been responsible for every major disaster in the last 547 years and have secretly instigated every major conflict on earth during that time. we were behind the rise of hitler, stalin, mao and jimmy carter. we are in control of the u.n., the world court, the governments of every major world power and the nba.


when governments fall, it is our doing. our forebearers were responsible for the fall of rome, we decided the proper time for the soviet union to collapse, we thwarted the spread of soccer in the united states and we are now in the process of destroying the last vestiges of freedom around the world.

bow to us now or bow to us later, for we are the true gods.
i think it's time to expose the international atheist conspiracy that i have been a part of for most of my adult life. we have been responsible for every major disaster in the last 547 years and have secretly instigated every major conflict on earth during that time. we were behind the rise of hitler, stalin, mao and jimmy carter. we are in control of the u.n., the world court, the governments of every major world power and the nba.


when governments fall, it is our doing. our forebearers were responsible for the fall of rome, we decided the proper time for the soviet union to collapse, we thwarted the spread of soccer in the united states and we are now in the process of destroying the last vestiges of freedom around the world.

bow to us now or bow to us later, for we are the true gods.
For this, I shall now utilize The New Smilie. Here you go, uti, this one's for you.

(How'd you like my Jew list?)
So you guys think its a joke than? Do you know what the Zionist Jews stand for?

I believe Zionist Jews are on par with Muslim extremists and Nazis. All three of these groups believe they are superior beings and their race/religion should control and encompass the world. (Coming from an open minded Christian) And any Christians that have the same mentality are just as guilty.

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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