CXA3590 Build Plan


Well-Known Member
this thread is a fuckin waste of space. Nothing productive has come from this/your mouth whatsoever. Just openly spittballing ideas that have been rolled over and overlooked for apparent reasons ppl have tried to address. If you don't hear what you want you get defensive. Waste of God Damn time. Build your shit. And maybe do some REAL research since you want to bash people that set down and share their real quantitative experiences with ppl willing to listen and don't have an ego the size of a fuckin ostrich egg to swallow and admit they are naive.
You are a waste of breath. I am designing for my goals and with my trade offs to gain efficacy for me.

What I find is the most insensitive ranting and ravinng types are the first to cry they have been fouled. It means you are a controlled obsessed sociopath.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you are so upset and have no legitament or educated responses that you have to resort to calling names...

Good luck
I know the troll strives for upsetting people and if they don't they just claim they have. You are an RIU punk like so many others.


Well-Known Member
Supra addressed this a month or two ago. If you talked less and read more you wouldnt be so slow on the uptake. Its ok, this is a patient community if this thread wasnt evidence enough.

Why build an inefficient lamp with 100w emitters if you can just buy one cheaper right out of the box? I dont think anyone is going to be able to answer that question for you but best of luck....
Why don't you talk less or none at all?


Well-Known Member
If you use any current at all, beyond 10 milliamps you are already inefficient. Stupid boys.

So, you all, though stupid, do pick a point of INEFFICIENCY for your own rigs. Dumb-dumbs.

Yours is not a magic point. It is not Holy. It is a Trade off. I choose another. What are you little trolls on about anyway?
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Well-Known Member
And I see no one has risen to the challenge of calculating design trade offs, based on how many Kwh you think you can save vs your extra cost of 2x emitter count.

Nor have you calculated when you will toss out those saving and upgrade emitters.

And your real problem? You see I am right. And worse, in your Ego World, that makes you wrong. You spent way to much money, chasing a dream, after we woke up.

I say, not wrong, just not seeing the forest for the trees.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for proving my point of you immaturity and lack of understanding.

How about you show something empirical or at least a valid and supported hypothesis.


Well-Known Member
So, I trade off, against the obsolescence of the COBs. did he do that? Simple math.

You all are doing it, because Supra or someone says. Like a church. But, I've read all his stuff. He is not in some LED church. Nor has he concentrated on high watt, forced air rigs that are designed to be useful, if a bit less efficient. Nor is he saying you have to stick with under 10 milliamps so you can be 110%.

And I have not seen a design for $2.75/Pw. So, I think this must be envy.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for proving my point of you immaturity and lack of understanding.

How about you show something empirical or at least a valid and supported hypothesis.
How about butting out? Go read it. My hypothesis is that you are chasing effete ghosts and I will not.

And that burns you. I have pages of math about forced air. You are just being a whining little kid who thinks his point is proven. Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
This is great, like the Fox news of led
What is your problem? Yesterday, you said it would be fine with Bs.

Idiot. What INEFFICIENT current did you choose?

And does someone force you to watch FOX? Do they force you on to this thread with stupid and vapid comments?