have i got i right ??

Shut up children my level of intelligence / wisdom has jumped up a step ......... The good thing about the level your on is you'll never know any other level ...............until you wise up .

its complicated so don't think about ....... Ever
Thanks for wasting my time people :) iv got liver cirrhosis and i don't have long to live so thanks for wasting what little time i have left ..... Really from the bottom of my heart Thanks .
Reading threads isn't going to help this guy. Save your breath.

Yea, I was suckered into that one, and compound that by my lack of patience yesterday...
Ahhh the beauty of the ignore button, if only there were such a thing in the real world.
and anyone else, thank you for shedding some light on who he was.
My fish-tank is too clean to let somebody like that shit in it.
Gotta maintain your fish-tank fellas
You got it right bro! So did you brew a tea or what? Its been a while since you started this thread. Dont be a pussyfooter. Brew something and enlighten us.