have i got i right ??

Lol I have found when I post a question on here, sometimes I have already made up my mind on what I am going to do and I am just looking for someone else who has done the same and can tell me I am going to "yield a pound" because I came up with the magic formula. I am not that smart, I have only learned from those who have come before me, and can only attribute the fact that I am still here to them. And my market is tough, I have to be below 10$/gram and be at least as good as what can be brought in from leg states.
Oh yea, i dont think it has been mentioned or I havnt seen anyone suggest it in a while but if you want to do organics you should read "teaming with microbes", it might very well change the way you see the world around you.
Im very aware of the world around us and everything thing its actually made of .... Atomically lol

all i want to know is will my tea be good for the weed :)
Atomically, you understand. But dive into the world of microbial life and there are many things that are far from understood. Why do you think when you google a lot of questions you only get a lot of speculation. I have found more answers in the book I recommended than a year of being on these forums, and I am sure everone that has read it will agree to that. But who knows at least by having this discussion we are keeping your topic at the top of the list. Never know who might stop by and impart some knowledge.
Atomically, you understand. But dive into the world of microbial life and there are many things that are far from understood. Why do you think when you google a lot of questions you only get a lot of speculation. I have found more answers in the book I recommended than a year of being on these forums, and I am sure everone that has read it will agree to that. But who knows at least by having this discussion we are keeping your topic at the top of the list. Never know who might stop by and impart some knowledge.
Yea just wait until @Pattahabi comes and drops a bomb in here.
Ps... The soil iv got them in has been sat for 2 month with all organic stuff before i put the seed in and there doing fine ..... This tea is for the flower :)
Ps... The soil iv got them in has been sat for 2 month with all organic stuff before i put the seed in and there doing fine ..... This tea is for the flower :)
If the plant is doing fine why do you feel the need to give a tea? Like someone mentioned; you feed the soil, not the plant.
In that case top-dress with worm castings or do a mild nutrient tea using bsm, wc, some kelp and a little alfalfa meal. That 0-0-42 or whatever it was has no place in organics.
its sulphate of potash ( potassium oxide K²0 )

it says use it as top dressing

o.o.48 ( 39% water soluble)
but sulphate of potash is organic

no its not Potassium sulfate is synthesised by reaction of potassium chloride with sulfuric acid. Potassium sulfate is produced

if you are looking at Midwestern bioag. That's not the same company as Bio Ag. Midwestern Bioag is actually Monsanto. They are currently being sued by Bio Ag for stealing their trademarked logo and name. Midwestern Bioag was kicked out of the Boston Maximum Yield Hydro Expo for stealing their name.
Basic organic tea .....

15 lt water 6.5ph 23°c

1 tbsp unsulphared molasses

2 clean socks full of good compost

1clean sock full of bonemeal ( 3.5•17•0 )

potassium silicate ( not organic 0•0•23 )

air bubbles .

iv got some potash ( 0•0•48 ) but wasn't sure if this was right :)

am i right with the above and if i was to keep this tea going , how often do i refill the socks etc etc ??

and liquid seaweed for extra N

Lol, thanks guys. Pretty sure what I'm going to say has been covered somewhere, but here it goes. :p

@mainliner there are different types of types of teas used for a variety of reasons. You can make an ACT (aerated compost tea) which requires water, air, compost (preferably high quality vermicompost), and molasses. Microbeorganics will have all the information you need. Tim has studied this stuff pretty extensively.

Another form of tea would be a nutrient tea, which sounds more like what you are trying to make. I have a very simple and effect nutrient tea recipe (thanks Coot). Five gallons water, 1/2c organic (or non-sprayed) alfalfa, 1/4c kelp meal, bubble for 24-48 hours. Added extra: to the entire 5 gallons add 25ml Protekt (Potassium Silicate) and 1tsp of 200x aloe vera powder or 1/4c aloe vera juice (careful of additives), another optional 50ml Ful-Power from BioAg.

You're pretty much hitting the full gamut of elements, pgr's, pgh's, chelators, saponins, etc, etc with this one.

Give the socks to some homeless or whatever, but keep them out of the brew. Containing your solids does nothing to help multiply microbes or leech nutrients.

mainliner, teaming with microbes would be a good start to learn about the soil food web. Forget everything you read in hightimes or heard the Rev, Subtool, or Kyle Krackman say. Personally, i'd stay away from the sulfate of potash. Start reading the ROLS thread on this site. Ummm... and take more bong hits... yeah!


Did I miss anything?
Edit: oh yeah, I did. We don't know what is in your mix (amendments? humic source? aeration?)?


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