have i got i right ??

gotta be more specific than that.
if you made your soil right you won't have any deficiencies with an indica strain, not unless you try to grow it in a one gallon or something.
i haven't got any deficiencies?

and the potassium silacate is fine for my tea and the seaweed <<<<< all no harm to the bennies.

Potassium silicate will not harm beneficial microbes. In water, it breaks down into silica (silicon dioxide) and an elemental potassium derivative. Plants intake both leaving no residue of either (if proper application methods are applied) to build up in your soil to kill your microbes or make them dormant. Microorganisms break down silicon aka sand in the earth, converting it to silica and/or monosilicic acid. It's a natural process and is part of the soil web. Using Potassium silicate is safe for beneficial microbes.

my teas good right
i haven't got any deficiencies?

and the potassium silacate is fine for my tea and the seaweed <<<<< all no harm to the bennies.

Potassium silicate will not harm beneficial microbes. In water, it breaks down into silica (silicon dioxide) and an elemental potassium derivative. Plants intake both leaving no residue of either (if proper application methods are applied) to build up in your soil to kill your microbes or make them dormant. Microorganisms break down silicon aka sand in the earth, converting it to silica and/or monosilicic acid. It's a natural process and is part of the soil web. Using Potassium silicate is safe for beneficial microbes.

my teas good right
ugh... you asked for our opinions and we ALL said the same thing and you still are asking your question over and over.
good luck my man, all the love...
Read the sticky section on teas man.
AACT ONLY molasses, compost/vermicompost, and aerated water. ONLY.
Nutrient teas. Alfalfa, kelp MEAL (NOT liquid).
you said you have stingin nettles? then PLEASE throw away your friggin 0-0-50 bottle.
Want potassium? BSM is a great source, but almost never is it deficient in a properly made organic soil. 'So i'll ask again, what @Pattahabi already did.
WHAT is in your soil.
A tea of nettles, kelp meal, alfalfa and molasses will have everything in it that you need.
A soil made with neem meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, and crab meal will have EVERY macro and micro nutrient in it, not to mention chitin and microbial life.
go away son
Dude, if you haven't got any deficiencies then why give a tea with all that harsh crap?!?! That basically is what everyone is saying and everyone that has replied is only trying to help you bro. But it's like you already have your mind made up before even posting the thread. You wont find any sympathy from us organic heads with this attitude. Top-dress with some vermicompost and call it a day. Good luck.
you've got me wrong again

i posted my new tea and explained iv got rid of all that shit , i explained i have no deficiencies and will use the tea as and when ?????? I cant see the problem ?

iv got good soil , my plants good , and my tea above is all organic/ or harmless to bennies ???

im done hear , im living on a world of unevoled gods ........ Good luck
you've got me wrong again

i posted my new tea and explained iv got rid of all that shit , i explained i have no deficiencies and will use the tea as and when ?????? I cant see the problem ?

iv got good soil , my plants good , and my tea above is all organic/ or harmless to bennies ???

im done hear , im living on a world of unevoled gods ........ Good luck
One thing you could do is try it on just one plant and see how it responds. Start out real mild. Its easy to overthink it when it comes to making a tea. You may think its all good cuz its organic but you have to think about how it will affect the rhizosphere. No disrespect bro...i aint got time for that. There is enough of it in this world already.
One thing you could do is try it on just one plant and see how it responds. Start out real mild. Its easy to overthink it when it comes to making a tea. You may think its all good cuz its organic but you have to think about how it will affect the rhizosphere. No disrespect bro...i aint got time for that. There is enough of it in this world already.
no dis respect when i say you think too deep bro for me good luck
Infact the liquid seaweed iv got is good shit for the bennies ... And it cost me £2 lol

cheap like people on this site sometime ..... No disrespect but i cant be arsed explaining ;)
Grease, DP, P, hy, May, ect.... this is either an exercise in futility, or a well executed troll job. If you click on pretty much any thread in "Toke n Talk" mainliner is the head liner. I don't care enough to dig for details, but he *seems* to be a complete waste of your time.

This will go over well....
Mainliner is a troll @greasemonkeymann please disregard him he is the prob number 1 of hated people here. He is a master grower mainliner etc if you see a thread your best bet is to look the other way much love organic nation peeps.
Grease, DP, P, hy, May, ect.... this is either an exercise in futility, or a well executed troll job. If you click on pretty much any thread in "Toke n Talk" mainliner is the head liner. I don't care enough to dig for details, but he *seems* to be a complete waste of your time.

This will go over well....
Yea i thought i'd drop a line in his lucid dreamers thread and got the same attitude. Done.