Obama banning AR15 ammo by command of the emperor!

Wait, remember the work space violence incident in Texas, at Fort Hood?

That guy had the pistol with 5.7-mm (.224 in) bullet diameter.

Even some police don’t buy the administration’s claim. “Criminals aren’t going to go out and buy a $1,000 AR pistol,” Brent Ball, owner of 417 Guns in Springfield, Mo., and a 17-year veteran police officer told the Springfield News-Leader. “As a police officer I’m not worried about AR pistols because you can see them. It’s the small gun in a guy’s hand you can’t see that kills you.”
Read more at http://patdollard.com/2015/02/revol...5s-by-banning-their-ammo/#bxALRzdqMgz22E1i.99
So cartels aren't buying up rounds and guns from the US. and sending in to mexico to turn around and kill border agents? How bout all these ISIS cells in America that you keep freaking out about and saying is gonna slaughter us all, they gonna come at us with knives? You really are incapable of thinking outside the box aren't you.
Yes I am, but, we don't want to think outside the US Constitution, That is why we have the 2nd and why we have SCOTUS. We have the only independent High Court on Earth.

WE are in charge and WE make tough decision by punting to the elected and then threatening them in various ways through the Law.

What psychobabble do you mean, out of the box?
So cartels aren't buying up rounds and guns from the US. and sending in to mexico to turn around and kill border agents? How bout all these ISIS cells in America that you keep freaking out about and saying is gonna slaughter us all, they gonna come at us with knives? You really are incapable of thinking outside the box aren't you.

We know you Royalists want to ban guns.
We know you Royalists want to ban guns.
Oh you couldn't be more wrong smarty pants, I just believe nutcases like you who are on the verge of shooting up a mosque shouldn't be able to purchase one, or be able to sell one to a person as unstable as yourself willy nilly. I own several guns myself(all on record), why would I want to limit the joy's and rights of sane smart gun owning folks like myself?
The law defines these projectiles in two ways: one describes a fully jacketed projectile that is “designed and intended for use in a handgun,” where the jacket constitutes more than 25 percent of the projectile’s total weight.
The jacket of the M855 does not constitute 25% or more of the bullet weight. The jacket is copper. There is a small core of steel inserted into a hollow in the lead base of the bullet.

The other, the one BATF is applying to M855, says; “a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium.”
The bullet is made of three things, that does not make it ENTIRELY constructed of any of the listed materials.
Great thread, I am commenting on how the m855 does not seem to fit into any of the definitions the BATF or Law describes.
Since it doesn't fall under these categories, it should not be banned. But it probably will be because of ignorant people who think it will kill police officers.
Oh you couldn't be more wrong smarty pants, I just believe nutcases like you who are on the verge of shooting up a mosque shouldn't be able to purchase one, or be able to sell one to a person as unstable as yourself willy nilly. I own several guns myself(all on record), why would I want to limit the joy's and rights of sane smart gun owning folks like myself?
What do you mean you own guns "On the Record"??? Do you live somewhere where they make you register the guns?
Oh you couldn't be more wrong smarty pants, I just believe nutcases like you who are on the verge of shooting up a mosque shouldn't be able to purchase one, or be able to sell one to a person as unstable as yourself willy nilly. I own several guns myself(all on record), why would I want to limit the joy's and rights of sane smart gun owning folks like myself?

I am on the verge of shooting up mosques? I am unstable? I just bought a million dollar house. Wells Fargo doesn't think I am un-stable. You need 20% down and big income, you know?

Are flies eating your brain? That could account for it. Or has Bucky crawled up your butt and died?

You seem to be too dangerous and angry but you still can type. So, please stop.
Never register. Never forget what can happen when do-gooders do "good."

Smarty Pants. That's a good one at least.
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I think so too.

Perhaps, but there are other factors at play that are pushing lower, female puberty. It is not well understood but, it is there. I have been introduced to some 11 year old girls by their parents, and ahmmemmm....(eyes up!)

Yeah, so maybe it does have to do with the BC in the water supply.
So cartels aren't buying up rounds and guns from the US. and sending in to mexico to turn around and kill border agents? How bout all these ISIS cells in America that you keep freaking out about and saying is gonna slaughter us all, they gonna come at us with knives? You really are incapable of thinking outside the box aren't you.

So, are you saying we need to curtail the 2nd Amendment, so that boarder patrol is safer?

What about Fast and Furious? It was this Admin that provided the guns that killed those Agents.

Do you know what the term, half cocked, means? How about hang fire? Flash in the pan?
I'm in the same camp. I got pretty good with a bow when I was a teen and talked Dad into taking me deer hunting. I got one in the shoulder and Dad said go get her. I tracked a blood trail for miles and never found her. Many sleepless nights thinking about the suffering I caused. Haven't killed an animal since.

Still love me some venison though, I just let the real hunters do the killing now instead and just pay for the processing. I also don't like the way chicken and beef factories operate but I will still eat the product. I believe the hormones that allow chickens to mature in 6 weeks is why we are seeing 11 year old girls with boobs and periods.


I am an avid hunter and would hate to injure an animal and it suffer. Practice makes perfect and cheap surplus ammo is a good way to.practice.

I say you were good a hitting a target with a bow but its a little different when killing an animal. Some call it buck fever. I still get once in a while. Rabbit hunting with my bow actually gives it to me worse than rifle hunting deer.

More things can go wrong bow hunting for sure. With deer I tend to aim on the low side of vitals. They like to dip sometimes right when you release.
Perhaps, but there are other factors at play that are pushing lower, female puberty. It is not well understood but, it is there. I have been introduced to some 11 year old girls by their parents, and ahmmemmm....(eyes up!)

Yeah, so maybe it does have to do with the BC in the water supply.

I had a neighbor that had two girls. One 14 and one 22. The 22 year old was a vegetarian and was petite. The 14 year old was built like a brick shit house.

I know that doesn't prove anything bit I think we all know hormones in food is not good.
What do you mean you own guns "On the Record"??? Do you live somewhere where they make you register the guns?
Yes, the state has record of every firearm I own, even the one without a serial number. I bought them all from a gun show, or gun store, there is a mandatory instant background check through the sheriffs. They don't "make" me register shit, I choose to buy guns properly and go through the proper channels. I am not a psycho gun nut who thinks it is even remotely possible for the federal govt. to come take my guns. If you think they will come take your guns, you have serious mental issues and should not own one anyways.
I am on the verge of shooting up mosques? I am unstable? I just bought a million dollar house. Wells Fargo doesn't think I am un-stable. You need 20% down and big income, you know?

Are flies eating your brain? That could account for it. Or has Bucky crawled up your butt and died?

You seem to be too dangerous and angry but you still can type. So, please stop.
Never register. Never forget what can happen when do-gooders do "good."

Smarty Pants. That's a good one at least.
So, are you saying we need to curtail the 2nd Amendment, so that boarder patrol is safer?

What about Fast and Furious? It was this Admin that provided the guns that killed those Agents.

Do you know what the term, half cocked, means? How about hang fire? Flash in the pan?
Fucking crazy old dude meltdown,lol
Yes, the state has record of every firearm I own, even the one without a serial number. I bought them all from a gun show, or gun store, there is a mandatory instant background check through the sheriffs. They don't "make" me register shit, I choose to buy guns properly and go through the proper channels. I am not a psycho gun nut who thinks it is even remotely possible for the federal govt. to come take my guns. If you think they will come take your guns, you have serious mental issues and should not own one anyways.

You fool you
Yes, the state has record of every firearm I own, even the one without a serial number. I bought them all from a gun show, or gun store, there is a mandatory instant background check through the sheriffs. They don't "make" me register shit, I choose to buy guns properly and go through the proper channels. I am not a psycho gun nut who thinks it is even remotely possible for the federal govt. to come take my guns. If you think they will come take your guns, you have serious mental issues and should not own one anyways.

You sure do know a lot about guns. The background check is not through the sheriffs office. It is through batf. Even ccw that the sheriff signs off on is run by state pice through their and FBI systems.

Care to explain how you own a gun without a serial number. The only way I know to do that is build your own fire arm.
You sure do know a lot about guns. The background check is not through the sheriffs office. It is through batf. Even ccw that the sheriff signs off on is run by state pice through their and FBI systems.

Care to explain how you own a gun without a serial number. The only way I know to do that is build your own fire arm.
No I don't care to explain, Who the fuck are you? police? Is it my fault that you don't have the intelligence to figure out how a gun doesn't have a serial #.