Obama banning AR15 ammo by command of the emperor!

I wonder if a bunch of large black men with black rifles at the low ready would make people uncomfortable.

one black guy with a nightstick and they shriek and howl for a federal investigation (even though they don't need no fedgov for nothing!).

"Parsley85" said:
I saw nothing unsafe, no fingers on trigger. Mag inserted so what? Doesn't mean it is chambered.

Fire arms do not go off by themselves. It is not magic. No finger on trigger, no risk.

The man's finger is not on the trigger.

One more thing, unless the charging handle is locked to the rear, and a magazine is inserted IT IS CHAMBERED, if there is a round in the mag. So if the mag is loaded and the charging handle WAS locked, all it takes is a nudge to hit the bolt release, then the bolt carrier assembly rides forward AND CHAMBERS. Perhaps you understand why a magazine being loaded is completely unacceptable is a public setting unless outdoors and carrying at the low ready. In which case you look like a fucking robber, so drop the mag and sling that shit John Wayne.
See! That's the reason I avoid Glock, I prefer H&K when it comes to sidearms. I would prefer just to not have one, hence the DAO USP with a ripped safety. I
Like being able to resell to everyone and their mother, also being able to swap in a safety during instruction is exceptional.

When it comes to groups of people though, got to have a big fat safety lever so everyone can police each other.

View attachment 3363389 Magazine in magazine well, while in building, unsafe practice. Weapons need to be cleared before entering buildings. Magazine inserted in well prevents verification of empty chamber and weapon is cleared.

Finger below weapon frame, entering into trigger well. Unsafe practice, makes people unsteady, especially trained people.

Weapon held at low ready, a common shooting position. This is the position I take before shooting someone, your body language conveys unsafe practices and lack of understanding. Low ready inside is extremely unacceptable in any form, weapons need to be slung or holstered.
View attachment 3363390
Magazine in magazine well, he didn't clear weapon outside before entering building. Unsafe practice.
View attachment 3363391
Weapon slung, pointed at sky. Unsafe practice, weapons should be pointed at the ground at all times when not pointed SAFELY downrange.View attachment 3363392
Weapon being held unsafely, he should be at low ready if he has no sling. He can't though, he lacks forearm strength to carry a rifle for long.

Lack of muzzle awareness, unsafe practice, he would shoot his buddy in the foot.

What was safe about that?
you must be a safety Nazi or something. I don't think you understand the purpose of carrying a firearm in public. You do it so that you can SHOOT SOMEONE if you have to. What good is having an unloaded weapon going to do when someone else decides they are going to threaten your life? Are you going to tell the bad guy " hold on , don't shoot me, give me a few seconds to get my weapon into condition 1 so that I can shoot you instead."

Let me be clear, I think walking around in public with a loaded black rifle just for shits and giggles is a bad idea. Taking it to Target is not a good plan. No one will be impressed, many will act irrationally due to fear.

Even if someone does decide to commit some crime while you intervene by shooting a high velocity rifle round in a heavily populated public area, how many innocent people will be in the path of that bullet?

At least with a traditional pistol round the velocity is less than 1/3rd that of a 5.56NATO round and frangible ammo can be purchased for that handgun so that harm to innocent bystanders is further mitigated.

This is why all states should have Concealed weapon laws instead. People don't act in fear if they don't know you have a firearm.

The ammo in question is the m855 round which is a 5.56mm NATO round with a steel core, full copper metal jacket around a lead base. We called it penetrator ammo because it can go through 1/2" mild steel plate.

It will penetrate some HARD PLATE body armor, but all high velocity rifle rounds will penetrate soft body armor so its nothing special in that regard.

This ban on the ammo is being justified as if it will save police officer lives, it won't. All the regular non penetrator rifle rounds will go through their soft body armor just like before. A AK47 target win round will go right through that soft body armor. Cops don't normally wear hard plate, restricts movement too much.

I would rather have someone carrying a gun around me to have that muzzle pointed up in the air rather than pointed at the hard cement floor. IF a negligent discharge happens when its pointed at the floor, you have the chance of shrapnel flying and hitting people around you. If you have a discharge when its pointed up in the air it is highly unlikely to cause any serious harm. Bullets don't go up in the air, lose all velocity and then come back down as fast as they went up, they come down no faster than if you stood at the top of a tall building and dropped that 62 grain copper jacketed steel cored, lead projectile onto the street below. Sure it might hurt if it struck you just right on the head, but it certainly isn't going to kill anyone. When troops are moving they have rifles slung on their shoulder with muzzle up. Also helps to keep dirt and debris out of the barrel that could cause a obstruction, and a major problem when one goes to fire the weapon and it blows up in your face

Anyway, the open carry law was more intended for hunters rather than people who think its cool.

The regulation will ban the sale and manufacture of the ammo.

I doubt a single police officer has ever been killed by a 5.56MM M855 round fired from a pistol out of the tens of millions of M855 ammo purchased and used over the years.

This ammo is only good for defeating light armor used by government agencies and military combat assets.
They don't want you to have that ability.
you tried posting that already, racist farmboi.

you are so obsessed with me that you can't even get your ignore button to work.
I think its cute how the monkey follows me around and makes comments on all my posts. Its like having a fan club, but with club members that throw their own feces.

You have to wonder how many hours of each day they spend just worshiping me.

Hopefully they can scurry back to their Stormfront cages they call home and leave the adults to converse,
I think its cute how the monkey follows me around and makes comments on all my posts. Its like having a fan club, but with club members that throw their own feces.

You have to wonder how many hours of each day they spend just worshiping me.

Hopefully they can scurry back to their Stormfront cages they call home and leave the adults to converse,

i think it's funny that the racist farmboi with the stormfront rhetoric and revisionist history tries to use stormfront as a putdown.

also, plagiarism.
Do we have Boar? Probably birds, if anything. I'm a pussy, I'd ball my eyes out of I shot a dear. I don't really want to kill anything.
That's totally me also.
I got guns. I like blowing shit up, and target shooting. Pew pew pew! :-D Would never be able to take a deer though.
I fish allot, but mainly C&R
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The justification for banning M855 arises from a 1986 law that was supposed to help protect police officers. As more police were wearing body armor, handgun ammunition capable of penetrating their vests was considered a serious threat. So in 1986 Congress passed the Law Enforcement Officer Protection Act, which banned manufacture, importation and sale of armor-piercing handgun projectiles – and ammunition loaded with such projectiles.

The law defines these projectiles in two ways: one describes a fully jacketed projectile that is “designed and intended for use in a handgun,” where the jacket constitutes more than 25 percent of the projectile’s total weight. The other, the one BATF is applying to M855, says; “a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/devilish-details-behind-obamas-bullet-ban/#I3qrIAQ0lHpv6Q1p.99

And since all jacketed .223 "may be used in a handgun," this is a loophole they will use to try to establish the legal foothold.

So, remember when the NRA challenges this nonsense, it is because of the slippery slope to banning handguns that fire, .223, the NRA is fighting.

We know where this goes. Only .22 short single shot pistols and .25 muzzle load rifles will be "allowed" if the Royalists are successful with the slow burn, to ban all guns.

Look how easy it was in Australia.
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I don't see why.

I would think a police officer or anyone entering a persons home or a building should be first worried about shotgun fire. Vest or not, doesn't need any penetration, impact will ultimately kill you. Many cant shoot handguns for shit, I mean, police shoot all the time and look how much they miss during shootouts.

Where did anyone shoot at a police officer with these rounds? Government scared? OMG the people are gonna take over, CONSPIRRAZIES?#$&#^%*!!
Wait, remember the work space violence incident in Texas, at Fort Hood?

That guy had the pistol with 5.7-mm (.224 in) bullet diameter.

Even some police don’t buy the administration’s claim. “Criminals aren’t going to go out and buy a $1,000 AR pistol,” Brent Ball, owner of 417 Guns in Springfield, Mo., and a 17-year veteran police officer told the Springfield News-Leader. “As a police officer I’m not worried about AR pistols because you can see them. It’s the small gun in a guy’s hand you can’t see that kills you.”
Read more at http://patdollard.com/2015/02/revol...5s-by-banning-their-ammo/#bxALRzdqMgz22E1i.99
That's totally me also.
I got guns. I like blowing shit up, and target shooting. Pew pew pew! :-D Would never be able to take a deer though.
I fish allot, but mainly C&R
I'm in the same camp. I got pretty good with a bow when I was a teen and talked Dad into taking me deer hunting. I got one in the shoulder and Dad said go get her. I tracked a blood trail for miles and never found her. Many sleepless nights thinking about the suffering I caused. Haven't killed an animal since.

Still love me some venison though, I just let the real hunters do the killing now instead and just pay for the processing. I also don't like the way chicken and beef factories operate but I will still eat the product. I believe the hormones that allow chickens to mature in 6 weeks is why we are seeing 11 year old girls with boobs and periods.
