what spraying intervals for cloner machine works best?

first week
5 minutes on 10-20 off depending on ambient temp, RH, Air movement, support medium, proximity to light source...
after roots have developed
5 on/ 30-60 off depending on ambient temp, RH, Air movement, support medium, proximity to light source...
This was my first thought ^ seems like sonce there's no roots they don't need air. And if they do theres air in between the water droplets during spraying It would seem. I'm sure people have had success with many differnt sceduales Bjt in looking for what makes the clones root the quickest.
Ok...what do I know

I'll leave you to the, witch doctors who all know better..

Wtf....why do I come here, anymore.......
wtf? I just said that your recomendation of 24/7 is what my first thought was. And why it was. And should've added thanks man. But during my research I saw all kinds of intervals for cloning minutes on and off so I made this post.
And also I don't have a clue what you know. Why bitch ^
running 24/7 will cause the water to get to hot, this is straight from ezclone

19.) Does my pump need to run continuously 24 hours a day?
Running your water pump continuously is recommended though cycling your water pump may produce longer roots quicker. A thirty minute on thirty minute off cycle has produced the longest roots the quickest.
Well maybe that would keep the water warm enough to not need a water heater. Is that the only drawback of the 24/7 vs 30 on 30 off?
Well maybe that would keep the water warm enough to not need a water heater. Is that the only drawback of the 24/7 vs 30 on 30 off?
pretty much. if you need the water warmer, then running the pump all the time will warm it up. Just don't want it to warm.
I'll have to play around and see what temp it brings it to. A 396 gph sub pump with the 1/2" pvc plumbing with about 20 mini sprayer heads. About 3 gallons of water will be used but in a 5 gallon bucket. Well see if it does it.
I use mykos with my aerocloner, I have found with experience that 5/20 is by far the quickest to root.... Roots in 3-5 days with room temperature water and mykos...
I would say get the minute interval timer and try a few different cycles.... The object of AEROponics is to provide the roots with an Oxygen rich environment (oxygen rich means greater than 50%) so that their need for water and nutrients is greater.... In my experience, the more air you can provide without drying them out, the faster they root
@FrozenChozen - thank you for all the great info! And those roots are quite impressive for 14 days!!! Please, just a little clarification on a few thing's - what do you pH your water to (if you do), what is your ratio for the mykos, do you use any type of clear rez additive, and lastly how big of a cutting do you take? I have tried a 30 on 30 off cycle, and they wilted heavily.
@FrozenChozen - thank you for all the great info! And those roots are quite impressive for 14 days!!! Please, just a little clarification on a few thing's - what do you pH your water to (if you do), what is your ratio for the mykos, do you use any type of clear rez additive, and lastly how big of a cutting do you take? I have tried a 30 on 30 off cycle, and they wilted heavily.
most importantly, they need about 12 hours of spray to start! Follow the directions on the myko package, I add clonex seedling solution, and a little GH Rapid start... No ph, Mine starts at 8-8.1.... I usually take cuttings that are at least 5 nodes long (3-7 inches)
@FrozenChozen - I tried going to 15 on 15 off after 12 hours of continuous. After doing that they began to wilt. I watched the wilt spread slowly over the next 12 hours than went back to continuous in hopes of stopping the wilt. Currently waiting to see... I used a few drops of super thrive, a teaspoon of myco product, and the 2 teaspoons of gh rapid start (as directed on the bottle for cloners) for 5 gallons. I am using an easy cloner with ambient lighting (about 3 and a half feet from the footprint of a 1000 W. Temp in the room is 75-80. Any idea what I did wrong? I sanitized cuts prior to dipping in rooting gel, took cuts with at least 5-7 nodes, trimmed the tips of the leaves, as well as gave a vertical cut halfway through lower portion of stem that will be misted.