what spraying intervals for cloner machine works best?

@FrozenChozen - I tried going to 15 on 15 off after 12 hours of continuous. After doing that they began to wilt. I watched the wilt spread slowly over the next 12 hours than went back to continuous in hopes of stopping the wilt. Currently waiting to see... I used a few drops of super thrive, a teaspoon of myco product, and the 2 teaspoons of gh rapid start (as directed on the bottle for cloners) for 5 gallons. I am using an easy cloner with ambient lighting (about 3 and a half feet from the footprint of a 1000 W. Temp in the room is 75-80. Any idea what I did wrong? I sanitized cuts prior to dipping in rooting gel, took cuts with at least 5-7 nodes, trimmed the tips of the leaves, as well as gave a vertical cut halfway through lower portion of stem that will be misted.
15/15 is drowning them
I tried using my Ez cloner I made and wasn't succesful. I just tried to run the sprayers continuously. After 12 days the exposed stems were browning and the plants themselves dieing. Going to just do a run from seed next and try again cloning after that.
on the home made cloners, make sure the water is hitting your plants. I made one and needed to add more sprayers cuz a couple clone sites were not getting water. Once I got all that straight I run my.cloner for a half hour every 3 1/2 hours or so
@FrozenChozen So about a week later, getting much better results than previously! After 7 days, just over half could go into soil, I am curious though, my pH has stayed around 8 or 8.5, is this not an issue? It doesn't look like it, given how beautiful the cuttings still look, they are on day 9.
The people who make the cloning machines say to keep the ph at around 5.8 on the ez cloners so I added a little lemon juice ph down and a little vinegar to get mine down to 6.0 so I didn’t add to much of one thing I built the cloner from scratch and have like 13 jets on 1” pvc a 500 gph pump sprays extremely well not hard but covers everything in the 5 gallon tote reservoir I have 2 T5 grow bulbs I’ve made clones with in my fish tank not doing anything to get it I have six clones about 15 inches below the same light I cut at 45 with a new razor blade scored the outside skin of two cut down the middle of two and left the other two alone dipped all in Olivia’s cloning gel stuck in 2” mesh pots with ez clone collars also used rock wool on the last go around a grow tent with a humidifier measured humidity in tent is 80% on full blast and 60% on low I keep it around 70% I also have two air stones inside the cloner and have tried covering the clones with clear solo cups still no roots I’ve tried 3 times this time I added clay pellets in the pots and am now doing intervals to see if anything changes then I see my buddy cloning with his ez clone machine that looks identical to mine but less jets and smashing roots with the same strain oh I will also add I tried with a led grow light on the first run still nothing the only difference I can see is my water temps are at 80 degrees running 15/15 on/off 85 when running 24/7 on and so I kicked it down to 15/30 on/off The plants don’t die they just sit there and don’t root or grow just stay happy I posted some pics of my settup any help would be great lol these clones in pic are now 7 days old no roots I also added the rest of my setup to show I’m not a complete moron lol I grew the two small ones from seeds and the big ones came from clones of the same mother my clones came from that my buddy gave me from his ez cloner he don’t understand what my problem is either. I also added pics of my fish tank which is more successful then this contraption I made lol oh and to whom it may concern I have a medical card and can’t grow 15 plants also sorry for punctuality I’m dumb and also stoned thanks guys


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The people who make the cloning machines say to keep the ph at around 5.8 on the ez cloners so I added a little lemon juice ph down and a little vinegar to get mine down to 6.0 so I didn’t add to much of one thing I built the cloner from scratch and have like 13 jets on 1” pvc a 500 gph pump sprays extremely well not hard but covers everything in the 5 gallon tote reservoir I have 2 T5 grow bulbs I’ve made clones with in my fish tank not doing anything to get it I have six clones about 15 inches below the same light I cut at 45 with a new razor blade scored the outside skin of two cut down the middle of two and left the other two alone dipped all in Olivia’s cloning gel stuck in 2” mesh pots with ez clone collars also used rock wool on the last go around a grow tent with a humidifier measured humidity in tent is 80% on full blast and 60% on low I keep it around 70% I also have two air stones inside the cloner and have tried covering the clones with clear solo cups still no roots I’ve tried 3 times this time I added clay pellets in the pots and am now doing intervals to see if anything changes then I see my buddy cloning with his ez clone machine that looks identical to mine but less jets and smashing roots with the same strain oh I will also add I tried with a led grow light on the first run still nothing the only difference I can see is my water temps are at 80 degrees running 15/15 on/off 85 when running 24/7 on and so I kicked it down to 15/30 on/off The plants don’t die they just sit there and don’t root or grow just stay happy I posted some pics of my settup any help would be great lol these clones in pic are now 7 days old no roots I also added the rest of my setup to show I’m not a complete moron lol I grew the two small ones from seeds and the big ones came from clones of the same mother my clones came from that my buddy gave me from his ez cloner he don’t understand what my problem is either. I also added pics of my fish tank which is more successful then this contraption I made lol oh and to whom it may concern I have a medical card and can’t grow 15 plants also sorry for punctuality I’m dumb and also stoned thanks guys

Jeez man thats tough to read. At least add some line breaks like this....

....see how that makes it so much easier to read? Also this thread is 3 years old so I am guessing all these cats are long gone.

But anyway, regarding your problem, I would dump the res and just use straight tap water, no vinegar and no lemon juice and I think you will see better results.

Good luck!
I run mine 24/7. The Ezclone site recommends continuous and that is what I have always ran. I also use their resclear stuff to keep anything from growing. Works great for me and has for a few years now.

I did try 15/15 a couple of cycles ago and found that the roots took longer to form. That could have been related to many things though.
lol..So, What timing intervals are the best?
I find 1 min on 5-10 off, basically you want them to stay as dry as possible without wilting

If you wilt or droop then bump down the off time till you dont droop :)

Unless you grow in the cold basment then run it longer to use the pump as a heater ;)
I have been running mine 5 on 15 off for a long time now, may not be dialed in perfect but I pretty much have 100% clone success using tap water and nothing else. I don't even check the PH in there.

I do grow in the cold basement :D
I have been running mine 5 on 15 off for a long time now, may not be dialed in perfect but I pretty much have 100% clone success using tap water and nothing else. I don't even check the PH in there.

I do grow in the cold basement :D
Its funny u say str8 tap water i tried using rockwool cubes and most just got rot i sat sum in a cup of water and got roots its turning into a stunning little plant got my cloner now got no roots after 5days i had a clone in rock wool but always sqeezed the water out every day so it wasnt soaked and within 4 days the stem was swollen and had a root sticking out the side its been in the cloner 4 days and the root aint grown i just changed the rez with rain water used a few drops of super thrive and some of that home n garden roots excellerator stuff thats 100bucks bucks for a few ml see how it goes i had it on 24/7 but put it on timer 15 off 45 on but after reading a few posts i think i need more off time stems were fairly purple too i took shoots of a plant i reveged.
Ill update in a week if it dont work ill try str8 tap water and no nute what so ever
I’m having a heck with cloning mine also in the areoponic I’m doing 15 minutes on in 15 minutes off and they are wilting are use clonex solution and dip them in Clonex gel Think I’m gonna go back to the one minute on four minutes off. they were looking way better than the 15 minutes on a 15 minutes off.
Plain water, run constantly, refresh water every couple days. Temperature of the water shouldn't be a problem unless you are using the wrong kind of pump, the little pumps included with the water cloners don't get too hot... My VEG room is 85 °F 60% RH I'm sure the little clones I plant into coco are getting warm water too inbetween irrigations.