my plant is getting there.


Well-Known Member
nar miss i neerly did, but i cheked dis fred i neerly got nabed in da store 4 nikin da paint
u is not a nice girl i thogt u was bein the nice 1 i is always fallin 4 da girls

da light is on da plant stil but i is usin a enagey blub now n it is in da window of mi flat
just like
what the fuck?

what are you even saying?


New Member
I think he is saying that he was stealing paint to paint his lightbulb blue and he almost got caught by the store people. He thinks I'm not a nice girl, he first thought I was but now he's mad about the lightbulb painting thing. He's always falling for girls. (Even though I may be some 300 pound dude, you just never know). He using some kind of bulb on his plant and it's in his window too.

Damn, I need 3 tylenol after that........ or a fat bong.
emptypool u is forin man
i wood not think u wood be good at da english
n i is bad at da spelin
so i will try arder 2 make dis simple 4 ya
n not make u feal stupid

pice bro

n ye missy u is rite ther you is awsum at da english u british den
n i is no porker miss i is fit like arnney out of dat film da prediter i is goin to da jim every day

wow is u reely a woman den
n u is growin da weed
i is fallin over man
wimen dont grow were i cum from i think it ard on ther brains or sumfin
day is good at da cookin da bicuits doe
good on yer
a woman grower wat next


Well-Known Member
emptypool u is forin man
i wood not think u wood be good at da english
n i is bad at da spelin
so i will try arder 2 make dis simple 4 ya
n not make u feal stupid

pice bro

n ye missy u is rite ther you is awsum at da english u british den
n i is no porker miss i is fit like arnney out of dat film da prediter i is goin to da jim every day

wow is u reely a woman den
n u is growin da weed
i is fallin over man
wimen dont grow were i cum from i think it ard on ther brains or sumfin
day is good at da cookin da bicuits doe
good on yer
a woman grower wat next
... uhhh
i is forin???

your a fucking idiot
im from the usa
i went all the way through kindergardern and college dumb shit
you probably dont even know what a fucking school is

you will never be able to grow weed because your a fucking idiot...
pool i is not disin u man
i is from england so u is forin to me
i is spekin english n u is american tyin to spek engish it is ok
i is trin ard to bee nice 2 u
its not ur folt u is not good at it
chil out man


Well-Known Member
ive been to the uk
i know people there
they dont talk like fcking idiots
like you
and trust me, i can talk 100 times better that you can
which is really sad
ye i is in england

i is livin ere pool
u is from USA
u stayed at da big hotells were day used 2 da forin people
n england is like massive man you travled al of it

chil man its ok

i gota go now man
but i is hopin u is not mad
gota go an hang wit mi boyz

pice out
ok i is sorry if i is afending any1

if i have offended anyone i am deeply sorry,

i was bored and needed some fun. and you all need a laugh.

i hope you have enjoyed the ride folk's.

i honestly respect all of the growers here on RIU and did not want to cause any hostility by my actions within this thread.

pool if you are vexed at me i do whole heartedly apologize for it.

the two other people i have offended i have already P.M'ed to apologize to them.

without you all here on RIU i would not have had a successful crop for my first grow.

THANK YOU and i offer you this i have had a few laugh's at this thread if you have even smiled than i have done my job

Have Fun all
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i am just sending a few sorry's just in case that people took offence. i only meant it in jest.

some of the comments were hilarious.

that plant is only one of 11 it's a mutant.

and wanted a place for it to be ridiculed for what it is, and the thread would have not gone this far if i conducted myself in my normal manner.
i had to come clean

DA people day was gettin nasty man its like i was a nob or summut

and i did not want anyone to go away in a bad mood. i wanted people to be giggling there tits off, not ripping their hair out.

Have Fun
yep i have room, it's not like it take much up . lol

i was the runt of the litter i popped it head out about 20 days ago.
it's baby leaves were fine then it just went all mutant on me, the other plants are fine just this one.

it's in my grow room under 3 125w envirolites

i will keep an update here if you wish to see how it turns out.


Active Member
Hmm, okay if you're purely not taking the piss here is my comment:

It seems that the plant has endured some HARSH conditions. It looks like it was snapped frozen and then left out in the sun and repeated?

What conditions has this plant been growing in?

"like i sed i wazed on it like to help it a m8 sed it waz good 4 um" - Im sorry im not following, does this mean you PISSED on your plant?

If so, please. Just... Look after it from now on if you would like to keep it. However the plant needs to establish a good root system for it to remain healthy and produce tasty buds. It seems it's barely living which would indicate a pretty bad yield later on. If you think about it no plant actually would like to be pissed on after just sprouting unless you pissed perfect PH, which would be quite difficult unless you fed YOURSELF nutrients...

I'm pretty sure you get the idea, Search the forums enjoy your plant! like a lot of successful growers out there say don't let anything negative come out of it!

Good luck!
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