my plant is getting there.


New Member
Hmm, okay if you're purely not taking the piss here is my comment:

It seems that the plant has endured some HARSH conditions. It looks like it was snapped frozen and then left out in the sun and repeated?

What conditions has this plant been growing in?

"like i sed i wazed on it like to help it a m8 sed it waz good 4 um" - Im sorry im not following, does this mean you PISSED on your plant?

If so, please. Just... Look after it from now on if you would like to keep it. However the plant needs to establish a good root system for it to remain healthy and produce tasty buds. It seems it's barely living which would indicate a pretty bad yield later on.
The whole thread is a joke, right up to about the last few posts. He said it's a mutant plant. I doubt it was ever actually pissed on. Freddy, you piss on that plant for real? FREDDY!!! Check your hearing aid.

See just a joke. :twisted:

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
ok the plant had some heat stress in the begining my room temp was 86-90

the others were a few days or so older. it was not ready for the amount of light or the heat of my room i have since got a air cooler (not an A/C unit) and a proper extraction fan my temp is now 76,

i have 6 plants in soil 1 of which is the mutant.
4 in DWC hydro
2 in hempy Passive hydro

the mutant is now starting to put out its first node which i am surprised at, it is normal so we shall see how it grows.


Well-Known Member
Why do most british people have the worst grammar/spelling? They just spell everything how it sounds when you say it (and sometimes not haha). And your plant us ugly. It made me laugh and also made me grateful that I have a beautiful plant thats not fucked up like yours.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
wow kannabitch you are a bit behind in the thread

dis waz a joke like man da freddy man he no real.

i am gland you had a laugh at it that what this thread was for.


Well-Known Member
haha thought this was a 1 page thread. Little did i know.

Those plants were fucking hillarious. Like.... I cant even put words on it... lol. How the hell did you fuck them up?

EDIT: I was joking in the post earlier. Didn't you read my sig ;)



Active Member
Haha, not bad :P it looked seriously shrivelled hard....

I thought this was a fresh thread as well! Ahwell !!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i think it was heat stress or to much light.

here it is in its normal place

and a couple of close up's of it two minutes ago

have fun


New Member
ok the plant had some heat stress in the begining my room temp was 86-90

the others were a few days or so older. it was not ready for the amount of light or the heat of my room i have since got a air cooler (not an A/C unit) and a proper extraction fan my temp is now 76,

i have 6 plants in soil 1 of which is the mutant.
4 in DWC hydro
2 in hempy Passive hydro

the mutant is now starting to put out its first node which i am surprised at, it is normal so we shall see how it grows.
Me thinks you be having the multiple personalities too. Can't keep 'em straight, they just take over. No we don't, yes you do, Stop it, damn....... :blsmoke:

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
it is 4 days younger than most of them,

the first popped out on the 14 of july it came out on the 18th,

there were others that came after but this is the only one with any real problems


Well-Known Member
sorry freddy just found it funny have you noticed that pube on the third pic down you don't just piss straight in to the pot do you?
HAHA I saw it and I was like WTF is that what I think it is??? Lol. And dont piss on her! I would never do that to one of my girls...

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
ok so here is its life



2nd of august

i think its going to live

i am going to re-pot all the plants in soil over the next day or so.

jay420 its not real sorry


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah I made my post after I saw the pic. But I just got done reading all 14 pages, and this shit was hilarious. You had me going for a min lol. Nice looking plants though!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
thank j man a few people were taken in by it, it got a few laughs and that what it was for, i am starting to think it should have continued.