my plant is getting there.


New Member
Poor lil mutie, special little plant. If it went to school it'd be riding the short bus for sure. LOL

I'll be following this thread, I wanna see how lil mutie looks as an adult, you never know it may surprise you and produce twice the bud of the others.

bongsmilie to you :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this seedling looks absolutely brutalized. Consider this a practice to build confidence. You have a long way to go till...

...banging smoke...

Pissed on em.... easy now


Well-Known Member
See this is what i'm talking about people only read the first page or two then leave a comment,read the whole thread so you don't look like a dumb ass :peace:


Well-Known Member
cmon dude ... i thought we had a "special grower"(retard) among us ... i was cracking up the first few pages... especially when misshestermoffitt was doing the translating... holy crap she wasf unny without even trying... nice one ...


Well-Known Member
Your giving people from the UK, a bad reputation. I think your the one that need's to learn to speak English as you'd put it. You've got to be the most Illiterate person in the universe. How does anyone ever understand you. Life must be so hard.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
See this is what i'm talking about people only read the first page or two then leave a comment,read the whole thread so you don't look like a dumb ass :peace:

it's happening a lot

Freddygotfingered would like to say
"you is jokin rite you is not redin da ful fing like
ya no its like 15 pages man
n yer only red da fist 1 like
read da rest
like dis shit it make da sence den"


Active Member
honestly bro that doesnt even look like a strain of cannabis!!!! no disrespect......... well if you have no seeds id grow that up and force it to a hermie and take all the seeds out of that and you'll have alot of patients to fit in your fucked up torture clinique.... and pissing on a plant doesnt do anything unless it was stung by a JELLY FISH BRO!!!!!! keep it cheap just use fluorescents since youd just be wanting to seed it........there inexpensive!!!........ and just a hint of advice from a fellow beginner.... YOU NEED TO READ SOME GROW FAQ's ................good luck FREDDY:)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member

freddy is not real please read the thread in it's entirety.

for those who know i will be re-potting the soil plants tonight. i know the little mutant does not need a new pot but it's getting one.

for those who have failed to read the entire thread

da bich hoe she need a new hom like
i fink it wil help
i wont have to piss as much on er like
i is hopin 4 a bangin crop from dis 1
i is hopin 4 aboat 3-4 bars off it man
i no it can bee dun like cos mi m8 said



Well-Known Member
Haha, I think some other people are slowwww. Well I hope the mutant grows some bud at the end lol. Even just a little bit would be cool.


Well-Known Member
kulan dude i fuckin love you man
lmfao i been pissing myself reading this and even more when you made the mistake of posting in you're name lol
you're fucking class mate:mrgreen:

just one thing though did you really put a pube on yer plant!!
if so thats just wrong.... rolfmywaffle


Well-Known Member
Sorry Kulan. My mistake, was a long post to read through. My apoligies. Crazy plant man. A plant version of the swamp thing!


Active Member
Hi all,
That pub is not funny. I just found a couple on my 3 week old plant... Does anyone know anything about this? is this normal?? I never seen it on my first grow.. This is my 2nd grow.. Its weird, its about 2 on this plant and they are black.

Any suggestions

Thanx happy :joint:



New Member
Hi all,
That pub is not funny. I just found a couple on my 3 week old plant... Does anyone know anything about this? is this normal?? I never seen it on my first grow.. This is my 2nd grow.. Its weird, its about 2 on this plant and they are black.

Any suggestions

Thanx happy :joint:


Are you adding to the joke or are you serious? :confused:


Active Member
Hey, yes im serious.. I am not talking about the regular little hairs you see on females. This plant is only 3 weeks old from seed on 18/6 hours. I have one of those scopes that are 60/100 and that is what i have seen...

One thing its only 3 weeks old
2nd-- it is very long and black 2 of them
i only grew once and it's on 7 weeks flowering.

I sure hope this makes since or am I just being too stoned lol...
Thanx all