Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread


The biopesticides described in the patent reveals a near permanent, safe solution for over 200,000 species of insects, and it all comes from a mushroom. After what is called “sporulation” of a select entomopathogenic fungi (fungi that kill insects), the area becomes unsuitable for whatever insect(s) the fungi are coded for. Additionally, extracts of the entomopathogenic fungi can steer insects in different directions.​
this is a good one. I'm friends with the norstar guys. They told me its legit. Here's the link to natures green remedies.
Damn are you really?!? Where are they located? i Was wondering if shit was cracking down... Thank GOD For Natures Green Remedies he has that shit down! i Pray he stays Strong and Open! But i remember getting beans from Attitude years ago (haha my obsession with DNA...) and i Loved getting a TShirt every time, but then i went back after a year or so and they got Rid of the tshirts and i could only buy this $40 Bag to Guarantee shipping and supposedly they take it Out of the Packages and Put the seeds in all the corners of the bag's pouches.

That is Good To Know! our Fucking Government. FUCK THE STATE! Thanks for the heads up hyroot, i was going to order some seeds from Logic on thcbay on but i didn't Thank GOD because they were going to come from Spain and i just had a Feeling they would not make it... NGR All the Way Baby!

Sorry to hear about all of you who lost your seeds. You know what is bull shit though is that Cannabis Seed & Fiber is Completely Legal to Import and to Possess, it is Illegal to Germinate it, but of course they will stop by at Nothing to rid Cannabis from this World.!.!.!.

70%+ of the Cannabis Eradicated throughout These GOD Blessed united States of America was COMMON HEMP! It could Not get you high! It was INDIGENOUS to the region! But nope not any more!
Damn are you really?!? Where are they located? i Was wondering if shit was cracking down... Thank GOD For Natures Green Remedies he has that shit down! i Pray he stays Strong and Open! But i remember getting beans from Attitude years ago (haha my obsession with DNA...) and i Loved getting a TShirt every time, but then i went back after a year or so and they got Rid of the tshirts and i could only buy this $40 Bag to Guarantee shipping and supposedly they take it Out of the Packages and Put the seeds in all the corners of the bag's pouches.

That is Good To Know! our Fucking Government. FUCK THE STATE! Thanks for the heads up hyroot, i was going to order some seeds from Logic on thcbay on but i didn't Thank GOD because they were going to come from Spain and i just had a Feeling they would not make it... NGR All the Way Baby!

Sorry to hear about all of you who lost your seeds. You know what is bull shit though is that Cannabis Seed & Fiber is Completely Legal to Import and to Possess, it is Illegal to Germinate it, but of course they will stop by at Nothing to rid Cannabis from this World.!.!.!.

70%+ of the Cannabis Eradicated throughout These GOD Blessed united States of America was COMMON HEMP! It could Not get you high! It was INDIGENOUS to the region! But nope not any more!

yes I am. Ngr is out of Colorado.
Awesome dawg ..

Fluoride is one of the key breakers no doubt,
its no good for organics, and its no good for us..

no wonder they try get the kids suckin on toothpaste
and water fountains from preschool..
Shit was used in nazi camps to keep the inmates docile..
Why they use it still?
Guess you gotta ask...
you think they want you to know you can bend time?
see the future?
dive in to the past vividly?
Scan blood for disease?
Heal with a belief portal?
Learn stuff while asleep?
Read minds?
Intuitively predict danger?
Have clairaudience warn you?
... naaaaa... not even, ppl like that are impossible to control they think too freely.. They like Lucy, on some crazy Terrence McKenna ish...
If they didn't believe in all this then why do prison bars get made from iron to this day? It inhibits astral travel and dreaming, trapping the soul ..

Watch some docs on ayahuasca and scope out straussman's work on DMT free e book for some of the most insane research ever documented openly .. Books on lucid dreaming, brain waves, dxm studies, PastLRs even, if you can buy into the possibility,
By the time your done, you might not believe you're an earthling!! That's how the deep the rabbit holes go..

And alright,
I think we'll start a thread called
"Psychooooooo Stories of a Don Gwan Trippin, Mon"
Exploring the cosmos without a rocket..

You're mad welcome to help navigate that ship into serious mysterious waters
Hahaha so can you do all that?!? JESUS CHRIST Said "If you BELIEVE you can say to that Mountain, Cast yourself into the sea, and It Will do so.!." But you Must Believe! That's why the Matrix is such a Well Written Movie! Good WORD in that!

But definitely start that thread! Haha the rabbit hole goes Forever That's how AMAZING AND PERFECT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS! FOREVER LOVING AND LEARNING!
@st0wandgrow i heard something thru the still around here?
wait what did you hear!?!?!
yeah, they be better off adding lithium instead: higher lithium levels in the public drinking water are associated with lower suicide rates.
is that even true!?!?! Isn't Prosac lithium? And Prosac makes you Hostile and Murderous! If you give to even fucking Fish they will eat each other, and not beta fish!
I could be mistaken, but I believe the fluoride they add to our water is not naturally occurring. I think this is actually an industrial byproduct. Definitely not good for us. I totally agree with DonT on this one.

Yes it is! This is what i was Trying to get to... But it comes from the Aluminum and Phosphorous (all you chem growers out there...) Industries. Aluminum produces Sodium Fluoride and Phosphorous Production produces HydroSilica Fluoride, both are Extremely & Highly Toxic! They Literally can Eat through Metal.! And they Pour THAT Into our Water Supply! If you go to the water treatment facility you will find 50 Gallon Barrels Full of Hydrosilica Fluoride.
Terrance had a lot figured out, brilliant man.
Anyone know how to remove fluoride from water? I already scraped it from my tooth paste a while ago, but America loves their fluoridated water =/ One of few countries left that do it. Although, it is naturally occurring and required by our bodies in small amounts.
i didn't know this, but does Not surprise me. The debate is Not that Fluoride doesnt have its benefits yet rather that it should Administered accordingly to Each Human being Not in a one fits all throw it in the Water deal. Too much Fluoride Causes Fluorosis, and also Lowers Tensile Strength in Teeth and Bones while it does make them Brighter and more Dense it does NOT Mean that it is Making them Healthier or Stronger.

Oh has anyone heard of Chem Trails?!?! hahaha! Seriously though they exist too... Mount Shasta was one of the Purest Springs in the World, and yet Now has a rate of 60,000ppm of Aluminum and Barium which the EPA says Only 60ppm of each are Call for Alarm (or maybe it's more than that, maybe its like 1,000ppm... but i want to say it's 60ppm) anyways... i Actually saw a Plane Landing the other day a few weeks or month ago and i LITERALLY Saw the Sprayers and the Chems being sprayed it was NOT Com Trails! It was fucking Landing! And it is Not some sort of Landing device...

Also, San Diego was one of the Last Cities to enact Fluoridation in their water which they fought for decades until finally the State came down and threaten Legal and Financial Action against the city if it did Not Fluoridate.

Good times Guys.! KEEP GROWING! And being Good Stewards of the GOD Blessed Land!
no i was talking about NorStar... i thought you said you were friends with NorStar? And NGR is out of Michigan.

they're out of humby. I'm in SoCal. When ever they're in town I sometimes hang out with them. Or if I'm up there. They hooked me up with all kinds of goodies for my birthday a few weeks ago too. I'm more friends with Scotty than I am with Joel.

I thought ngr was Michigan too but their phone number has a Colorado area code. Colorado springs
they're out of humby. I'm in SoCal. When ever they're in town I sometimes hang out with them. Or if I'm up there. They hooked me up with all kinds of goodies for my birthday a few weeks ago too. I'm more friends with Scotty than I am with Joel.

I thought ngr was Michigan too but their phone number has a Colorado area code. Colorado springs
oh really i didn't know that was colorado, i guess he lived there and just moved...

that's cool though, i hear they have some Good genetics! That's pretty cool though hanging with them. Do you have any public business or are you just all personal?

Oh and another thing to add to what i was saying about Fluoride...

It is Literally Bio-Hazardous Waste from those two industries, which They should be required to dispose of Properly, yet Instead they Sell it to us and it is Put in Every Single thing, from our Water Supply to Toiletries to Food & Drink.! They doN't pay fucking Taxes most of them, they are Hardly Ever if At All Regulated or Inspected (not that i necessarily agree with Regulation AT ALL!), remember the Texas Chemical Plant that exploded 2-3 Years ago actually right about this time, they had Not been Inspected since like 1980 Something!!!

Even if it was 1989, That was Over Fucking 20 Years that this Hazardous Chemical Production Company was Ever "inspected". YET if i fucking want to Sell and Produce GOOD WHOLESOME GOD BLESSED FOOD i Have to Be Inspected FOUR FUCKING TIMES A YEAR! (Inspected by the Fire Chief, Alcohol Law Enforcement, Health Department, and GOD Knows what other Arbitrary Agency has been created, and Mind You EACH Of These "officers of the law" are Searching and even Seizing Your Papers & Effects on Your Property! I would tell those Weasels to get The Fuck Out.! -- we had an ALE piece of shit come in work the other day, searched all the coolers to make sure we "wereN't" drinking "on the clock" get the Fuck out of here, our Own Leglislators, Justices, & Officers are Half All Piss drunk All the time to begin with, WHILE THEY ARE GOVERNING!!! And yet i can't drink while i make them food, Fuck You! That disgraceful treasonous Justice Ginsberg was PASSED OUT During the State of The Union! Our Fore Fathers Literally Impeached Chief Justices for being Drunk in their PRIVATE LIFE!)

But back to to being to Inspected to own a Business... i Have to Buy this and That, and Buy this License and Permit, and buy This Specific Product, and follow All these Guide Lines, for merely Trying to Provide Good Whole, Quality Food! Yet that Texas Chemical Plant Murdered over 200 People! Twisted logic and reasoning to me, these kind of Tyrannical Vexing Codes are Treasonous and should be Prosecuted as So.!. Hmm. Let us turn to JESUS CHRIST First and Foremost, and Ask our CREATOR To guide our Mind and Hand.
@cannakis its just personal. I've never done business with them. They're are really cool people. They gave me a bunch of seeds that are not even out yet. 2 of the packs are soon to be testers. Then they gave me some personal stash of seeds too. A bunch of their ice wax too. They work with old school strains from the 80's. They really work them too. Not pollen chuck chuckers. I've been trying to get a cut of their kona sunset. I've hinted at it. I haven't really asked. I don't want to be pushy. They are already pretty generous as it is.
@cannakis its just personal. I've never done business with them. They're are really cool people. They gave me a bunch of seeds that are not even out yet. 2 of the packs are soon to be testers. Then they gave me some personal stash of seeds too. A bunch of their ice wax too. They work with old school strains from the 80's. They really work them too. Not pollen chuck chuckers. I've been trying to get a cut of their kona sunset. I've hinted at it. I haven't really asked. I don't want to be pushy. They are already pretty generous as it is.
Nice i like that that's awesome! Man yeah i would Love to get my hands on those old genes... man and they Literally have their Own Personal Stash of Seeds!?!?!?! That is pretty awesome! i Hope i get there someday soon.!. I chucked some chucking pollen and chucked up all the girls that were in there... it's like some were half way through flower and are finishing without maturing the seeds and the others are just finishing up early dying on me whatever it may be.! i have lot to learn Before i start breeding for real i have realized.