Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

In Malawi they wrap it in banana leaves and bury it. The ground keeps it nice and cool. Just don't forget where you buried it!

@stowandgrow - That terpene article was the shit! I love O-Chem :)

One of my Jillybeans smells just like Vick's Vapo Rub!

I'll look in a little bit. I know Cootz and cann and all them were on the seeds depot forums. I was too shut down...i don't know where they are at now. Headtreep is on instagram and goes by invocation_notillsoil. I'm meeting up with him at the cup this weekend.
His instagram feed is amazing! I've been following him since he started his account back up again.
In Malawi they wrap it in banana leaves and bury it. The ground keeps it nice and cool. Just don't forget where you buried it!

@stowandgrow - That terpene article was the shit! I love O-Chem :)

One of my Jillybeans smells just like Vick's Vapo Rub!

Eh... have you ever smoked cob? And not to be funny, but the connoisseur experience is not what Malawi is known for. Guys up there go apeshit when they come visit here buying anything and everything that is an actual bud. Cob is dry, harsh, bitter, and you have to chain smoke blunts of it from breakfast to get a buzz. Going to Malawi my advice is to take your own hash or hash making gear, preferably screen not bags ice can be a problem. A good friend just got back recently and reckons the weed is worse than memory or imagination served. FRESH it can be pretty good. Some decent herb there but mostly grown by foreigners and none of it buried in banana leaves. Cob makes insanely good space cake, for some reason it is trippy as all get out. But for smoking, man, it really is our worst bush weed that is still weed. Not too convinced about the banana leaves.
And mostly the cobs get wrapped when the herb is already dry, gets dried out in the sun or in hot sheds, on concrete slabs or tin roof tops. General African drying method is whack it with as much sun and heat as humanly possible. This is why most land races are only unleashed for their full potential from that bag seed in a back garden over here. First time I grew a Swazi plant I nearly shat myself. Bloody good weed, but the way the fellas treat it when it comes in a baggie it really is beyond ruined. Sad.
Hey Guys , not sure how much more this sativa is going to take but the signs on her leaves confirm she isnt having bigger growth in her flowers i presume.


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Looks like three weeks or more, over a month is possible. Will be a pretty fat cola that.

Yeah bro it could probably do quite a bit more but the leaves are all starting to look curled and shit bro, those leaves dont seem like they doing much at all now lol i really want to keep them going but i must get out of this place and go do some practical work on natural farming and regenerative systems etc, wasting vital time at the moment, so i dunno wtf to do : / either wait another week and get a bit more yield or just chop it all now
Yeah bro it could probably do quite a bit more but the leaves are all starting to look curled and shit bro, those leaves dont seem like they doing much at all now lol i really want to keep them going but i must get out of this place and go do some practical work on natural farming and regenerative systems etc, wasting vital time at the moment, so i dunno wtf to do : / either wait another week and get a bit more yield or just chop it all now
Chopping that bud will result in some pretty harsh and disappointing smoke mate. The last thing you want to use as any indication of harvest time isthe condition of leaves. You are not going to smoke those. You put a lot of money in here man, cropping that will really be a waste of all of it. Up to you man, but like it is there you are going to definitely be happy with Swazi as an alternative. First run, stick it out bro. There is much revealed in these last few weeks, you have to see it through.
Chopping that bud will result in some pretty harsh and disappointing smoke mate. The last thing you want to use as any indication of harvest time isthe condition of leaves. You are not going to smoke those. You put a lot of money in here man, cropping that will really be a waste of all of it. Up to you man, but like it is there you are going to definitely be happy with Swazi as an alternative. First run, stick it out bro. There is much revealed in these last few weeks, you have to see it through.

Thanx for the reply bro, i understand what you mean by probably having some harsh smoke but i dont know what else to do bro, i should of flowered long ago or used more genetics like The Church, ive really learnt alot though, i know i can do a 2nd run that will turn out way way more yield but at the moment im shot for time man ...
Really in a awkward position no doubt.
OK, we had a big day for the garden over here!

I went and picked up two 5gal buckets of fresh EWC.

All my plants, even the seedlings, got a healthy topdressing of EWC, and a small watering.

I also bought 2000 red wrigglers. The guy also gave me enough bedding for my first run of the worm bin.

I set up the bedding about 2-3 inches thick, sprayed it down till sponge like in saturation, then added the worms right in the middle. I covered them with a bit of bedding.

Then I pureed a mix of 1/2 banana and banana peel, some grapes, baby carrots, and strawberry tops, and spread that mix out in clumps around the bin, but not over top of the worms in case they don't like it, and covered the food with bedding too.

And now I wait and hope I don't kill them!


Edit: also I'm making a tea, a handful of EWC and a dollop of agave nectar and it's being bubbled by my 571gph air pump. With those ingredients it is 24-48 hrs correct? Do I dilute the tea before watering?
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