giving defoliation during flower a try

No popcorn under a quarter sized? Have you ever looked at that under a glass. I extract that to BHO.

But, in a way this discussion is turning away from yield. Something is always going to get away unless you extact as well as grade the flowers.
Sorry, buds. They make us call it flowers and oil now, at my San Jose co-opt. There are a bunch of new rules this year. <sigh>
I don't throw it out, that would be crazy! lol- I use ALL of the trim and popcorn for concentrates. I love concentrates! Trim and popcorn will make just as good of a product as the bigger buds, possibly better because it has less surface area and they do not need to be handled as much to break them up into the size needed (handling causes alot of trichs to fall off) for extracts.
Sorry, buds. They make us call it flowers and oil now, at my San Jose co-opt. There are a bunch of new rules this year. <sigh>
lol- I hear ya man. I try to say flowers and people are like "huh?" and when I say buds people are like "huh?" It's a jungle out there lol
Ya I see what everyone has done. I notice alpha is more of a pruner/ lollipop guy with the scrog grow. Makes sense mostly. My plants are pretty damn healthy as I KISS them more then anything. Might as well get the experiments out of the way as I smoke like an oz. a year maybe. I'm going to, probably, prune/ defoliate one plant for fun to see why it does.
Ya I see what everyone has done. I notice alpha is more of a pruner/ lollipop guy with the scrog grow. Makes sense mostly. My plants are pretty damn healthy as I KISS them more then anything. Might as well get the experiments out of the way as I smoke like an oz. a year maybe. I'm going to, probably, prune/ defoliate one plant for fun to see why it does.

If you do pruning, just make sure the node has grown into a small branch before taking the leaf, if there isn't good node growth and the leaf by the node is plucked it will most likely not grow into a decent shoot, that's what I've found to happen. If you've ever pruned house plants, you'll have a good idea of what not to chop and what leaf would be OK to pluck. I just did some pruning again on this plant, notice the node has developed already. (defoliation experiment plant) (ignore my p deficiency, it has to be p deficient for now, don't ask why :p)

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No problem fease, just go slow and don't take too much off all at once and if you feel a particular leaf needs to be on there, leave it be. You'll find a good routine that is beneficial after a while. Never take them all because the plants do need leaves to thrive 8-) good luck man
ya, this is yet another reason to use the technique. tight sog. i agree with you completely. Alpha, its embarrassing that the the whole "advanced growing" group of hardcores, claiming to represent RIU can't get it through their advanced heads that theres a time and a place for all sorts of strange things that people do to the plants. you tell them that people do it in scrog and they claim its stupid to scrog as well. i would think that the members that frequent the advanced growing section would know a place for every technique, and the ins and outs of all the growing methods. yet these guys don't have a clue how it could be an effective tool to use. they're more interested in spell checking and grammar than brining any facts to the table. extreme defoliation is one thing, helping the plant fit in its environment or removing the under the net in scrog is totally different yet uses the same principals. its pointless to try and teach them anything, they already know it all.
I've been posting to cannabis growing forums before there were Vbulletin boards like this and I'm here to tell you that cannabis growers, mainly newbies that have never grown a plant before in their life, are just a bunch of misguided fuckups......... who base their growing decisions on what's popular with The Herd as opposed to knowing and fully understanding what makes a plant tick.

(grabs shaver)
ben your reply is totally pointless. theres no substance to it whatsoever. its just as useless as chucks memes. if you think you know what makes a plant tick then you should have a clue in how to make the plant conform to the environment that you want it to grow in. unfortunately you've never grown a sog, or a scrog, and yet you feel as if you are the authority on how to grow in those ways. why are you talking without ever even attempting any of these methods. kinda makes you the newbie running with the herd doesn't it? someone not knowing fully and understanding what makes those plants tick given the environment they live in. i look foreword to your pointless response followed by your gang of thugs trying to bully everyone that comes into a defoliation thread into bowing down to your misinformed superstitions.:clap:
ben your reply is totally pointless. theres no substance to it whatsoever. its just as useless as chucks memes. if you think you know what makes a plant tick then you should have a clue in how to make the plant conform to the environment that you want it to grow in. unfortunately you've never grown a sog, or a scrog, and yet you feel as if you are the authority on how to grow in those ways. why are you talking without ever even attempting any of these methods. kinda makes you the newbie running with the herd doesn't it? someone not knowing fully and understanding what makes those plants tick given the environment they live in. i look foreword to your pointless response followed by your gang of thugs trying to bully everyone that comes into a defoliation thread into bowing down to your misinformed superstitions.:clap:
Sorry, buds. They make us call it flowers and oil now, at my San Jose co-opt. There are a bunch of new rules this year. <sigh>
what a thread of champions. uncle ben who hasnt grown weed in 30 years and discusses indoor techniques he has never used, much less mastered. doer who failed to root rot, got laughed out of the hydro boards, and now has to work with a collective to successfully grow weed in soil. chucky steves who doesnt even grow weed and is most likely uncle bens 2nd account for posting over used memes stored on an old laptop with sticky keys. this thread really isnt about defoliation anyway, its about shit talking. didnt learn shit but at least its funny in a watching retards try to bite their ear kind of way.
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what a thread of champions. uncle ben who hasnt grown weed in 30 years and discusses indoor techniques he has never used, much less mastered. doer who failed to root rot, got laughed out of the hydro boards, and now has to work with a collective to successfully grow weed in soil. chucky steves who doesnt even grow weed and is most likely uncle bens 2nd account for posting over used memes stored on an old laptop with sticky keys. this thread really isnt about defoliation anyway, its about shit talking. didnt learn shit but at least its funny in a watching retards try to bite their ear kind of way.
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In a small area and if you are using SCROG or SOG method then defoliating at the right time is the right thing to do, I always try to pluck the a few of the larger leaves then a few of the smaller ones and from then on I will tuck the leaves out of the way of bud sites. If it ends up getting too crowded and the air circulation is get poor because the leaves are taking over I pluck a few more and tuck a few more. I try not to get crazy with it just make sure the light penetration and air flow is sufficient.
Which to be honest if you are giving the plants the nutrients they require for flower in the the correct ration the plant should start producing more flower than foliage and there should be no need to defoliate because if you cut the nitrogen down to a min low and increase phosphorus and potassium your foliage will decrease on growth and flower will increase. Your PH will directly affect what nutrients are being used by your plants, once you run a strain long enough you will learn what PH levels are best for nutrient uptake by your plants. Once you have learned this you will become successful without defoliating. Sometimes even though you are giving the plants a balanced NPK for flowering doesn't mean they are receiving the ratio that you are giving them, they could be using the nitrogen and leaving behind the essential nutrients to produce more flowers. Just saying keep and eye on nutrient uptake. I only defoliate with new strains in tight spaces where SCROG is needed and very lightly I might add. That's just my take on this thread take it or leave it.
This is not near as stupid as the "study" on cannabis toxins whereby they spiked the cannabis flowers with pesticides,.........the study is flawed. it's a big fuckin' lie. (Hell, I feel like I've been Obama-ed.) THEY ADDED THE CHEMICALS IN LARGE DOSES DIRECTLY TO THE PROCESSED FLOWERS and then tested.

It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.

@Uncle Ben : I don't know a whole lot but I know that chemical science does so:

Spiking is a common and necessary analytical chemistry procedure. See why it's so obvious in the report? Like they tried to hide something?

Your shit stinks like all the rest of us
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