giving defoliation during flower a try

Right on alien widow, there are a few hard-core defoliators that I know and any time I ran my flood tables I plucked tons of leaves. If leaves were left alone the yields would be terrible. And it's not oneof those " you're growing too many plants in the room grow less in that space" kind of things. The flood table pulled 2.5lbs every 2 months. No other method can do that, I still haven't beat 2.5 lbs every 2 months, it's hard to beat that with no veg time. It was a lot of clones to handle though. But heavy defoliation worked perfect with the way I grew back then.
Didn't you say on the page before that that table gave you four pounds?

"The end product were 72 buds the size of my arm and it took me maybe a few hours to trim 4 lbs."

Anyway, I cut my leg off so I could run faster, I poke one of my eyes out and no have the gift of second sight (it's a real thing look up cyclops from greek mythology, it's real), and I save my pub so my dong looks bigger.

The buds don't produce themselves so you want to take as many of the energy producing leaves off as you can.
Whatever. It is not about DE-foliation.

It's not a debate. Please make a note.

Just admit you fucked up by not even half reading what you were replying to. Stop trying to divert and save face. You are stoned. It's ok just admit reality.
Just admit you fucked up by not even half reading what you were replying to. Stop trying to divert and save face. You are stoned. It's ok just admit reality.
Just admit you fucked up by not even half reading what you were replying to. Stop trying to divert and save face. You are stoned. It's ok just admit reality.

You are not talking about de-foliation. I know that. And I did read it. It is worthless commentary to the subject.

I am stoned all day every day. I admit it. I have no face to save. I admit it. I am not into the dick wagging like you.
You are not talking about de-foliation. I know that. And I did read it. It is worthless commentary to the subject.

I am stoned all day every day. I admit it. I have no face to save. I admit it. I am not into the dick wagging like you.
you didn't know if you piss on your bud, then burn it and measure the smoke for piss contents that you will get a positive reading?
AlphaPhase said:
Right on alien widow, there are a few hard-core defoliators that I know and any time I ran my flood tables I plucked tons of leaves. If leaves were left alone the yields would be terrible.

You do not know this. You have no why to know if the yeild would be terrible.

Yet, I have done the side by side experiments. Strip the low fans and get less yield.
you didn't know if you piss on your bud, then burn it and measure the smoke for piss contents that you will get a positive reading?
Please read the article with your own open mind and come to your own conclusions, not mine or UB's . Your close. It measured the efficiency of delivery so when some slug sells you pot laced with RAID sprayed the day before, when you think it's clean medicine, 70% of that RAID will get in your lungs and much less when filtered. That's all. They took positive to a quantifiable level expressed in percentile depending on the delivery .
Please read the article with your own open mind and come to your own conclusions, not mine or UB's . Your close. It measured the efficiency of delivery so when some slug sells you pot laced with RAID sprayed the day before, when you think it's clean medicine, 70% of that RAID will get in your lungs and much less when filtered. That's all. They took positive to a quantifiable level depending on the delivery .
yeah, that is pretty much what I got from that study, Guess what, I don't buy weed, i grow it and I don't spray them with bad stuff.
But thanks for giving us that information. I feel much better that some people took the time to prove what any idiot can figure out.
Now, we just need to find some people to do a study on WHY some idiot would post it in a defoil thread.
Your problem is you are are combative and we are not. We just goof with you.
yeah, that is pretty much what I got from that study, Guess what, I don't buy weed, i grow it and I don't spray them with bad stuff.
But thanks for giving us that information. I feel much better that some people took the time to prove what any idiot can figure out.
Now, we just need to find some people to do a study on WHY some idiot would post it in a defoil thread.

So like UB's post # 3041?
This thread was dead anyway. like Zed.
By the way: It's not always about you.
Please read the article with your own open mind and come to your own conclusions, not mine or UB's . Your close. It measured the efficiency of delivery so when some slug sells you pot laced with RAID sprayed the day before, when you think it's clean medicine, 70% of that RAID will get in your lungs and much less when filtered. That's all. They took positive to a quantifiable level expressed in percentile depending on the delivery .

I don't care about that. You are quick to say closed minded and I find that to be a religious or a conspiracy concept.
If you don't start your own threads on your own topics, it has nothing to do with you at all.

I replied to a post on this thread posted by the anointed UB, Since when have you become the thread monitor?. Many threads morph into other topics.

I mean defoliate, heres the convo:
Defoliate is good
no it's not
yes it is
fuckface dumbass

\end of convo
I replied to a post on this thread posted by the anointed UB, Since when have you become the thread monitor?. Many threads morph into other topics.

Why are you trying to jamb up UB? I have no authority over you, except in person. Many trolls try to morph threads into other topics. I resist that. So what?
Why are you trying to jamb up UB? I have no authority over you, except in person. Many trolls try to morph threads into other topics. I resist that. So what?

I so whated' you first
How do you have any authority over me in person tuff guy internet WWC champ?
I do commend you for picking up that word anointed.
I should have known, a 400+/mo poster. What a life. Am I doing the troll thing right?
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