giving defoliation during flower a try

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I so whated' you first
How do you have any authority over me in person tuff guy internet WWC champ?
I do commend you for picking up that word anointed.
I should have known, a 400+/mo poster. What a life. Am I doing the troll thing right?
Kinda, but you're better at getting trolled.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
It's not a technique and there is nothing to learn. It is certainly not for Professional anything.

It's like a chopped Chevy lowrider, one trick pony, all jacked up with giant springs and lifters with pumps and it can hop a curb. So what?

What is the proper reason? To make eye candy and charge extra for nothing?. One big cola per plant, is as commercially useless as the Chopped Lowrider.
huhhhhhhhh? Do you know what a bud is composed of? Nodes? Each node can be clipped off the "main cola" into more managable sized buds (see the bud I'm holding on to in the picture (it separated from the cola) :o I guess you've never done anything commercially, but shake, popcorn crap and larf is totally unacceptable. My buds were rock hard solid and awesome size when they were cut off that main stem. Can you show me a bud of yours so I know what they should look like?

I've been posting to cannabis growing forums before there were Vbulletin boards like this and I'm here to tell you that cannabis growers, mainly newbies that have never grown a plant before in their life, are just a bunch of misguided fuckups......... who base their growing decisions on what's popular with The Herd
But if that was true, wouldn't they not touch a leaf? That was something I learned as a newb, not to pluck them unless your ready for a disaster. There seems to be way more people in the no defoliation herd :p

Didn't you say on the page before that that table gave you four pounds?
About a GPW per light (per table) 2 tables and 2 lights in each 3.5x7' room. 2000grams+
AlphaPhase said:
Right on alien widow, there are a few hard-core defoliators that I know and any time I ran my flood tables I plucked tons of leaves. If leaves were left alone the yields would be terrible.

You do not know this. You have no why to know if the yeild would be terrible.

Yet, I have done the side by side experiments. Strip the low fans and get less yield.
I ran the tables with out trimming leaves for a while, 70% of the yield, only 700 grams a light. Ran it that way for over a year before I started taking leaves off. I'd love to see a GOOD side by side as well. But, when I do trim leaves it never has an effect on my yield negatively, only positively.


Well-Known Member
I still pluck leaves when I feel like it and it does not hurt the plant or yield or anything whatsoever, only positively. As you can see.... Oh snap.. I didn't take all the leaves off, oops 20150125_115832.jpg


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll do a side by side then for shits. The control being I'm a newb. Going to strip down once I see little buds forming. The plant I'll defoliate is ever so slightly smaller then the one I won't.


Well-Known Member
Nooooo, don't do that. It's not something I'd suggest to a new grower. Being a newb just keep your plant healthy as possible. Defoliation doesn't work just by taking all the leaves off whenever it grows a leaf, it has to be done in sessions and at the right time. You'll be disappointed if you just snip all the leaves off, save yourself the trouble. I HAVE defoliated very successfully. BUT it's not something I encourage or practice as a routine in my garden. If you have 36 plants in a 3x3 area, then go for it, if you're defoliating just one plant, no way, don't even do it, you're yields will be terrible and it won't work.


Well-Known Member
huhhhhhhhh? Do you know what a bud is composed of? Nodes? Each node can be clipped off the "main cola" into more managable sized buds (see the bud I'm holding on to in the picture (it separated from the cola) :o I guess you've never done anything commercially, but shake, popcorn crap and larf is totally unacceptable. My buds were rock hard solid and awesome size when they were cut off that main stem. Can you show me a bud of yours so I know what they should look like?

But if that was true, wouldn't they not touch a leaf? That was something I learned as a newb, not to pluck them unless your ready for a disaster. There seems to be way more people in the no defoliation herd :p

About a GPW per light (per table) 2 tables and 2 lights in each 3.5x7' room. 2000grams+

I ran the tables with out trimming leaves for a while, 70% of the yield, only 700 grams a light. Ran it that way for over a year before I started taking leaves off. I'd love to see a GOOD side by side as well. But, when I do trim leaves it never has an effect on my yield negatively, only positively.
Oh, yes, you are the greatest by far. No one is arguing with you about that. Yield? But you don't define yield.
And I am setting up, a commercial size after, a successful year, but I will not ever take leaves. I will have grades of produce and oil, etc for my co-op.

What is yield? I get a lecture on the difference between a cola and a bud?

So, what is yield? Is it profit? No. That takes cost control. Is it total weight of all dried flowers to 55% RH/ plant? Yes, that's a start. How about total assayed THC per gram? That's yield. Notice the "per."

So, don't go all smarmy balloon, and forget who you may be talking to. To do a side by side is so easy it is not even funny. But, you have to design, and define, control, etc. And most of all you have be willing to kill your sacred cow.

We design an experiment to prove it wrong. That's how confrontational science it. We don't set out to prove anything but to rule it out as a simple superstition. If a conjecture survives the attempt to stamp it out, then it can be accepted.

The Higgs Bosun qualifies. They almost blew up the Large Hadron Collider, to be able to rule out, all else we can think of.

De-foliation for yield does not qualify as there have been no experiments that count. First you must define define Yield per ?
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Well-Known Member
To clear things up. I am not a active defoliator, but if I was running high plant number sogs, then I would be. Other than a SOG or a really tight SCROG, I would not recommend it. I was just trying to say that defoliation does work if used in the right situation. If a test is going to be done, do a sog grow with lots of plants. One defoliated properly and the other left alone completely. Same veg times. You will most likely get a gram per watt under the defoliated side and much less under the non-defoliated side IMO. My point was in a 60 day turn around I was getting 1000 grams minimum per light, I can get 1000 grams per light with out defoliating, but using a bigger space and much longer turn around time.


Well-Known Member
Listen, Doer- I'm not trying to start an argument with you, I was trying to clarify that I was getting a nice yield of 100% usable buds (no popcorn whatsoever). Yes, leaves are good for making tinctures and oils, I agree. Everyone has their own needs at the end of a harvest. Everyone has their own growing methods to get to the end of the harvest as well. In my case, back 10 years ago, I was going for yield with a high quality bud. If I made anything, tinctures, oils, hash, I used bud. It was the best method for me to pull 5 pounds or so out of each of the 3.5x7' rooms. It was on rotation of 2 week harvests.


Well-Known Member
Next, define what the heck you mean by de-foliate in the first place.
I believe I have somewhere in this thread, I did not start this thread though, by the way. I just commented my experiences that I have had (and my friends have had) using the method and I keep getting shit on. Then I try to pull up pictures and I still get shit on. I think I am a pretty good grower, I'm not the best, but whatever, we all get better each grow. I, like UB, love the science behind the plants as well, so defoliating doesn't make sense to me! But I'm also open minded and when people say "no, it will fuck your plant up dumb fucker" all I say is "no, it won't" because I have had experience defoliating to a certain degree with great results.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I believe I have somewhere in this thread, I did not start this thread though, by the way. I just commented my experiences that I have had (and my friends have had) using the method and I keep getting shit on. Then I try to pull up pictures and I still get shit on. I think I am a pretty good grower, I'm not the best, but whatever, we all get better each grow. I, like UB, love the science behind the plants as well, so defoliating doesn't make sense to me! But I'm also open minded and when people say "no, it will fuck your plant up dumb fucker" all I say is "no, it won't" because I have had experience defoliating to a certain degree with great results.
Who the fuck did start this thread? lol


Well-Known Member
I define yield by the 2 month rule. If you get 1000 grams in 65 days per light, that is a gram per watt. If it takes 3 months, that would be .67g per watt. 4 months, .5gpw.


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck did start this thread? lol
lol I have no idea! I remember I came here to see what the results were but I'm assuming the OP fucked up his plants pretty bad or he would have the final results posted lol. Defoliation is not something that will work just by ripping leaves off and people really need to leave their leaves alone if not willing to have some serious issues. But when you have a bunch of plants, you have worked with the strains for a long time, you'll know what will hurt them or help them (yeah it sounds funny to say it helps them by ripping leaves off, i know :p ) it's really interesting to see what happens when done with the right plants with the right growing system.