whats your style?


Well-Known Member

I like black shirts and i like bright white shirts and shoes, not baggy..but not tight.
Around the house and whilst I'm working I always wear a white rabbit fur Russian hat and a bikini. It's good for the plants.

In all honesty; I think I look like a scruffy gardener (i dont even brush my hair) but when I go out in public I wear skinny jeans, long leather boots and a good coat. I love my coats! :)
I dress like a bulldyke mostly. Cargo pants, combat boots, and a weed motif shirt of some sorts, bandana or beanie and sometimes my harley chain wallet (got tired of loosing my shit, wallet). Thats usually how I dress when Im kickin it in my grow. When I go out on the town I dress in a tank, jacket , jeans and some boots (just incase I need to kick somebody in the face)oh, I always smell like weed (@dannyboy602 )
When in my village i dress like an animated cartoon during summer, black shorts and a grey or green tank top sometimes very rarely a tshirt. Whenever i have to driuve i like looking well dressed for the pigs.
Im pretty styleless tbh. I never know what clothes to buy.
Rigger boots, same pair of jeans for the last 4 months, T-shirt , hoody, leather jacket or belstaff depending on whether it's a 'posh" day or not.
Come summer I'll swap the jeans for long shorts. Maybe.