whats your style?


^ Except I usually wear a giant novelty sombrero. That bandana just looks tacky.
whatever i like?

i dunno professional at the day job. dress pants, blazers, blouses, proper shoes, fancy hand bags nice coat.

home or out in public skinny jeans flannel button up shirt, random video game tshirt, and a "leather jacket" or a green military style jacket with combat boots or knee high brown boots.... pretty chilled out usually.
I like to dress up as cop, and beat up people and steal their shit. Lol

Honestly fuck clothes, I garden butt ass naked most of the time..

Honestly tho, I dress really nice. Like a lawyer or doctor for deception purposes. When your appearance is appealing, it's easier to drive with weight cops don't think you're a thug ass druggie. By my appearance you'd never know I grow pot
When in my village i dress like an animated cartoon during summer, black shorts and a grey or green tank top sometimes very rarely a tshirt. Whenever i have to driuve i like looking well dressed for the pigs.
Im pretty styleless tbh. I never know what clothes to buy.

Yes but you know how to dress smart. I liked what you were wearing the other day and want my bf to wear a scarf too.

I think you dress well for the occasion ie. raving garms, driving outfit and work/club wear.