Well here is one possible formulation for Tissue Culture for Cannabis.
I would suggest reading "Plants from Test Tubes" by Holly Scoggins, its a good primer for TC.
Then read "Marijuana from Test Tubes" by Melinda Davis.
I would suggest reading these books in that order, it will help you to mix the agar plates as well as help with the basic concepts of TC. What light to use, hardening process.. etc.
MS = Murashgie & Skoog
Dont ask me what formulation of MS, there seems to be many variations of it in the Sigma Aldrich catalog for TC. I'll update this when I get things figgured out. And it seems to be a MS version on Amazon oddly enough.
There are a few versions, of TC in vitro but here's Melinda's Davis formula.
Verbatim.. (My kindle is on the fritz, Its from notes I scribbled down.)
Stage 1 from cutting / Stage 2 Divisions
1 MS with vitamins
2 Tablespoons sugar (sucrose)
.5ml IBA at 1mg/ml
9g/l Agar.
30 g/l Sucrose
Stage 3 Rooting
1 MS with vitamins
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 ML IBA 1mg/ml
1 ML TDZ @ .1mg/ml
9g/l Agar
30g/l sucrose
.5G/L Activated Charcoal.
I'll post something about the Chinese work (Wang 2009 Microprop of Hemp.) Be patient, but the formula is commercialy available.. just got to find that link again.
Now I understand there's quite a few kits out there, I'm trying to see if I can formulate it from Melindas formula, and this also helped me understand that the TC involves "stages". With 3rd being the rooting stage.
And I'm cheap,

I would think that it would be more economical to make my own...