Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Oh, and the East Indian culture of India I work along side everyday in Tech?

I detest it.

The white trash, trailer dog culture I grew up next to and was warned about the child predators. I detest it.

And I was never told some black man was gonna "snatch me into the bushes." That was saved for the muttering WHITE drunks, white hell kids and such.
So you hate
Arabs and Indians


Well-Known Member
I didn't go to the mods, they came to me, because you Stole my avatar whole cloth. It confused the poor stoners here. And I am sure many around here remember. I don't go dig quotes.

You announced you were leaving. Maybe someone else remembers, but if you don't you might need a doctor. That's fine. But, I can tell you, you were not missed. I can tell you I secretly understood completely, except the announcement part. And when I took a break I made sure not to say anything. You want to make the universe, laugh? Announce your plans.

When you came back, fine. Who cares? But, don't say everyone wants to see me gone. That is where you started this mealy mouth shit. You can't act like everyone hates me. They don't hate me anymore than the average train wreak they might pause to watch. :) Why? A train is Content.

I go out of my way to at least try to prove what I am talking about. You also provide links, but like last year with the Stolen Avatar Case, you simply get sick of me. I understand. Ignore me for a while. Catch your breath.
Never said I was leaving


Well-Known Member
Oh, and the East Indian culture of India I work along side everyday in Tech?

I detest it.

The white trash, trailer dog culture I grew up next to and was warned about the child predators. I detest it.

And I was never told some black man was gonna "snatch me into the bushes." That was saved for the muttering WHITE drunks, white hell kids and such.
i already told them how they poo..didn't believe me..had to run to pada for legit..we had a whole thread on it..think it was mine.


Well-Known Member
Never said I was leaving
Sure you did. You said it was too much for you. You had your head in RIU too much by your own standards. And had you not announced your plan, we would all have said, "where is he? is he coming back."


Well-Known Member
i already told them how they poo..didn't believe me..had to run to pada for legit..we had a whole thread on it..think it was mine.
Yes, the Indians wipe ass with bare left hand. Most of South Asia wipes ass with bare left hand. That is why left hand is taboo. Do not touch anything with your left hand, if you want to stay safe over there. Riots have broken out over this. Of course, riots will break over almost anything in India. Truly Amazing. When a screen actor died a few years ago, they closed down Mumbai, the rioters burned an IBM building. Why? This was an Actor famed for playing the God Rama in there endless deception of Hindu Mythology. They were simply having a hard time sorting out that he was just an Actor. Why IBM? Sort of the same way the Muslims see us. The Decadent West. The Hindu Govt buys MIGS and SCUDs from Russia while we arm Pakistan with F-16s and Patriot batteries. India is the largest Socialist Country by far. And it is the main reason we back Pakistan.
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Well-Known Member
I was talking to you, "young man."

(That's what we typically call teenagers.)

You know, maybe you are getting mixed up with the Avatar Copy gag, Chesus is pulling again. He posted that pic, not me. I just replied.

And thanks for thinking I am younger when I am not...unless the avi fake mixed you up.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the Indians wipe ass with bare left hand. Most of South Asia wipes ass with bare left hand. That is why left hand is taboo. Do not touch anything with your left hand, if you want to stay safe over there. Riots have broken out over this. Of course, riots will break over almost anything in India. Truly Amazing. When a screen actor died a few years ago, they closed down Mumbai, the rioters burned an IBM building. Why? This was an Actor famed for playing the God Rama in there endless deception of Hindu Mythology. They were simply having a hard time sorting out that he was just an Actor. Why IBM? Sort of the same way the Muslims see us. The Decadent West. The Hindu Govt buys MIGS and SCUDs from Russia while we arm Pakistan with F-16s and Patriot batteries. India is the largest Socialist Country by far. And it is the main reason we back Pakistan.


you're not gonna find that in wiki:wink:


Well-Known Member
So you're NOT a teenager? When are you actually going to grow up? :roll:

Taking sides again? Oh right, your other hat. The mocking dude of RIU, just one of us. Say, Rollie, all kidding aside, my standing bet goes for you.

I'll match IQ score and paycheck $$ with any of you, for a forfeit. I think we said a pound of gold, at one point. So, do you really think it matters to me, that I find you much more immature than I thought, at first? But, you are just one of us, right? :) So, no that doesn't matter to me.