Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

so you have submitted a CV to try to get a job?

Yes i applied not to long ago to the local council, but i did not even get an interview
some folk here believe its because i am white, as the local council employs a high proportion of minorities compared to private employers

i do not know what percentage of minority they are required to meet at the local council they tend to keep this kind of stuff quiet
unless i could 100% prove i did not get an interview because i am white, i am willing to accept the better suited person got the job
regardless of their race

these minorities would of mainly been Indian not black, so this does not really fit in with your agenda
although its pretty easy to distinguish English names from Indian names it would be easy for them to target who they wish before interview
i am sure they would put Indian before both black and white here in areas where there are lots of Indians its all about public image / political correctness
it was the same exact resume with different names on them.

why do you dipshits always attribute your own bigoted thoughts to others?

ginwilly does it all the time.

Did you even read my post you imbecile lol
i already told you several posts back where you were going with this nonsense
it is more likely i would not get a position here because my name does not sound indian

Are you going to talk about some employers favoring white sounding names ?

post #388

Try to keep up
Did you even read my post you imbecile lol
i already told you several posts back where you were going with this nonsense
it is more likely i would not get a position here because my name does not sound indian

post #388

Try to keep up
You won't get a job because you are an idiot. A hateful one
duke was trying to promote tolerance and inclusion, unlike you.

you clearly have no idea what imminent means.

and what do we tell the people that are ALREADY here?..prayer is a personal choice and the modern muslim-american can toddle over to their smart device and set their (not mine) alarm for their call to prayer as often as allah wills it!


and by the way..where are all the women during this "call to prayer"?

tolerance works both ways, bucky.
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why haven't you condemned bigeasy for killing as many arabs as he could because he hates them?

you must be an extremist.

by the way, haven't masturbated in days. i spent today building a walkway for my house.

not sure what your obsession is with that to be honest.

what obsession? masturbation? you? both?
Hey whiny pussy.
show me my quote where I announced I was leaving?
Hey remember when you went to the mods because I wore your avatar?

I didn't go to the mods, they came to me, because you Stole my avatar whole cloth. It confused the poor stoners here. And I am sure many around here remember. I don't go dig quotes.

You announced you were leaving. Maybe someone else remembers, but if you don't you might need a doctor. That's fine. But, I can tell you, you were not missed. I can tell you I secretly understood completely, except the announcement part. And when I took a break I made sure not to say anything. You want to make the universe, laugh? Announce your plans.

When you came back, fine. Who cares? But, don't say everyone wants to see me gone. That is where you started this mealy mouth shit. You can't act like everyone hates me. They don't hate me anymore than the average train wreak they might pause to watch. :) Why? A trainwreak is Content.

I go out of my way to at least try to prove what I am talking about. You also provide links, but like last year with the Stolen Avatar Case, you simply get sick of me. I understand. Ignore me for a while. Catch your breath.
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White privelege is very prominent in sentencing in this country.
So why don't you take your reverse discrimination poor oppressed white man ass over to stormfront where your views are accepted?

Sentencing? OMG!!! So do you mean making sentences or being condemned by the world?

Why don't you, (since you are so fond of giving orders,) why don't you go flush your hair in the toilet.
So dumb.

Yep, all white people are benefited by being white and all other people are disadvantaged for not being have some fucked up views. We are all in this together, not just the white ones.

You've become a caricature of Buck you poor oppressed welfare rat.

He has descended near madness but there is still hope. Whites Privileged? That doesn't compute.
Here is an article of the white underclass in America.



Almost all the homeless I see are white.
Fact is every group has hate for every other group the best we can do is stop griping and bitching n smoke a fucking joint and have a barbecue man
Exactly it is not race at all.

It is culture. The skinheads are white. I detest the culture, same with cowboys and yes, hillbillies. I detest the Country Club culture but can hang with Reggae crowd, all day.

White privilege and white guilt are not about white. It is only about the liberal culture which...wait for it....I detest.
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Oh, and the East Indian culture of India I work along side everyday in Tech?

I detest it.

The white trash, trailer dog culture I grew up next to and was warned about the child predators. I detest it.

And I was never told some black man was gonna "snatch me into the bushes." That was saved for the muttering WHITE drunks, white hell kids and such.