Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

Islamic women are inherently forgetful

Why is it that whenever witnesses are required in Islam, two women are required to take the place of only one man?

The Quran in Sura 2:282 says:

And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her.
colored people are responsible for the other most disgusting crimes in history.
The term white privilege is a term used by those suffering from "white guilt"
"white privilege" is a racist term as it implies all whites are privileged 100% of the time over any other race
White privelege is very prominent in sentencing in this country.
So why don't you take your reverse discrimination poor oppressed white man ass over to stormfront where your views are accepted?
history,do you not understand that what happens in the past shapes the future.blacks were called human monkeys,they were drawn as monkeys by racist white ppl.did blacks draw pictures of whites as monkeys,or lynch and hang them from there was no equality,and today there is still no real equality.many countries in this world are still extremely racist,so it seems like ppl dont want to drop this race bullshit.

And black people captured black people and sold them to white people. And black people had slaves and other colored people have had slavery and slaves.

Do you see the point yet??

Color isnt the driving factor in any of it.

But you dont want to believe that... LOL!!!

Look around the world right now. Look at the places that are primarily white and then look at the places that are not. Where are the wars, where is the starvation, where is the lawlessness, where is the intolerance... Just look around.

Your whole position is proven false simply by an examination of reality.

White people are not the worlds problems and they will not be the worlds solutions. We are just white people... No different than brown, black, yellow or whatever shade you may be...
I belive in the power of thoughts. Think negative get negative. Think positive. result positive.

with golf, i have a motto.

positive thoughts do not always lead to positive outcomes, but negative thoughts almost always lead to negative outcomes.

works the same in life.

hence why all these hateful bigots like kkkynes end up splitting rent with 9 family members while stocking the hostess products at walmart. or analexcess being a 50 year old overweight alcoholic who scrubs shit off pools.
Muslims treat women like hell, in general. And you defend them, in general. Without ever mentioning their treatment of women.

Wrap a towel around your head and look in the mirror. You'll be scared. Although you won't admit it.

Don't mention the honor killings in Pakistan, and other parts of the world
You poor oppressed white man.

What crawled up your ass lately? Did I piss in your cheerio's recently? Did I cause one of your girlfriends here an extra heavy menstrual period?

Seriously, if I dared say I was superior I would be racist but if I say we are equal somehow I am saying that we are oppressed? I guess everyone around the world is oppressed by the evil white people including white people. We are oppressing ourselves!!... Must be global warming and SCIENCE!!!
Lets just drop the race bullshit and move on. Oh, we cant, that's right because the government wont shut up about it... It creates a lot of the racial tension in this country either on purpose or through sheer stupidity...

says the racist idiot who called obama a halfrican just the other day.