Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

AA meetings provide drunks with a place to socialize. I can see the appeal as a nondrinker, but the long winded autobiographical group therapy part really doesn't seem to do me any good. Some people see it as cultish and I can see why they do, but I don't see it that way. It is supposed to appeal to fucked up people, otherwise it would be perfect lives anonymous.

so do those drug groups they get everyone to talk, then outside they're exchanging numbers to connect. no thank you. i did my commit and almost ran to my car after every meeting. AA/12-step is good if you believe in diety..but not for everyone..if you already believe in yourself really IS you.
Not to be a dick or anything, but your mom's choice to abuse alcohol is what killed her imo. Kinda like someone saying 'A gun killed. ....'. The gun didn't do it.

my mother ended dead at age 70..she had extreme dementia (not recognizing family or her mom) and died alone in an indigents hospital, ward of the state.

my mother also: was an artist and could create anything from charcoals, oil to needlepoint, knitting..she also held a Ph.d and was very successful business the late 90's she had a mini-stroke and kept right on going even though one of her eye was pointing inward (temporarily) and doctor telling her liver was mom was right in the AM..i can still hear the liquor cabinet open in the morning, the sound of ice tumbling into her glass, the vodka, the splash of OJ and she mixed it all up nice with a butter knife. time came where my daughters would soon understand. choices.

with any addiction, the drug eventually takes over. your brain is very powerful; it knows what it likes and will do anything to get it.
I did attend AA for a while but they are all about putting your life in gods hands.

My belief is that it is my life and I have to make the changes.

Quit drinking cold turkey 8-9 years ago now. Havent been to an AA meeting in over 10 years.

even though you are a dick:hug:..bravo!:clap:

+rep for cold turkey
it is ALWAYS a choice.

arguing otherwise is bullshit.

well when your brain tell your arms to do something or you'll do what your brain tells you.

no one needs to go cold turkey. they key is: short period of meds and your off (no lingering) hanging with "the group" exchanging numbers, nothing..stay away from the group..if you start with the group, you can kiss your recovery goodbye. the other thing that worked for me was changing my routine..not keeping my "new meds" where i kept my old meds. i met mreduck on another site read everything i could find that he posted (and it's a lot) on the subject. he helped me where my doctor did not..and i jumped off the subs like water off a ducks back..thought i'd go into some kind of massive WD..nope..nothing happened. i did do my recovery responsibly.
so do those drug groups they get everyone to talk, then outside they're exchanging numbers to connect. no thank you. i did my commit and almost ran to my car after every meeting. AA/12-step is good if you believe in diety..but not for everyone..if you already believe in yourself really IS you.

I have been to a few meetings, never read the material or did any steps. From what I can see, it doesn't feel churchy at all to me, I rejected it because I'm a shallow ass hole who can't stand being around a bunch of needy bipolars. I would rather get my therapy at the gym or scuba diving.
I did attend AA for a while but they are all about putting your life in gods hands.

My belief is that it is my life and I have to make the changes.

Quit drinking cold turkey 8-9 years ago now. Havent been to an AA meeting in over 10 years.

Good for you. I also never needed meetings and quit cold turkey. Quitting is quitting and a group of people doesn't quit for you.
I have been to a few meetings, never read the material or did any steps. From what I can see, it doesn't feel churchy at all to me, I rejected it because I'm a shallow ass hole who can't stand being around a bunch of needy bipolars. I would rather get my therapy at the gym or scuba diving.

they're not necessarily churchy but the literature is..mine dumped in the trash when i went home..then i felt guilty and thought maybe someone else could use the book.

that was your key..staying away from the group and doing/resume other activities even if you have to force yourself.
you gotta have a vice..leave the coffee or you'll just be hating on life..if you want to cut down mix half with reg and half/splash decaf (brewed).

Getting headaches from withdrawal from coffee is actually a disorder. One thing I carry on all my travels is a coffee press. I visited 10 countries in 2014 and coffee was always something I wanted to try. Honduras has the best coffee of all the places I saw in 2014. Even their cheap brand "Cafe Oro" is great. So while it is something I very much enjoy and that I have been easily able to control by having only one cup a day (currently sipping a pressed cup of illy whole bean espresso) and I always drink a glass of water before.

If I try to quit, I get unbearable headaches that will not go away for anything but caffiene. It is a good thing I enjoy drinking it.
Getting headaches from withdrawal from coffee is actually a disorder. One thing I carry on all my travels is a coffee press. I visited 10 countries in 2014 and coffee was always something I wanted to try. Honduras has the best coffee of all the places I saw in 2014. Even their cheap brand "Cafe Oro" is great. So while it is something I very much enjoy and that I have been easily able to control by having only one cup a day (currently sipping a pressed cup of illy whole bean espresso) and I always drink a glass of water before.

If I try to quit, I get unbearable headaches that will not go away for anything but caffiene. It is a good thing I enjoy drinking it.
it's good to see you have submitted to your Higher Power and recognize that you are helpless before it.

so do those drug groups they get everyone to talk, then outside they're exchanging numbers to connect. no thank you. i did my commit and almost ran to my car after every meeting. AA/12-step is good if you believe in diety..but not for everyone..if you already believe in yourself really IS you.

LOL!!! So you had a DUI eh?

I was never FORCED to go. LOL!
You people are a bunch of weirdos.

Meetings not to drink?

Just don't put the glass to your lips.

I bet you all have "therapists" too.

Americans are so kooky and self obsessed...